Indian Journal of Animal Research

  • Chief EditorK.M.L. Pathak

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 35 issue 1 (january to june 2001) : 10 - 14


Champak Bhakat, M.S. Sahani
1NRCC, Bikaner - 334001 ,India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Bhakat Champak, Sahani M.S. (2025). IMPACT OF CAMEL PRODUCTION SYSTEM ON THE SUSTAINABILITY OF MARGINAL FARMERS IN HOT ARID VILLAGES OF THAR DESERT. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 35(1): 10 - 14. doi: .
A grass root level survey was conducted on various aspects of camelid farming which involved four different zones (north, south, east, west) of Thar desert. The required data were collected in the suitable developed and pre-tested proforma from Raikas of Thar desert. In this region the camel to other herbivore (cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat) ratio was 1:21.36. Among the different camel health disorders, Parasitic mange case was highest. It was followed by Trypanosomiasis, general fever, respiratory infection, other problems like digestive disorders, worm etc. The mortality in camel calf (1 year age) and adult were 33.05±2.63% and 8.10±1.07%, respectively. The average annual productivity of commonly grown. Thar desert crop were 4.89q/ha for guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) and 2.75 q/ha for moth (Phaseolus aconitifolious). The final returns per unit (Rupee) invested was high in case of guar (Rs. 8.36) as compared to Moth (Rs. 2.29). The average cost of rearing of draft camel was low as compared to cattle and buffalo. The final return per unit (Rupee) invested was high in case of camel (Rs. 1.90) as compared to cattle and buffalo (Rs. 1.82) in Thar desert. It is evident thatdue to higher production potential, increase market price and economic advantage guar cultivation for camel farmers is more profitable than moth cultivation and camel rearing is also profitable as compared to other livestock rearing in terms of per unit investment.
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