Indian Journal of Animal Research

  • Chief EditorK.M.L. Pathak

  • Print ISSN 0367-6722

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 35 issue 1 (january to june 2001) : 1 - 9


R.V. Devkar, D.S. Dandekar, A.V.Ramachandran*
1Division of Developmental Biology and EndocrlnoJwy: Poultry Section. Department of Zoology Faculty ofSCIence, • M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara-390 002, Indla.
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Devkar R.V., Dandekar D.S., A.V.Ramachandran* (2025). REARING PHOTOPERIOD AND EGG COMPOSITION: DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS OF LD 12:12 AND LONG PHOTOPERIOD (LD 18:6) IN RIR HENS. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 35(1): 1 - 9. doi: .
One day old pullets of Indi~ RIR breed were reared under LD 12:12 (NLD) throughout, or under a step down photic schedule of LD 18:6 (long photoperiod; LP; from day 1 to day 90) followed by LD 12:12. The effect of these photoperiodic schedules on physical features and biochemical composition of eggs has been assessed. The LP hens laid marginally heavier eggs compared to the NLD hens. The eggs of LP hens showed higher weights of yolk and albumen and a lower yolk: albumen ratio. On a temporal scale, the percentage water content of yolk and solid content of albumen showed a reverse trend between the NLD and LP eggs. The total protein and total cholesterol contents were significantly increased in both yolk and albumen of LP eggs while the carbohydrate and total lipid contents decreased in yolk and albumen respectively. A compari son of calorific value shows significantly greater energy content (13.4%) in LP eggs. Overall, the present evaluations provide hitherto unreported evidence of a step down photoperiodic schedule on the structure and composition of eggs and their nutritional status.
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