This experimental procedure was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of Gaziosmanpasa Universty, Animal Experiments (Protocol No: 2016-HADYEK-42) dated 26.10.2016 and numbered 51879863-125.
The research was carried out in the Akbelen plateau in the north, 36° 40' 53" longitude (east) coordinates of 40° 26' 42" latitude, which is connected to Tokat center. The enviromental conditions and dates were collected from the meteorological service of Turkish state during the grazing period. The long term annual temperature and rainfall are 12.6°C and 431.7 mm, respectively according to the data described by
TSMS (2017). This pasture is defined as a middle-class pasture, 1679 m above sea level, slightly sloping (20-30%), clay, salty and slightly acidic, lime-free brown forest soils, which was covered with 51% of grass plants (
Festuta ovina,Fescuta pratenses, Poa pratensis, Poa bulbosa), 14.6% of the legume plants (
Thymus serpyllum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Hebex Andersonii Variegata, Polygonum cognatum) and 34.9% of the other species (
Taraxacum officinale, Ranunculus asiaticus, Carex spiceta).
In this study, 3-4 year old, average 55±0.12 kg live weight and singly born, 80 heads Karayaka sheep were individually dewormed, weighed and distributed in to the their treatments groups. The concentrated feed was prepared as isocaloric and isonitrogenic according to the data described by
NRC (2001) at the feed processing unit of Ferli Feed Plant in Tokat (Table 1). Fluorogesto Acetate (FGA) containing (20 mg) polyurethane foam (Chrono-gest/Sponge, Intervet, Istanbul, Turkey) were inserted into the vagina of experimental groups animal (except control) with the applicator for synchronizing estrus. After 14 days, the sponges were removed from the vagina and 600 IU per cage. Pregnant mare serum hormone (PMSG) was injected intramuscularly. Between 50 and 70 hours following the injection, oestrus of sheep were detected by rams which were apron tied around body. Sheep which synchronized oestrus were mated freely with rams
(Ataman et al., 2009). All experimental animals were grazed on pasture at the same time every day. After grazing, barley and omega 3 experimental groups were fed with a concentrate of 650 g per day starting 21 days before mating and 10 days after mating. Vitamin and minerals requrements were met as per
NRC (2001) (Table 1).
The pasture composition was determined by harvesting the plants from the pasture area. A metal circle of 0.25 m
2 in diameter was randomly thrown to different parts of the pasture where the animals graze. An area of 0.25 m² was hand clipped from each of the 4 replicated plots. Pasture plants harvested 5 cm above ground level. After harvesting, herbage sample taken from pasture was separated by hand as grass, legume and other species in order to determine botanical composition. Pasture samples were dried at 70°C for 48 hours, milled and passed through a 1 mm screen to determine chemical composition. It was also burned at 525°C for 8 hours to detect organic matter and crude ash. Crude protein (CP) content of forages were determined by kjeldahl method using Tecator Block digestion and steam distillation (multiplying total N by 6.25). The acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents of the feed samples were measured by the filter bag method in the ANKOM fiber analyzer (F220/220 operators Manual, Ankom tech.) by
AOAC (2012). The composition of the fatty acids was determined by Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID). The fatty acid composition of the feedstuff used as the omega-3 source in the trial was determined by the ARGEA technology company described by
AOAC (2012) (Table 2).
Analysis of data obtained was carried out using the SPSS-X package program. The following mathematical model was used in the evaluation of the data. As a mathematical model; Yijk = G mean + ai + eijk this equality; Yijk = Observation value, G ort = Overall average, ai = Effect of feeds, eijk = Error value. X² (Chi-square, chi-square) independence test was applied in order to investigate whether there was any difference in terms of fertility and twinning rates among the experimental groups. Distribution in terms of treatment group averages Duncan’s multiple comparison test and the “t” test were used to determine the effects of oestrussynchronization between pasture and control group described by
Pallant (2007).