Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika
Chief EditorYashpal Singh Malik
Print ISSN 0303-3821
Online ISSN 0976-4631
NAAS Rating 4.95
Chief EditorYashpal Singh Malik
Print ISSN 0303-3821
Online ISSN 0976-4631
NAAS Rating 4.95
Millets and its Importance: A Review
First Online 17-04-2024|
doi 10.18805/BKAP688
Now a day’s human do not follow proper diet and life style as they do not perform any physical activity and consuming more fast food as a result they suffer from many life style disorders. So nutritious diet and physical activity play a key role in maintaining good health. Balanced diet should contain fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, lean proteins etc. In ayurveda food (ahar) is considered as a medicine (aushadh). After digestion this food nourishes all the tissues (Dhatus) of the body in proper way. So we should always eat healthy food. Due to higher nutrients content of Millets we should include Millets in our diet. It is improving gastrointestinal health, blood lipid profile and blood glucose clearance. It is boon for celiac disorder and diabetes as it contains minimal gluten and low glycemic index. Primary source of data is pub med, Google scholar and various peer reviewed journals, previous studies conducted on similar subject at different universities and other research centers. Millets have many beneficial effects on our body so it should be included in our diet on daily basis.
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