Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, volume 29 issue 2 (june 2014) :


R.N. Shrivastava, R. K. Nema, N.K. Seth, M.K. Awasthi
1Soil and Water Engineering Department, College of Agriculture Engineering, JNKVV, Jabalpur (M.P.)
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Shrivastava R.N., Nema K. R., Seth N.K., Awasthi M.K. (2025). WATER UTILIZATION STRATEGY FOR STRESS AREA GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION . Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 29(2): . doi: .
This study was conducted for Narsinghpur district of upper Narmada basin Narsinghpur is one of the most progressive districts of Madhya Pradesh in agriculture sector. This progress could be possible due to high irrigation intensity. Irrigation in the district is almost from ground water only. Overall ground water development in the district is more than 71%. One out of six blocks is over utilized two are critical, one is semi critical and only two are safe. This situation is going to be worse day by day as farmers are digging new tube well and taking water tremendously from the alluvium formation to meet out irrigation as there are taking mostly sugar cane and other irrigation intensive crops.In order to face this situation a two tear strategy is prepared. One for the demand side and another for the supply side. The basic criteria of this strategy is, that the ground water use should be within safe limit i.e. 70%. In order to achieve this a change in cropping pattern is suggested which will reduce water consumption but not income. Thus demand can be brought within 70%. Similarly, in supply side ground water recharge may be increased through artificial recharge structures. A detailed artificial recharg plan for the district is prepared based on the guide lines of Central Ground Water Board. Places for artificial recharge structure have been identified and given in the paper. Thus, this both side management will keep the area stress free in a sustainable manner.

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