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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 57 issue 3 (march 2023) : 273-281

Genetic Diversity Identification and Haplotype Distribution of Myostatin Gene in Goats

Cheng-Li Liu1, Ri-Su Na1, Wei-Wei Ni1, Guang-Xin E1, Yan-Guo Han1, Yan Zeng1, Xiao Wang1, Shu-Zhu Cheng1, Bai-Gao Yang1, Xing-Hai Duan1, Ze-Hui Guo1, Yong-Fu Huang1,*
1College of Animal Science and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing, China.
Cite article:- Liu Cheng-Li, Na Ri-Su, Ni Wei-Wei, E Guang-Xin, Han Yan-Guo, Zeng Yan, Wang Xiao, Cheng Shu-Zhu, Yang Bai-Gao, Duan Xing-Hai, Guo Ze-Hui, Huang Yong-Fu (2023). Genetic Diversity Identification and Haplotype Distribution of Myostatin Gene in Goats . Indian Journal of Animal Research. 57(3): 273-281. doi: 10.18805/IJAR.B-1305.
Background: Myostatin (MSTN) is a highly conserved protein that acts as a negative regulator of skeletal muscle growth. MSTN gene is closely associated with multiple biological functions and its mutations are directly linked to muscle development in different species. Loss of MSTN functionality causes the phenotype to appear in the form of ‘double musculature’, among others in cattle, sheep and house mice.

Methods: The mixed DNA pool of Boer and Dazu black goats to sequence MSTN coding and noncoding regions. Snapshot typing technology was used to analyse three goat production types, namely, Boer (meat goats), Nubian (breast and meat dual-use goat), Dazu black (local breeds) and Youzhou black goats (local breeds). Polymorphic loci in MSTN were used from four goat populations to construct haplotypes and calculate haplotype frequency distribution through NETWORK and MEGA to construct a phylogenetic tree and visualize phylogenetic relationship.

Result: From these populations, 18 haplotypes were constructed using 20 polymorphic loci. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a significant difference in the haplotype distribution of MSTN in different goat production types. The 18 haplotypes were divided into two clusters. The haplotypes carried by the Boer goat belonged to Cluster I and those carried by the Nubian goat and two local goat breeds belonged to both clusters. Chinese local goats and complex production goats carried more haplotypes of MSTN and had a richer genetic diversity than other production types did. Moreover, local and complex production goats had high-frequency haplotypes of the MSTN of meat goats and had high potential for breeding.
MSTN is a member of the TGF-β family and has a highly conserved signal peptide, a TGF-β functional peptide, a hydrolysis site (RARR) and nine strictly conserved cysteins (Liu et al., 2016; Huang et al., 2016; Hu et al., 1998). The core region of TGF-β family members is highly conserved. When mutation causes changes in the core region, the gene’s biological activity decreases significantly (Bloise et al., 2019; Hu et al., 1998). When two cysteine molecules in the activin A core region are replaced with tyrosine, the biological activity and receptor binding of the mutant monomer are only 2% of those of wild-type activin A (Mason et al., 1994). When mutations occur in the 175–180 nt region of exon 3 of MSTN of mice, the disulphide bond of the mature peptide of MSTN is destroyed and the protein structure is consequently changed. The missing protein binding site in the MSTN mutant protein affects its ability to bind to the receptor (Chen et al., 2019).

MSTN has a role in muscle development. In Belgian Texel sheep, New Zealand Texel sheep, Australian Texel sheep and other types of sheep, the mutation of g.+6723G> A in MSTN leads to increased muscle and reduced fat (Haynes et al., 2013; Johnson et al., 2009; Kijas et al., 2007; Clop et al., 2006). F94L mutants are found in MSTN of Limousin cattle, Angus cattle and a hybrid of these two and the birth weights of these mutant individuals increase by 2.7%, 2.2% and 3.2%, respectively, compared with those of wild-type individuals (Lee et al., 2019). F94 sites influence the marbling score, eye muscle area and fat thickness of cattle (Bennett et al., 2019). Knocking out MSTN via gene editing techniques can lead to skeletal muscle hypertrophy, whereas overexpressing it can cause muscle atrophy (Wang et al., 2018; Guo et al., 2016; Rodriguez et al., 2014). MSTN is also a negative regulator inhibiting muscle growth during muscle development and implicated in fat synthesis and glucose metabolism (Zhang et al., 2018). Its knockdown in C2C12 myoblasts can diminish lipid formation in myoblasts and regulate the fat content to induce the expression of related genes (Gao et al., 2019). After MSTN of goats is knocked out, the expression of related genes (SCD and ELOVL6) formed via fatty acid metabolism and unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis changes and through the AMPK signalling pathway to enhance the ratio of AMP/ATP and regulate glucose and lipid metabolism (Xin et al., 2020).

Studies on ovine have verified that numerous genetic variations in MSTN are significantly associated with growth and carcass traits (Zhang et al., 2013). However, the distribution of MSTN polymorphic loci in goats with different production types is poorly investigated. In the present study, Boer, Nubian and local Dazu and Youzhou black goats were used to determine the regional genetic variation in MSTN. Additionally, the distribution differences in MSTN polymorphic loci and their haplotypes were compared in goat populations with different production types.
In this study, blood samples of 20 goats with no kinship were randomly selected (10 Dazu black goats and 10 Boer goats with equal numbers of males and females) to extract their genomic DNA with phenol–chloroform (Sambrook and Russell 2006). The same amount of DNA from 10 goats from each of the two breeds was mixed with the mixed DNA pool. Nine pairs of amplification primers covering partial regulatory regions, gene coding regions and introns of goats were designed in accordance with the published MSTN information (GenBank: JF312048.1 and JX078969.1). Primers were synthesised by Tianyi Huiyuan Biological Technology Company in China and the information of primers is shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Primer information of the large PCR-amplified fragment of MSTN.

PCR was performed using a PCR kit (Tiangen Biochemical Technology Company, Beijing) for PCR amplification. The reaction system (50 μL) consisted of the following: 5 μL of 10× Taq buffer, 4 μL of 2.5 mM dNTP mixture, 0.5 μL of 2.5 U/μL DNA polymerase, 1 μL of upstream primer F, 1 μL of downstream primer R, 1 μL of DNA and 37.5 μL of ddH2O. The reaction conditions were as follows: initial denaturation at 95°C for 5 min, denaturation at 95°C for 30 s, annealing for 30 s, extension at 72°C for 1 min, 35 times of recycling, extension at 72°C for 10 min and preservation at 4°C before use. PCR products were detected through agarose gel electrophoresis and sent to Tianyi Huiyuan Company (Wuhan) for sequencing.

A total of 148 female goats (48 Boer goats [Australia Boer goat conservation field, Australia], 40 Nubian goats [Nubian goat conservation field, Yunnan, China], 35 Youzhou black goats [Youyang, China] and 25 Dazu black goats [Dazu, China]) were chosen to determine all the mutation sites in the selected MSTN. Nineteen sites of all individuals (the above sequencing results) were typed using SNPshot technology. Sanger technology was employed to process the genotypes in Snp_3710, Snp4728 and 10 mutation sites within snp5426–Snp5620. The primers are shown in Table 2 and the information of PCR primers used in Snapshot technology detection is displayed in Table 3.

Table 2: Primer information of MSTN 19 SNPs genotyping by Snapshot in four goat breeds.

Table 3: Primer information of 10 SNPs of MSTN genotyped via Sanger sequencing in four goat breeds.

Chromas software was utilised to view and edit a Sanger sequencing peak map (Li et al., 2003). MEGA5.1 was applied to construct a sequence assembly, sequence alignment and a phylogenetic tree (Dehghan and Yarizade, 2014); DNAsp 5.0 software was used to calculate the number of alleles in mutation sites and construct haplotypes (Librado et al., 2009). NETWORK software was employed for haplotype frequency distribution and phylogenetic relationship visualization (Liang et al., 2018).
Identification of the Gene Diversity of MSTN
According to the mixed DNA pool sequence, 29 single nucleotide polymorphic sites were identified in the MSTN sequence (Table 4). Among them, one single nucleotide mutation site was in the 52  UTR, two were in exon 1, one was in exon 2, five were in intron 1 and the 20 remaining single nucleotides were in intron 2. Twenty disparate sites were found between Dazu and Boer goats. One mutation site was in the regulatory region and the 19 remaining mutation sites were in the intron region.

Table 4: 29 SNPs in the full- length DNA mixed pool sequence of MSTN of Boer and Dazu black goats.

Haplotype Distribution
Statistical analysis revealed that polymorphism appeared in 20 out of 29 mutation sites in all the four goat breeds. About 18–20 SNP sites were detected in Nubian and local Chinese goats and only five SNPs were found in Boer goats (Table 5).

Table 5: Mutation type of 20 SNPs of MSTN in four goat breeds.

Among the 148 goats, 20 mutation sites constituting 18 haplotypes were found. The haplotypes in different breeds had diverse frequency and distribution. For instance, haplotype H_2 in the four populations accounted for 54.05% of the total number of haplotypes. However, most of the haplotypes did not have high frequencies. Only 1/3 of the haplotypes in one population were unique and the rest had excessively low frequencies. H_18 only appeared in Dazu black goats and its frequency was 0.3%. According to the types of haplotypes in each goat population, the Nubian goats carried the most haplotypes of up to 15. Among them, H_9, H_12, H_13 and H_14 were unique and constituted less than 1% of the total sample in Nubian goats. Dazu black goats possessed eight haplotypes among which H_17 and H_18 were unique with frequencies of 1.0% and 0.3%, respectively. Boer goats had six haplotypes; among them, H_3 only appeared in this breed and accounted for 1% of the total number. Youzhou black goats had five haplotypes and no unique haplotype (Table 6 to8 ).

Table 6: Comparison of the MSTN haplotype frequency of four goat breeds.

Table 7: Estimation of the best fitting model of the phylogenetic relationship in 18 haplotypes.

Table 8: Nucleotide composition of 18 haplotypes in 20 SNPs.

Haplotype network and phylogeny clustering distribution maps revealed that the 18 haplotypes could be divided into two clusters (Best Fitting Model, Table S1). Cluster I included 10 haplotypes, namely, H_1, H_2, H_3, H_4, H_5, H_6, H_10, H_11, H_1 and H_15. Cluster II included eight haplotypes, namely, H_7, H_8, H_9, H_12, H_13, H_16, H_17 and H_18. According to their distribution, the haplotypes in Boer goats were classified as Cluster I and those carried by Nubian goats, Dazu black goats and Youzhou black sheep belonged to both clusters (Fig 1).

Fig 1: (a) Median joining network of 18 haplotypes of MSTN from four goat breed (n=148) samples, based on DNA sequences (MSTN); (b) maximum-likelihood (ML) phylogenetic tree of MSTN constructed with MEGA 5.0 by using the sequences of MSTN from four goat breeds, regions (n=148) in this study and the sequences available in GenBank. The scale bar represented the inferred substitutions per nucleotide site. The relative supports of the clades in the tree produced from the ML analyses were indicated above and below the branches, respectively.

The genetic diversity of MSTN in goats has been widely studied. However, the polymorphism of MSTN varies in different goat populations. Li et al. (2006a) detected seven polymorphic loci in the intron 2 of 24 goat populations. Liu (2006) discovered eight polymorphic loci in Chinese local breeds. One polymorphic locus is in 52  UTR, one is in exon 1 and six are in intron 2. Li et al. (2006b) found eight SNPs in intron 2 and exon 3 of 22 goat breeds and they include seven SNPs in intron 2 and one SNP in exon 3. Some scholars revealed only 1 to 2 polymorphic sites in exon 3 of local and commercial goat breeds here and abroad (Khichar et al., 2016; Min et al., 2015; Wang et al. 2008). All these reports are in accordance with the present findings. Most polymorphic loci are assembled in intron 2. Other sequences, especially in exon 2, where no mutation sites have been found, are rarely mutated. This finding indicated differences in the conservative property of diverse MSTN regions. With respect to the total number of SNPs, the number of SNPs in MSTN of Nubian goats, Youzhou black goats and Dazu black goats is higher than that of Boer goats and others. These three breeds had rich genetic diversity and hence had a high breeding value.

MSTN gene polymorphic loci play an important role in the growth of goats. Mutations in nucleotides at different positions in MSTN sequence result in disparate characters in goats. For instance, a polymorphic locus detected in the MSTN gene of Boer and Anhui white goats is associated with goat weight at 12 months of age, body length and height at withers (Zhang et al. 2013). For the T/C mutation at base 3783 in intron 2 of MSTN of Haimen goats, its polymorphism substantially influences the goat’s birth weight (p<0.01; Zhang 2009). Furthermore, the function of the same polymorphic locus differs in various goat populations. The insertion and deletion of 5 bp TTTTA in the 5¢  UTR of MSTN are observed in Boer goats, Inner Mongolia White Cashmere goats and Shaanbei White Cashmere Goat and this mutation site is prominently relevant to the growth of goats, especially to the chest depth, height and chest circumference of Inner Mongolia White Cashmere goats and Shaanbei White Cashmere goats. However, studies have yet to determine if the site has the same genetic effect in other populations (Bi et al., 2020a; Bi et al., 2020b; Zhang et al., 2012). These studies have illustrated that MSTN plays an important role in the growth and development of goats and is inseparable from the multifunctional polymorphic sites crucial in goat breeding. Additionally, MSTN has abundant genetic diversity, which is important in breeding various types of goats.

A large number of MSTN gene polymorphic loci functioning in goat growth should be explored in detail. However, polymorphic loci follow the general distribution pattern after haplotypes in Boer goats, Nubian goats, Youzhou black goats and Dazu black goats are constructed. The haplotype distribution in Boer goats is concentrated, whereas the distribution in the three other goat breeds is highly scattered. A similar situation is observed in sheep. Fifteen SNP sites with 12 haplotypes are detected in MSTN of local Chinese sheep breeds (9) and imported sheep breed. Haplotype VIII is a haploid homozygous in all-meat or meat/wool sheep. Haplotype I is only distributed in skin type and skin/meat type goat breeds (Gong et al., 2009). Polymorphic loci are discovered in MSTN of Yanqi horse and Yili horse and they have three genotypes: AA, AG and GG. This site deviates from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. The correlation analysis of different genotypes and body size traits shows that the chest circumference of GG and AG types of Yanqi horse is significantly longer than that of AA type (p<0.05). The body length of the GG-type Yili horse is longer than that of AA type. The chest circumference of the GG type is remarkably longer than that of the AG and AA types (Han 2015). Meanwhile, 11 polymorphic loci with 12 haplotypes are found in MSTN of commercial and local breed chickens. Haplotypes are closely related to the body weight of chicken on days 1, 14, 28 and 42 and carcass traits on day 42 (Dushyanth et al., 2016). The ~622 bp A/T mutation in the 52  UTR of MSTN is associated with the economic traits of Boer goats and three other local goats (Lubei White, Laoshan Dairy and Wendeng Dairy goats). The CC genotype is primarily concentrated in the Boer goat population and TT is mainly concentrated in the three local populations; the weaning weight and net meat weight of the CC-type individuals are significantly higher than those of TT types (Min et al., 2015).

Different genotypes or haplotypes have disparate distributions in animal populations with different production types. This result implies that a dominant genotype is gradually achieved. This finding is consistent with the breeding expectations of long-term artificial selection. Boer goat is the best meat goat breed in the world and its haplotypes related to economic traits accumulate through long-term artificial selection. As local indigenous goat breeds, Dazu and Youzhou black goats are bred through natural selection and environmental adaptability without powerful manual selection. The lactation and meat performance of Nubian goats, as a milk/meat dual type, are achieved through artificial breeding (Kholif et al., 2018). However, the emphasis on production speed and meat production is weaker than the selection pressure of Boer goats because they are bred for their meat and milk. As a result, the genetic diversity of the selected genomic regions related to traits varies.
In this research, the genetic diversity of a large number of MSTN was identified and an in-depth understanding of the conservative property and polymorphism of the coding and noncoding sequences of MSTN was provided. This study revealed that the haplotypes related to economic traits were concentrated in meat goat breeds by employing different goat populations of disparate production types and analysing the haplotype of MSTN. The haplotypes in local and breast/meat dual-use goat breeds were rarely selected and their MSTN had a high genetic diversity. Their haplotypes included those of meat goats, which showed potential for further breeding to some extent. This study provided a reference for future research on the function of MSTN, the development of effective breeding markers in goat breeding and MSTN to improve valuable production traits after mutations.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This work was supported by the Characteristic Germplasm Resources Population Selection and Innovation on Mutton Sheep and Goats (No. 2015BAD03B05), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31172195), Chongqing Research Program of Basic Research and Frontier Technology (cstc2018jcyjAX0153) and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (XDJK2018B014 and XDJK2017A003).

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