Montenegrin population of Balkan goat breed reared under semi-extensive conditions is relatively low productive breed with average milk yield of 150.43 kg in lactation lasted 211.09 days (Table 1). However, very wide range of milk yield variation (from 67.4 kg to 260.2 kg) suggests that this breed could achieve significantly better production results, by appropriate selection even in the existing population. Much higher milk yield was determined by
Bogdanović et al., (2010) for Balkan goat breed reared in Serbia, where the rearing conditions were generally better, as well as
Kominakis et al., (2000) for Greek dairy Skopelos breed reared in semi-intensive conditions. Similar results were reported by
Memisi et al., (2004) and
Kume et al., (2012) for local goat breeds reared in the region of South East Europe (Kosovo and Albania) under extensive condition. Much lower daily milk yield and milk yield in total lactation were obtained for indigenous goat breeds reared in arid or semi-arid condition of Asia and Africa (
Alkass and Merkhan, 2011;
Mia et al., 2014. and
Rout et al., 2017).
The mean values of fat and protein content (3.35% and 3.29%) were lower than the results reported for Italian local breeds Girgentina, Maltese, Jonica and Mediteranean Red
(Curro et al., 2019 and
Carnicella et al., 2008). Regarding milk composition, our results for fat, protein and SNF content were in agreement with the results of
Mioè et al., (2007) and
Zazharska et al., (2018) for Alpine, Saanen or Anglo Nubian breeds. Our results confirm that Montenegrin population of Balkan goat breed possesses very important biological variability, typical for autochthonous breeds, which can be used for improvement of milk production traits.
Effect of flock, lactation and strain on MY and DIL
High statistical significance of Model 1 showed that the observed factors explained significant part of the phenotypic variability of MY and DIL (Table 2). These two traits were significantly affected (P<0.001) by flock and consecutive lactation, while effect of strain or genetic group was not significant (P>0.05). Obtained determination coefficient (R
2) for DIL and total MY is very low (0.295 and 0.391) that corresponds to generally low heritability for these traits. Wide range of variation in MY among flocks (from 129.3 kg to 171.7 kg) indicates different level of applied selection and different rearing conditions in the flocks (Table 3). As expected, MY and DIL were increased from first to third lactation and decreased in subsequent lactations. Very low milk yield in first lactation (only 110.3 kg) was a consequence of too early first mating of females, at age of 9 to 10 months. Lower milk production in the first lactation is in agreement with results obtained in Mediterranean, North-European and Mexican breeds
(Fernandez et al., 2002; Macciotta et al., 2005), as well as with results of
Mavrogenis et al., (2006) for Damascus goats in Cyprus. Similar to our results, significant effect of flock and consecutive lactation on MY and DIL reported also
Goetsch et al., (2011) and
Mia et al., (2014).
Effect of the observed factors on DMY and milk composition
The applied model showed that flock, stage of lactation, interactions of these two factors and random effect of animals significantly affected DMY and milk composition (Table 2). Consecutive lactation significantly affected only DMY. The coefficient of determination (R
2) for milk composition parameters was ranged from 0.478 for fat to 0.506 for SNF content and for daily milk yield (0.675). It means that larger part of variations explained by the applied model and that is in accordance with the results of
Ciapresoni et al., (2004), Bogdanović et al., (2010).
Daily milk yield and milk composition significantly varied across the observed flocks (P<0.05). These differences caused by different rearing conditions, nutrition and level of applied selection in the flocks. DMY in the first lactation (0.54 kg) was significantly lower than in the subsequent lactations (P≤0.05) (Table 3). Regarding milk composition, there were no significant differences between lactations (P>0.05). These results are in accordance with results of Memisi
et al., (2004) for Balkan goat at Kosovo and
Upadhyay et al., (2014) for Indian local goat breeds.
Stage of lactation had the strongest effect on variation of DMY and milk composition. DMY was increased from the first to the second test day and after that it has slowly been decreased to the end of lactation (Fig 1). Fat content has been increased from the beginning to the end of lactation, with significant differences between each consecutive test days (P<0.05), while the protein and SNF content were relatively stable in the first half of lactation (approximately up to 120 days) and after that these components have been constantly increased to the end of lactation (Fig 1). These trends of protein and SNF content are in agreement with the results of
Antunac et al., (2001). Similar to our results, significant effect of flock on DMY, fat and protein content was obtained in the research conducted by Ciapresoni (2004) for Czech shorthair breed.
Effect of genotype of alpha S1 casein on DMY and milk composition
The results of genotyping of alpha S1 casein gene showed presence of three genotypes (AA, AF and FF) and domination of “strong” allele A (0.633) which related to the higher protein content in milk over “weak” F allele (0.367). The model 3 showed that genotype alpha S1 casein had no significant effect on DMY, while significantly affected milk components. Relatively high level of determination (R2), ranged from 0.522 for fat content to 0.655 for DMY (Table 2), indicates that applied model described more than 50% of total variation. Goats with AA genotype of alpha S1 casein had significantly lower DMY, than FF genotype (Table 4). On the other side, AA genotype had higher fat, protein and SNF content (3.34 %, 3.46 % and 8.49%, respectively) than other two genotypes (AF and FF) and differences among them were significant (P£0.05).
Slightly higher milk yield in AF and FF genotypes than in AA genotype is in agreement with the results of
Szatankoova et al., (2013) obtained for Check dairy goat. Close relationship of AA genotype with higher content of protein and fat obtained for Balkan goat breed is in agreement with studies of
Vazquez-Flores et al., (2012). Higher protein content in goat milk, influenced by AA genotype of alpha S1 casein gene, resulting in higher cheese yield, even up to 20%
(Moioli et al., 2007; Maga et al., 2009). Though, the genotype of alpha S1 casein can be used as selection criteria to improve these traits of goats.