Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, volume 33 issue 3 (september 2018) : 185-189

Comparative analysis of efficacy and longevity of various pheromone baited Septa for the control of gram pod borer 

Kalpana Varshney
1<p style="text-align: justify;">Department of Chemistry, FET, Manashakti University for International Research and Study Institute (formerly MRIU), Faridabad-121 001, Haryana, India&nbsp;</p>
Cite article:- Varshney Kalpana (NaN). Comparative analysis of efficacy and longevity of various pheromone baited Septa for the control of gram pod borer . Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 33(3): 185-189. doi: 10.18805/BKAP113.

Pheromones are species specific chemicals which are biodegradable, eco-friendly, chemically safe, and required in ultra low dosages and used as efficient tool for insect pest management. Efficiency of pheromone traps used for pest control depends on air borne pheromone stimulus, in specific ratio and concentration released from septa. Field longevity of synthetic lures for Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctudae) and efficacy of different septa were evaluated by mass trapping experiments in Pantnagar, India. The longevity (shelf life) of septa impregnated with pheromone components (Hexadecenol) and 97:3 blend (Z-11-hexadecenal and Z-9-Hexadecenal) were studied by gas chromatographic estimation of the residual pheromone remaining on the septa at different time interval and temperature conditions. The rubber eraser septum is found to be most effective one. This study is helpful to popularize the pheromone technology in farmers as they can store the already loaded septa and use them for control of H.armigera.

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