Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika
Chief EditorYashpal Singh Malik
Print ISSN 0303-3821
Online ISSN 0976-4631
NAAS Rating 4.95
Chief EditorYashpal Singh Malik
Print ISSN 0303-3821
Online ISSN 0976-4631
NAAS Rating 4.95
Use of insecticides by soybean cultivators against lepidopteran insect pest
Present investigation was carried out during 2014-15 to estimate the insecticides consumption and adoption by soybean cultivators on lepidopteran insect pest from spatially isolated areas of India. Roving survey revealed, as many as 14 insecticides, of which one was combination product were used by the farmers in the major soybean growing states of India for management of lepidopteran insect pests on soybean. The insecticide sprays ranged from one to three with a spray interval 7-15 days. Soybean farmers of all seven spatially isolated districts sprayed the insecticides at higher doses than the recommended dose. Adilabad, Parbhani and Pune district farmers used comparatively higher doses of insecticides as compared to other four location soybean growers. Organophosphates were most commonly used insecticide group followed by synthetic pyrethroids, anthranilic diamides, carbamates, oxidiazines and avermectins. Chlorpyrifos 20 EC was the single most common insecticide used in all major soybean growing states of India. Major soybean growing states of India were categorized as high insecticide usage states comprising of Telangana and Maharashtra, medium insecticide usage states comprising of Karnataka, while low insecticide usage states comprising of Madhya Pardesh.
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