The effect of land use and soil depth on plant nutrient availability
Soil organic carbon
The recorded per cent organic carbon contents of the soils indicated decreasing with soil depth in all sample pits at all land use system (Table 1). Slight decreases in percent organic carbon contents were recorded with depth in farm land as compared with other. Per cent organic carbon content for surface soil 0-15 cm depth in the study area ranged from 4.25 to 2.66, while its content varied from 3.93 to 2.46% for subsurface soil (15-30 cm) at the respective land use system. According to the rating of
(Yuand, 2014) soil organic carbon content of soil of the study area was in the medium to low range. Per cent organic carbon was higher in the surface layer (0-15 cm) than its content in subsurface (15-30 cm). Higher soil organic carbon content in the surface soil might be due to higher clay content and rapid organic matter input. Similar trend was reported by
Bot and Benites, (2005) that the level of soil organic carbon was higher in the surface layer, dropping with an increase in soil depth. The reduction of soil organic carbon along depth could be linked to higher accumulation of plant debris and clay on surface soil than sub surface soil.
Soil organic matter
Soil organic matter (SOM) showed significant variation with respect to un-conserved and the conserved land. The lowest mean soil organic matter was occurred in non-conserved area (2.26%), while soil OM showed the highest (3.59%) in conserved area with soil bund. This might show that SC practices have a positive role in improving soil OM. The result agrees with the findings of
Bot and Benites, (2005) who reported that soil organic matter in soils under the well conserved site were higher compared to the un-conserved sites of similar slopes and depths.
Gupta, (2004) also reported that the non-conserved fields had significantly lower SOM as compared to the conserved fields. This might be because of the decomposition of different plant biomasses on the soil of conserved land. According to Landon (1991) the overall mean SOM value of the study site ranges between (3.59-2.26); which is categorized under the rating of medium to low.
Soil reaction (pH)
Soil reaction (pH) in the study area showed increasing trends with soil depth in all land use system. There were slight changes in the pH of soils with soil depth at the respective land use. Soil pH values at surface layer (0-15 cm) ranged from 5.95 to 6.9. According to the rating of
Benton et al., (2003) for pH ranges, the soil reaction for surface soil at all land use was slightly acidic and the pH values for subsurface (15-30 cm) soil ranged from 6.01 to 6.92, which varies from neutral to slightly acidic reaction (Table 2).
Amundson (2001) reported that the pH range of most productive soils is between 5.5 and 7.5.
Amundson (2001) indicated that soil organisms grow best at neutral pH.
Soil cation exchange capacity
As indicated in Table 1, a decreasing trend of average soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) was observed with increasing soil depths in all sample pits at forest, grazing and farm land in the study area. Cation exchange capacity was highest in the surface layer (0-15 cm) and lowest in subsurface depth (15-30 cm). The value of CEC is high as compared with grazing and farm land. This may be due to availability of relatively high organic matter content in the forest land than other land use system which has low organic matter. The higher value of CEC at the surface in the study area might be due to highly decomposition of litters due to favorable environment and high organic matter input which responsible to increase the value of CEC. Similar finding was reported by
Ahmed, (2002) who found that soils with large amounts of clay and OM have higher CEC than sandy soils with low OM. In surface horizons of forest soils, higher OM and clay contents significantly contribute to the CEC.
Total nitrogen
A decreasing trend in average total nitrogen (TN) content was observed with soil depth in all sample pits at respective land use system. This decrease in total nitrogen content could be due to decreasing in soil organic carbon content with depth. Relatively, higher nitrogen content in the surface (0-15 cm) is the result of accumulation of plant debris on the soil surface. Similar finding was reported by
Yuand (2014) that TN and SOC storage increased significantly with plantation age, but there were different changes as with soil depth. With respect to land use, there were slight differences in the percent total nitrogen content of the soil. The results showed slight change between forest and grazing land.
Bulk density
The average bulk density values showed increasing trend with soil depth in all samples at the respective land use system. There is also variation in average bulk density value of soil along depth with in same land use system of the study area. Relatively, changes in bulk density values of soil with respective depth were higher for soils forest land. The change or variation of bulk density in different land use and depth may be due to soil texture and organic matter, in area. As Table 3 below, lower bulk density values for soils of surface layers (0-15 cm) relative to its values for that of subsurface layers (15-30 cm) in all pits at respective land use might be due to higher organic carbon, contents of the surface layer soils. In line with this
Bot and Benites, (2005) reported that soil bulk density declines with an increase in soil organic matter content of surface soil.
Soil particle size distribution
The average results of particle size distribution in Table 1 indicate relatively similar in the textural classes of the soils in different land use system within soil depth of 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm. The textural class of surface and subsurface soil (0-30 cm) in the study area was medium to heavy clay for all land use system. Most of the textural classes of soil in the study area were classified under heavy clay soil. The percentage of clay composition of soil was dominant as compared to silt and sand in the study area. This might be due to the degree of weathering, parent material and the greater shielding effect of the canopy formed by the mature shrubs and understory vegetation from the erosive energy of the falling raindrops improve the texture of the soil. In line with this,
Bot and Benites, (2005) reported that the composition percentage of clay was the highest for soils taken from shrub or bush followed by cultivation land. Similar finding was reported by Gupta, (2004), clay was the dominant soil particle in Pengkalan Chepa Industrial Park and southwest of Kota Bharu Township shrub and or forest soil. Sand contents showed increasing trends with soil depth. There were slight changes in the clay content of sample pits with a given soil depth at the respective altitudes.
Available phosphorus (P)
The average total soil available phosphorus in the study area was high for farm land than forest and grazing land. Available P decrease with the respective depth in all land use system. As indicated in Table 1 available phosphorus content in the study area was in the range of 10.79 to 25.1 (mg/l). According to the rating of
Holford and Cullis (1985) the average value of available phosphorus of soil in the study area was high.
Average soil organic carbon stock of different land system
The average total soil organic carbon stock recorded for forest land was 95.2 and 93.3 t/ha for the depths of 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm, respectively. As indicated in Table 4 average soil organic carbon stocks showed a slight decreasing trend in the forest land with soil depth. In grazing land, average total soil organic carbon stock showed between 88.45 and 73.75 t/ha at soil depth of (0-15 cm) and (15-30 cm), respectively. In farm land, the levels of average soil organic carbon stock ranged from 65.97 to 62.5 t/ha for the respective depth of (0-15 cm) to (15-30 cm). In all land use system, the average total soil organic carbon stock was higher in the surface soil (0-15 cm) than in subsurface soil (15-30 cm). This higher soil organic carbon stock in the surface soil might be due to addition and decomposition of litter at favorable environmental condition at the surface. Similar trend was reported by
(Azlan et al., 2012) who found that
Pinusroxburghii shrub/forest, where organic carbon was the highest in the surface layer (0-15 cm) compared to its content in subsurface layer (15-30 cm). In
Quercusleucotrichophora shrub/ forest, the level of soil organic carbon ranged from 24.3±1.9 g kg
-1 to 21.9±3.1 g kg
-1 and was higher in the surface layer, dropping with an increase in depth.
Changes in the average soil organic carbon stock with soil depth (1.9 t/ha) was the lower at the forest land relative to its changes (14.7 and 3.47 t/ha) with soil depth at grazing and farm land, respectively. There was drastic change in average soil organic carbon stock (SOC) between the two depths in the grazing land in the study area. This variation in average organic carbon stock with depth is due to texture of soil and vegetation type/cover that affect organic carbon content of the soil.
The average total soil organic carbon stock at forest land was the highest in the study area as compared to grazing and farm land (Fig 2). According to above Fig 2 soil carbon stock in forest land 90-95% which is the highest and the carbon stocks of 70-80% for grazing land and carbon stock for farm land is about 50-70. Lower soil organic carbon stock at farm land and grazing land, compared to forest land in the study area might be due to decrease in total tree density and basal area, slope of the land, cutting of tree for construction material and low litter input and decomposition due to unfavorable environmental condition.
The forest land is covered with vegetation of different species composition natural and manmade forest such as
Podocarpus falcatus,
Cupressus lusitannica,
Junporous procera,
Olea africana,
Cordia africana,
Croton macrostachyus and
Carissa edulis (Agamsa) were dominant,
Olea europe,
Acacia albida,
Acacia synic (Wangayo),
Eucalyptus falcatus (Bahar zaf) and others are found in scattered manner and forest land is mostly used for browsing, fire wood and construction purpose. Forest land was under less human impact relative to other land use system. Thus, more soil organic carbon stock at forest land might be due to dense canopy, high vegetation residues like litter drop, root exudates, root mortality, which can be converted into soil organic carbon through decomposition. Similar finding was reported by
Gebeyaw, (2006) that soil organic carbon stock (SOC) increased with density of trees per hectare and decreased with other anthropogenic activities. In addition,
Bot and Benites, (2005) reported, greater SOC stocks are due to greater accumulation of plant litter (increased C inputs), which resulted in relatively higher soil organic matter.
In the study area, the average total soil organic carbon stock forest, grazing and farm land were 188.5, 162.2 and 128.47 t/ha, to depth of 0-30 cm respectively as showed in (Fig 3). According to Fig 3 below soil carbon Stock per hectare for different types of land use indicate that forest land, grass land and farm land accounts about 180, 160 and 120 respectively. There was drastic change in total soil organic carbon stock between the three land use systems.