Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 54 issue 8 (august 2020) : 1049-1054

Modeling of Ambient Environment and Thermal Status Relationship of Pig’s Body in a Pig Barn

Jayanta Kumar Basak, Elanchezhian Arulmozhi, Fawad Khan, Frank Gyan Okyere, Jihoon Park, Hyeon Tae Kim
1Department of Bio-systems Engineering, Gyeongsang National University (Institute of Agriculture and Life Science), Jinju 52828, Korea.
Cite article:- Basak Kumar Jayanta, Arulmozhi Elanchezhian, Khan Fawad, Okyere Gyan Frank, Park Jihoon, Kim Tae Hyeon (2020). Modeling of Ambient Environment and Thermal Status Relationship of Pig’s Body in a Pig Barn. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 54(8): 1049-1054. doi: 10.18805/ijar.B-1186.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of temperature model (T model), relative humidity model (H model), temperature-humidity model (TH model), and temperature-humidity index model (THI model) in predicting pig’s body surface temperature (PBT). Infrared Sensor (IR) was used to measure PBT at different locations: left side (LS), right side (RS), forehead (FH) and back side (BS). Ambient environmental parameters inside the room such as temperature (ART), relative humidity (RRH) and CO2 concentration were measured using livestock environment management system (LEMS). THI model was selected as the best model in making more accurate prediction in both training (R2=0.72, RMSE=0.80, RSE=0.26 and MAPE=2.08) and validation (R2=0.74, RMSE=1.10, RSE=0.40 and MAPE=2.80) stages. For more precise modeling, apart from temperature and humidity data other environmental factors inside pig’s barn (CO2 concentration, wind speed, air pressure etc.) as well as growth factors (body weight, feed intake etc.) may be included in models.
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