The mean grain yield (GW) for irrigated, rainfed, drought, heat stress rainfed and heat stress irrigated condition was 4770.05 kg/ha, 1520.48 kg/ha, 650.12 kg/ha, 1952.22 kg/ha and 3049.43 kg/ha respectively. Under normal irrigated condition, NL_1447 had highest mean grain yield (GW) (5943.5 cm)and NL_1488 (3708.5 kg/ha) had lowest mean grain yield (GW). Similarly, under rainfed and drought conditions, the maximum grain yield (GW) were found in genotypes NL_1492 (1767.32kg/ha) and NL_1445 (881.55 kg/ha), respectively, while the minimum were in NL_1445 (1272.99 kg/ha) and BL_5099 (481.6 kg/ha). Also, under heat stress rainfed and heat stress irrigated condition maximum grain yield (GW) was observed in genotype NL_1501 (2101.32 kg/ha) and NL_1509 (4200 kg/ha) while minimum grain yield (GW) was observed in genotype NL_1445 (1843.61 kg/ha) and NL_ 1445(2153.5 kg/ha) respectively (Table 2). Drought conditions severely affect meiosis and anthesis during early microspore stage of pollen production, causing pollen sterility, leading to a reduced grain number and ultimately lowering grain yield. The decrease in grain yield was attributed to diminished kernel growth, which was influenced by two factors: the severity of water stress and the rate at which the stress developed. A significant portion of energy produced by wheat plant is directed toward root growth to find moisture in the soil. This leads to the notable reduction in biomass during the tillering and booting stages, ultimately causing a significant reduction of yields
(Poudel et al., 2023 a). The drought affects the plant height mainly in the stretching phase thus resulting in lower height in wheat plants .Heat and drought stress disrupt reproductive processes, primarily affecting ovule fertility, pollen viabilityand other related factors
(Teja et al., 2024). High temperatures during meiosis reduce the grain number per spike by causing ovule and pollen sterility and preventing the anthers to release pollen. During the critical flowering stage, physiological processes are adversely impacted by water stress, leading to reduced spikelet fertility. The reduction in thousand-grain weight and then grain yields can be attributed to uneven nutrient absorption efficiency and the movement of photosynthesis within the plant, leading to smaller and shriveled grains due to accelerated maturity. This rapid maturity is likely caused by a lack of moisture, compelling the plant to complete grain development in a shorter period (
Poudel et al., 2023c).
Percentage reduction of yield and yield attributing parameter of wheat
The reduction in plant height in heat stress irrigated condition as compared with normal irrigated condition was 3.13%. Under Heat stress (HS) conditions, whether irrigated or rainfed condition, protein synthesis and folding ceases, causing immediate disruption to the main metabolic processes, including transcription, mRNA transport, translationand DNA replication, untill the cell recovers
(Poudel et al., 2023). The reduction of grain yield in heat stress irrigated and rainfed condition was 36.07% and 59.07% respectively (Table 3). Heat stress also affects the wheat grain number and pollen fertility. Under normal irrigated condition, the reproductive stage occurs 40-50 days after sowing but the heat stressed irrigated condition shortens this period causing abnormal development such as reduction in plant height, spike length, spike weight and overall yield (Poudel
et al 2023c).
Drought stress hinders ovule function, grain weight and pistillate flower development
(Vedi et al., 2022). The combined effects of heat stress and drought can have antagonistic, synergistic, or hypo-additive effects on grain filling, growthand yield parameters
(Vedi et al., 2022). Drought stress lowers Gs, PSII reaction centersand the amount of excess energy exposed in the chloroplasts, all of which limits photosynthesis (
Pour-Aboughadareh et al., 2020). As a result, grain yield was reduced by 86% and 68% under drought and rainfed environments as compared with irrigated environments (Table 3).
AMMI model
In AMMI model, the 91% variation was explained by environments followed by G*E with 6% and the least variation was explained by Genotypes with 2% (Table 4). The first three PCs explained more than 98% with PC1 ranked highest value with 51.81% followed by PC2 with 28.01% and PC3 with 18.5%.The lines with the lowest PC scores demonstrate greater stability, whereas those with higher scores suggests lower stability
(Bishwas et al., 2021). PC 1 and PC 2 scores are utilized to assess the stability of the lines across different environmental conditions. NL_1501 ranked as the most stable wheat genotype based on its PC1 score of -0.729022, followed by NL_1488, Bhirkutiand NL_1492, with scores of -0.69122, -0.45805and 0.34125, respectively. While the PC2 score showed that NL_1488, RR_21 are the most stable lines in terms of yield ,with scores of -0.6239, -0.3652 (Table 4) respectively. PC1 score revealed that NL_1504, NL_1445, BL_5099, NL_1503 are relatively unstable line, scoring 0.7383, 0.5596, 0.5417, 0.5069 respectively. Conversely, PC2 score showed that Gautam, NL_1447, NL_1512 exhibit instability across all environment, scoring 0.51135, 0.401816, 0.15799 respectively.
In the AMMI biplot, 5 environments with the stability and adaptability of 20 genotype were illustrated. The wheat genotype that are assembled together exhibit similar performance across all the environments. The wheat line NL_1402, BL_4984, NL_1506 are closely grouped, indicating they perform similarly under both rainfed and irrigated conditions. The wheat line NL_1508, NL_1437, RR_21 are also closely grouped, indicating similar performance under drought and heat stress rainfed conditions. The wheat line BL_5116, BL_5106, NL_1512 fall under same regime indicating similar performance under heat stress irrigated and heat stress rainfed. NL_1437 was the most stable genotype as it has uniform yield across all the environments may be due to its high yielding parentage or better gene for abiotic stress tolerance (Fig 1). Conversely, genotypes NL_1504, NL_1501 and NL_1488 were relatively unstable in yield as these lines are far from the origin. Specifically, NL_1504, was well suited for irrigated conditions, while NL_1488, NL_1501 were specifically adapted to heat stress irrigated condition and Bhirkuti was adapted to heat stress rainfed.
The most effective method for visualizing the interaction between genotype and environment is the polygon view of the biplot , specifically the which-won-where model
(Poudel et al., 2023b). As shown in Fig (2), the biplot was divided into 6 sectors where HIS, HSR, R, I, D environments fall. The vertex of each sector indicates the genotype with the highest yield in that particular environment. The genotypes farthest from the origin are connected to form the biplot polygon, which encloses the remaining genotype. Genotypes falling in the vertex of polygon have greater performance in their specific environment where as genotypes near the origin exhibit the stability across all examined environments.
The genotype NL_1447 is the farthest from the origin and is the vertex line of this sector, implying that it is specifically adapted in the rainfed condition although it showed lower stability across all environment. Similarly, the sector representing terminal drought conditions includes NL_1504, which is highly responsive in this environment. Furthermore, NL_1504 is characterized by the longest distance from origin and is the vertex line of this sector indicating it as the most responsive in terminal drought environment. Thus, the which-won-where pattern revealed the line 11(NL_1447) as winning line in the rainfed condition while 14(NL_1504) as winning line in drought conditions. In addition, the polygon view showed NL_1404 is close to the biplot’s origin, indicating consistent performance across all tested environments and making it the most stable genotype. Conversely, NL_1488, NL_1501, RR_21, NL_1445, NL_1504, NL_1447, NL_1509, Bhirkuti, NL_1503, BL_5099, NL_1508, NL_1492 are present in the sector without any test environment, indicating that they are poorly adopted to all the environments (Fig 2).
Where Indication of Genotypes 1-20 is present in table 1. The genotypes BL_5106, BL_1492, BL_5116and NL_1512 had above-average yields and were more stable whereas, NL_1447, NL_1503 also had above average yield but were less stable (Fig 3). Furthermore, NL_1437, NL_1402, NL_1508, NL_1306, RR_21 exhibited higher stability but had below average yield. NL_1445, BL_5099, Bhirkuti, NL_1488, were both below average yield with less stability. The most desirable genotype is one that is closest to the arrowhead and less distant from average conditions coordinates, indicating higher stability. This analysis showed that NL_1509 was the most stable genotype, followed by BL_5116, BL_5106, NL_1512, NL_1492 and NL_1503.