Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 47 issue 4 (august 2013) : 273-282

Effects of bitter cola (Garcinia cola) extract on steroid hormones and selected electrolytes in West African Dwarf bucks

O.I. Falana, O.F. Smith*, O.S. Gazal1, O. Olowofeso2, N. Okwelum, O.G. Sodipe, J. Ochefu, T.A. Sorongbe
1Department of Animal Physiology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

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Cite article:- Falana O.I., Smith* O.F., Gazal1 O.S., Olowofeso2 O., Okwelum N., Sodipe O.G., Ochefu J., Sorongbe T.A. (2025). Effects of bitter cola (Garcinia cola) extract on steroid hormones and selected electrolytes in West African Dwarf bucks. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 47(4): 273-282. doi: .
Twelve mature West African Dwarf bucks were allotted to four treatment groups of three animals per group to determine various doses of Garcinia cola seed extract (GCSE) on testosterone, cortisol, potassium (K+), sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca2+) in WAD bucks. Treatment A (0 mg GCSE) received saline solution; Treatment B (50 mg GCSE); Treatment C (100 mg GCSE) and Treatment D (150 mg GCSE). The animals were observed for 20 minutes after GCSE injection for behavioural response. Jugular blood samples were collected from the WAD bucks at 10 min intervals for 3 hours before and after GCSE injection. Plasma testosterone and cortisol concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay method. Serum electrolytes were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Injection of GCSE had no effect on mean plasma testosterone concentration while cortisol significantly increased (P
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