Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, volume 33 issue 4 (december 2018) : 283-286

Study of different rice establishment methods on growth and yield of different varieties

Bheru Lal Kumhar, Viresh Govind Chavan, Kamal Kant Agrawal, Amit Kumar Jha, Vijay Kumar
1<p>Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dapoli. Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli &ndash; 415 712, (M.P.) India</p>
Cite article:- Kumhar Lal Bheru, Chavan Govind Viresh, Agrawal Kant Kamal, Jha Kumar Amit, Kumar Vijay (NaN). Study of different rice establishment methods on growth and yield ofdifferent varieties . Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 33(4): 283-286. doi: 10.18805/BKAP135.

A field experiment was conducted in spit plot design with three replication to “to study different rice establishment methods on growth, yield and different varieties” was conducted at Agronomy farm, College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Distt. Ratnagiri (M.S.) during kharif season of 2014 on was sandy clay loam in texture, moderately acidic in pH (5.63), medium in organic carbon content (0.82 %), electrical conductivity (Ec) 0.035 dSm-1 , medium in available nitrogen (284.82 kg/ha), low in available phosphorus (14.63 kg/ha) and high in available potassium (248.45 kg/ha). The highest plant height (71.09 cm), effective tillers (360.58 m2), length of panicle (21.07 cm), test weight (22.24 g), straw yield (47.42 q ha-1), weight of per panicle (2.15 g), number of filled grains per panicle (97.08) and B:C ratio (1:2.23) were recorded in line transplanting technique. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that in areas where labour is available and cheap, transplanting as per as recommended (21 days old age seedling)  is a better establishment methods of rice because it produces more yield and gross monetary economic return than other methods.

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