Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, volume 33 issue 3 (september 2018) : 212-214

Effect of crop regulation practices on yield and economics in Guava (Psidium gjajava L.) fruit crop

Praveen Kumar Singh Gurjar, Rajesh Lekhi, Lal Singh
1<p style="text-align:justify">Horticulture Department, College of Agriculture, Gwalior-474 002 (M.P.) India&nbsp;</p>
Cite article:- Gurjar Singh Kumar Praveen, Lekhi Rajesh, Singh Lal (NaN). Effect of crop regulation practices on yield and economics in Guava(Psidium gjajava L.) fruit crop . Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 33(3): 212-214. doi: 10.18805/BKAP120.

An experiment on the effect of crop regulation practices on Guava fruit crops was conducted during 2016-17 and 2017-18. The results revealed  maximumand statistically  higher yield (119.73 q/ha.), gross return (Rs 32925 per hectare) and Net return (Rs230529 per hectare)  under application of 800 PPM NAA plant growth regulator. Highest cost benefit ratio (1:3.33) was also recorded under the treatment of 800 ppm of NAA which was most economic and feasible practice of crop regulation in guava fruit crop.

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