Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 47 issue 3 (june 2013) : 187-195


Ilkan Ali Olgunoglu*
1Aquaculture and Fisheries Program, Kahta Vocational Training School, Adiyaman University, 02400 Kahta-Adiyaman, Turkey
  • Submitted|

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Cite article:- Olgunoglu* Ali Ilkan (2025). DETERMINATION OF COLOR CHARACTERIZATION IN SOME ECONOMICAL FRESHWATER FISH SPECIES FILLETS DURING ICED STORAGE FOR 24 DAYS. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 47(3): 187-195. doi: .
Changes in color of some economical freshwater fish species (Barbus rajanorum mystaceus, Barbus grypus, Capoeta trutta and Carasobarbus luteus) fillets during iced storage were investigated. As color criteria changes of the values L*, a*, b*, Chroma, Hue and Redness index (a*/b*) were observed during the iced storage period of 24 days. At the end of the study increases were observed in the L* values of all samples as a result of protein denaturation in fillets depending on period of iced storage.  While redness index (a*/b*) and hue values were good criteria for observing the color changes on skinless surface of fillets, C*ab value was a better criterion for observing the color changes on the surface with skin.
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