Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 47 issue 3 (june 2013) : 212-219


Bijay Kumar Chaudhari*, B.C. Das, A.K. Singh1, J.K. Singh2, P. K. Maurya1, S. Kumar1
1Division of Physiology & Climatology Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar - 243 122, India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Chaudhari* Kumar Bijay, Das B.C., Singh1 A.K., Singh2 J.K., Maurya1 K. P., Kumar1 S. (2025). EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT MITOTIC INDUCERS ON MULTIPLICATION OF PARTHENOGENETIC EMBRYONIC CELLS IN BUFFALO. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 47(3): 212-219. doi: .
The present study was conducted to see the effects of mitotic inducers on multiplication of cultured parthenogenetic blastomere cells in buffalo. Total 1364 ovaries were aspirated and out of which 1034 good quality oocytes were recovered at the rate of 75.80 %. The overall recovery rate of oocytes was 0.75 / ovary in the present study. In protocol-I, activation of matured oocytes was done with 5% ethanol for 7min+6-DMAP for 4hrs where as in protocol-II; activation was done with with 5µm ionomycin for 5min+6DMAP for 4hrs.  In protocol I, the cleavage rate and morula development was 60.47% and 10.23% respectively, where as in protocol-II, the cleavage rate and morula development was 38.11% and 7.69% respectively. It was observed that protocol-I was found to be effective and it differs from protocol II in cleavage rate as well morula development.  Blastomeres were cultured for day 0, 4, 8, 12 and day 20 on feeder layers in media containing different factors like mitotic inducers (melatonin and lipopolysaccharides) and retinoic acid blocker (citral). It was observed that the colony size was comparable to colony size of LPS (lipopolysaccharides) on different days of culture. The colony size developed in presence of melatonin was comparatively larger as compared to any other culture condition for all days of culture.
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