Indian Journal of Animal Research

  • Chief EditorK.M.L. Pathak

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 47 issue 3 (june 2013) : 254-256


Kamal Sarma1, S.N. Kalita, Jonali Devi1
1Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Histology College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati-781 022, India
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  • First Online |

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Cite article:- Sarma1 Kamal, Kalita S.N., Devi1 Jonali (2025). AGE RELATED HISTOCHEMICAL STUDIES ON THE THYROID GLAND IN MALE ASSAM GOATS (Capra hircus) FROM BIRTH TO TEN MONTHS OF AGE*. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 47(3): 254-256. doi: .
This study was conducted on the thyroid gland of thirty six male Assam goats divided into six age groups viz. group-I (0-day), group-II (2 months), group-III (4 months), group-IV (6 months), group-V (8 months) and group-VI (10 months) consisting of 3 animals in each group. Tissue pieces from the thyroid lobes and isthmus were fixed in 10 per cent Neutral Buffered Formalin solution and subsequently processed for paraffin sections and stained with Mercuric Bromophenol Blue method for Protein, McManus method for glycogen, Alcian Blue method at pH 1.0 for acid mucopolysaccaharides and Fuelgen reaction for nucleic acids.The reaction for basic proteins was weak in the capsule of thyroid glands from birth to 4 months of age (group-I to III) and weak to moderate in the older goats. Within the follicles, the principal cells exhibited weak to moderate reaction in day-old kids (group-I), moderate to strong in 4 and 6 months old goats (groups-III & IV) and moderate reaction in the succeeding age groups. The Para follicular cells revealed weak to moderate reactions for basic proteins in day-old kids (group-I), moderately reactive in 2 month old kids (group-II) and exhibited a strong reaction in 4 and 6 months old bucks. The connective tissue of the capsule and inter follicular stroma of the thyroid glands were PAS positive. The basement membrane of the follicle showed moderate PAS reactions. The follicular and Para follicular cells exhibited weak to moderate PAS reactions. Fine glycogen granules could be seen at the apical border of the follicular cells in 4 and 6 months old goats (groups-III & IV). The tissue of the thyroid gland showed very faint reaction to acid mucopolysaccharides in all the age groups except in 2 month old kids (group-II), in which the inter follicular tissue revealed weak reaction. The connective tissue of the capsule, septae and the inter follicular stroma revealed very weak Fuelgen reaction in all the age groups. The Follicular and Para follicular cells of the thyroid follicles showed mild to moderate Fuelgen reaction in the kids of 4 months of age.
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