Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, volume 30 issue 1 (march 2015) : 23-25

Benefit cost studies of Nagpur Mandarin Orchards grown in Rajgarh District

Lal Singh, P.K.S. Gurjar, R.N. Kanpure, Akhilesh Shrivastava
1Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindhiya Krishi V. V. Gwalior (M.P.)
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi any

Cite article:- Singh Lal, Gurjar P.K.S., Kanpure R.N., Shrivastava Akhilesh (2025). Benefit cost studies of Nagpur Mandarin Orchards grown in Rajgarh District . Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 30(1): 23-25. doi: any.
A study of benefit cost analysis of mandarin orchards grown in Rajgarh District was conducted at adjoining farmer's fields under KVK Rajgarh District of M.P. during 2012-13. In this study the planting distance of Nagpuri Mandarin was 6x6m (278 plants/ha.) and selling rate of produce was 800 per quintal. All the recommended Agro techniques were adopted during growth and development of the plants Approximately . 1,40,730 were spent during initial 5 years. In subsequent 8 years, the farmers earned 22000 (5th year), 66000 (6th year) 1,10,000 (7th year), 1,32,000 (8th year), 1,54,000 (9th year), 1,76,000 in 10th, 11th , 12th year respectively. The total yield 1265.5 q/ha with 10,12,000 obtained and resulting found the maximum B : C ratio 1:7

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