Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika
Chief EditorYashpal Singh Malik
Print ISSN 0303-3821
Online ISSN 0976-4631
NAAS Rating 4.95
Chief EditorYashpal Singh Malik
Print ISSN 0303-3821
Online ISSN 0976-4631
NAAS Rating 4.95
Naturopathy: The Body’s Natural Power to Fight Pathogens
First Online 14-03-2024|
doi 10.18805/BKAP671
Since ancient times, phase therapy or naturopathy is proving effective in all kinds of diseases. We should make maximum use of natural methods so that the cost of medical treatment in the world can be reduced and treatment can be easily accessible to the poor. The philosophy and methods of naturopathy are based on animism and folk medicine rather than evidence-based medicine. Under naturopathy, there are many methods in the society such as water therapy, homeopathy, sun therapy, acupuncture, acupressure, soil therapy etc. Including different dimensions of phage therapy in the proposed paper, where on one hand the body’s resistance to antibiotics is decreasing, on the other hand, the effect of these drugs on the biological nature of micro-organisms is decreasing. Under naturopathy, the basis of treatment and recovery of diseases is - the body’s natural power to fight germs. Today the most challenging task is to make cheap and effective treatment accessible to the common man and on the other hand, by freeing livestock from diseases, to include animal products more and more in the daily diet.
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