Animal procurement
The Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Research Ethics Committee approved all procedures in this study (permission number:291, 03/05/2017). 10 Honamli and 8 Hair goats of 2-2.5 years old in their 2
nd pregnancy were used because, the Honamlý goat flocks were consisting of goats with 2-2.5-year-old goats readily available at Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Agriculture, Livestock and Food Application and Research Centre. The average weight of 72 ± 5 kg for Honamli and 60 ± 4 kg for Hair goats. Hair goat group was consisting of goat with similar age to that of Honamli goats and owned by private producer. Both Honamli and Hair Goat Flocks fed in a semi-extensive herd (pasture and integration with concentrate). The both farms were located in the Burdur province where in Western Mediterranean Region of Turkey. The colostrum samples were collected within an hour 1
st sample after parturition and were subsequently taken at daily intervals from the goats for 5 days between March and April 2018.
Collection of colostrum samples
The animals were fed
ad libitum with grass silage and with concentrates or hay and had water from the pen system. Also, the animals were not given nutritional supplements before parturition and selected animals were separated from the rest of flock with single birth. Before collecting colostrum samples, udders of each goat washed with water and dried it using paper towels. The colostrum samples were taken with hand milked and were stored in clean and dry sterile 50 ml Falcon tubes and were transported under refrigeration conditions to the laboratory where samples were frozen -80°C until analysis. Before analysis, colostrum samples were thawed after attaining 37°C in water. Control milk samples were collected approximately 20th day postpartum.
Measurement of TAC levels in goat colostrum by the ABTS method
Total antioxidant activity of colostrum samples was measured using the ABTS test
(Re et al., 1999) with slight modifications. Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) is one of the assays applied for the determination of the antioxidant capacity of variety of food stuff including milk
(Zulueta et al., 2007). The stock solution of ABTS radicals was prepared by mixing potassium persulfate solution (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) (2.6 mM) with the ABTS solution (7 mM) (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and this mixture was stored in dark at room temperature for 12 hours. The working solution was prepared by diluting the stock solution with chromatographic grade methanol (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) to a final absorbance of 1.1 ± 0.002 at 734 nm. After colostrum samples (0.3 mL) were mixed with 2.7 mL of working solution, they were incubated at room temperature for 30 min. Immediately after centrifugation at 12,000 ´ g for 2 min at room temperature. Absorbance’s of clear solutions were measured at 734 nm against methanol (blank) by a spectrophotometer (Optizen Pop, Mecasys Co., Ltd., Korea). The antioxidant capacity of the goat colostrum samples was expressed as Trolox®equivalent (TE) (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid (Fluka, St. Louis, MO, USA) antioxidant capacity (TEAC). TEAC was measured duplicate and mean value was given for each colostrum sample. Calibration curve was obtained with the average of two parallels corresponding to blank, 25, 20, 16.6, 10 and 5 µM μmol / L Trolox solutions. The equation of the line used was y = -0,0347x + 1,0853 with an R² = 0,9997. The absorbance readings were recorded at 734 nm after the 30 min of inhibition period. The results were expressed as mmol of Trolox equivalent (TE) per liter of colostrum sample.
TPCs analysis of colostrum samples
The spectrophotometric Folin-Ciocalteu method (
Folin and Ciocalteu, 1927) according to Singleton and Rossi (
Singleton and Rossi, 1965) was used to determine the total phenolic contents of colostrum samples, using gallic acid (Fluka, St. Louis, MO, USA) as a standard. The working solution included the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) reagent (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and distilled water (1:10, v/v). After sample or standard (1 mL) was mixed with FC working solution (5 mL) and incubated for 3 min, 4 mL of sodium carbonate (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) (75 g/L) was added. This mixture was incubated in the dark for 2 hours at room temperature, followed by the centrifugation for 2 min at 12,000 g. Gallic acid (GA) was used to obtain the calibration curve which was prepared using as standard with concentrations of blank, 25, 50, 62 and 100 mg/L. The linear equation was y= 0,026x + 0,0215, with a R
2= 0.995. Absorbance values were determined by a spectrophotometer at 760 nm against distilled water. Results were expressed as mg GA equivalents (GAE) per liter of colostrum samples. Both the tests were carried out in duplicate on each goat colostrum and milk sample.
Statistical analysis
Statistically significant differences among means were determined by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the SAS software program (The SAS System for Windows 9.0, Chicago, USA). The Duncan’s multiple range test was conducted for the separation of means with significant differences at α=0.05 level.