Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika
Chief EditorYashpal Singh Malik
Print ISSN 0303-3821
Online ISSN 0976-4631
NAAS Rating 4.95
Chief EditorYashpal Singh Malik
Print ISSN 0303-3821
Online ISSN 0976-4631
NAAS Rating 4.95
Milk protein and human health: A review
Milk is an almost ideal food. Most common economically important milk constituents include fat, protein, SNF, lactose and ash. In milk constituents, beta- casein has gained importance and popularity among the health conscious people due to its recent health related issues. Milk is often found two types of beta-casein i.e. A-1 and A-2. Our indigenous dairy animals produce A2 type of milk. A2 Milk protects against diabetes, cardiovascular disease and neurological disorder and also increases the immunity of body disease. The main purpose behind this article is to make people aware about the A2 milk and their benefits.
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