Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, volume 33 issue 3 (september 2018) : 181-184

Experiments with mixtures

Sukanta Dash, Anil Kumar, B.N. Mandal, Krishan Lal, Devender Kumar
1<p style="text-align:justify">ICAR-IASRI, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi-110 012, India&nbsp;</p>
Cite article:- Dash Sukanta, Kumar Anil, Mandal B.N., Lal Krishan, Kumar Devender (NaN). Experiments with mixtures . Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 33(3): 181-184. doi: 10.18805/BKAP112.

    The designs for mixture experiments have been extensively used in agricultural/ industrial experiments. Some of the situations in which these designs could be advantageously used are: split application of fertilizers, intercropping experiments where the interest of experimenter is to find best crop mixtures, sensory evaluation experiments for making the agricultural and animal products, preparation of fertilizers, insecticides/ pesticides mixtures for optimum response, feeding trials in animal nutritional experiments. Mixture experiments can be used in with unrestricted region, with restricted region having upper and/or lower bounds, with process variable(s). 

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  4. Gomez, W.A. and Gomez, R.A. (1976). Statistical Procedures for agricultural research. John Willey & Sons, New York.

  5. Gupta, V.K., Lal, Krishan and Parsad, R. (2008). Experiments with Mixtures: A Bibliography. Technical Report, IASRI, New Delhi.

  6. Murthy, J.S. and Das, M.N. (1968). Design and analysis of experiment with mixtures. Annals of Mathematical statistics, 39, 1517-1539.

  7. Nigam, A.K., Gupta, S.C. and Gupta, S. (1983). An algorithm for extreme vertices designs for linear mixture models. Technometrics, 25, 367-71.

  8. Parsad, R., Gupta, V.K., Batra, P.K., Srivastava, R., Kaur, Kaur, A. and Arya, P. (2004). A diagnostic study of design and analysis of field experiments. Technical Report, IASRI, New Delhi. 

  9. Scheffe, H. (1958). Experiments with Mixtures. J. Royal Statist. Soc., B20, 344-360.

  10. Scheffe, H. (1963). Simplex-centroid designs for experiments with Mixtures. J. Royal Statist. Soc., B25, 235-263.

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