The research work was conducted following the animal ethics rule and the ethical committee of Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) (Memo no. -CVASU/Dir (R&E) EC/2015/799, Date 05/07/2017).
Study area, animal and production traits in relation to colour
The field study was conducted in the three locations of Patia upazila (sub-district) of Chittagong district and the molecular study was done in the lab of Poultry Research and Training Centre (PRTC) at CVASU of Bangladesh. The research was conducted under the Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding at Chittogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh from March 2017 to May 2018. A total of 240 households (80 household from each location and having at least 3 chickens) from the Badamtal (location 1), Kusumpura (location 2) and Kolagaon (location 3) areas of Potia upazila (sub district) of Chattogram district was directly surveyed by the researchers and field assistant. All the locations had a similar ambient temperature, humidity, bird management protocols and feed used. Colour was recorded and divided into three different colour morph classes (Black and white, brownish and spotted), whilst comb type (predominantly single) and body shape (round and cylindrical) were also selected. Production traits, consisted of mature live weight (g), clutch size (number of days spent laying) and egg weight (g) were recorded. Mature live weight (g) was taken with top loading balance at the chicken’s age about 40 to 42 weeks of age of the chicken.
External and internal egg characteristics
Fifty eggs from each variety of chicken from each location were collected. Eggs were cleansed, measured and weighed using digital electronic balance (Model: DWA-224, Dawer Scales India Private Limited) and recorded. Egg-width and egg-length were measured using Vernier slide calipers (Mitutoyo Corp, Japan). An egg shape index was calculated according to
Yakuba et al., (2008) as:
Eggs shell surface area was determined according to
Carter (1975) as,
Surface area =3.9782 × egg weight (g)0.7056.
The thickness of the egg shell was determined using a micrometer screw gauge (Mitotoyo Corp, Japan). The accuracy of shell thickness dimensions was ensured by measuring shell samples at the broad end, the mid-portion and the narrow end of each egg. Each egg was broken and the yolk and the albumen were weighed and separated. The albumen and yolk height were determined using a spherometer (RAC Expots, Haryana, India); the albumen height was measured in the middle of the thick albumen equidistant from the outer edge of the albumen and the yolk using Vernier slide calipers (Mitutoyo Corp, Japan). Both albumen and yolk ratios of each egg were determined as:
In order to correct for the difference in egg weight, the albumen height was converted into Haugh units (
Haugh 1937), Haugh unit = 100 log (H + 7.6- 1.7W
0.37), where, H = Observed height of the albumen in millimetres and W = Weight of egg in grams.
Molecular analysis of PMEL17
Molecular characterisation of the
PMEL17 gene was performed in three colour morphs: black and white single round (variety 1), brownish single round (variety 2) and spotted single round (variety 3) chickens. Blood samples were collected from 60 laying hens (variety 1, n=20, variety 2, n=10 and variety 3, n=30). DNA was extracted from the whole blood samples using the FavorPrep
TM blood genomic DNA extraction mini kit (FAVORGEN biotech corporation, Taiwan) and stored at -20°C. Exon 6 of the PMEL17 gene was then amplified using the following PCR primers (forward primer: GTGGATGTGACACAGCTGGA-3´, reverse primer: R-5´-GGAGCATCACCACCTGA-3´), with a resulting product size of 542bp. PCR products were cleaned using 2μl of ExoSAP-IT (enzyme: ExoASP-IT) per sample.
Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) and agarose gel electrophoresis
A total of 25µl (12.5µl mastermix, 2.5µl each primers (forward and reverse), buffer 5µl and 2.5µl DNA template) PCR mix was prepared (FavorPrep
TM). The PCR amplification was conducted in a MJ PTC-200 per litre. Thermal cycler or a Bio-Red C 1000 thermal cycler with an initial denaturation at 95°C for 10 minutes, followed by 50 cycles of denaturation at 95°C for 30s, annealing for 30s at the 65°C, a primary extension at 72°C for 2 minutes, and a final extension at 72°C for 10 minutes. The PCR products were electrophoresed on 2.5% agarose gel (Lonza USA) at 90 V for 1.5 to 2h and stained with ethidium bromide and their sizes were estimated using a 100-bp DNA ladder. The amplified PCR band pattern was visualized by on a UV trans-illuminator and photographed in a computer.
Gene sequencing, scoring, alignment and detection of mutation
A 5μl aliquot of a post-PCR reaction product was mixed with 2μl of ExoSAP-IT (enzyme: ExoASP-IT). This combined 7μl reaction volume was incubated at 37°C for 15 minutes to degrade the remaining primers and nucleotides. Finally, the ExoSAP-IT enzymatic reaction mixed sample was inactivated by incubation at 80°C for 15 minutes. The purified PCR products were Sanger-sequenced with a big dye terminator v3.1 sequencing kit and a 3730xl automated sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). Nucleotide sequences were thereafter determined on both strands of PCR amplification products at the Macrogen sequencing facility (Macrogen Inc., Seoul, Korea) using an ABI PRISM 3730xl Analyzer (96 capillary type). Eight best sequences from each chicken variety of the
PMEL17 gene, including DNA, were taken and from the NCBI information gene bank and using the tool BLAST on the website, similar sequences, their similarity score and possible mutations were investigated using MEGA6 software package
(Tamura et al., 2013).
Statistical analysis
The least square means of the different recorded parameters on the basis of the chicken variety and location using PROC GLM and PROC MIXED of SAS (2008) followed by randomized block design (RBD). Mean differences were compared using least significant difference (lsd) test at the 5% level of significance.