Plant performance
Lesser yam is characterized by the direction of the twisting of the stem to the left clockwise, the stem is thorny, the leaves are simple, the stem is round and there are no aerial bulbil. There is a diversity of morphological charac-teristics in leaves, stems and tubers (Tables 1 and 2). For quantitative traits, the variability is seen in stem length, stem diameter, internode length, spine length, leaf length, leaf width, tip length, petiole length, tuber length and tuber width. For qualitative properties, diversity can be seen in stem height, stem color, color of spot at spine base, petiole color, leaf density, leaf color, tip color, petiole color, place of roots on the tuber, wrinkles on tuber surface, tuber skin color (beneath the bark), hardness of tuber, skin color at head of the tuber, flesh color at central transverse cross-section, flesh color of lower part of tuber, uniformity of flesh color in cross-section, texture of flesh, time for flesh oxidation after cutting (Table 2).
The shape of the lesser yam tubers is almost the same, namely regular, round to elongated. The surface of the tuber is smooth and some is slightly rough and has root fibers. The diversity is seen in the size of the tubers and the color of the tubers. The color of the tuber skin is brown, gray-brown. The color of the tuber is white, yellowish white or pale white, yellow and orange. The size of the tubers is small to large with a tuber length of 3-26 cm and a tuber width of 2.8-27 cm (Table 1). The number of tuber per plant is 1-5, some even have more than 5 tubers.
In general, “gembili” lesser yam (D.
esculenta var. fasciculata) is almost the same as “gembolo” lesser yam (
esculenta var. spinosa). Some differences are seen in the fibers in the tubers, spines on the roots and the size of the tubers.
esculenta var. fasciculata has finer tubers, more tubers, fewer spines and tastes better. The plant appearance of
esculenta var. spinosa is not much different from
esculenta var. fasciculata, by which some accessions have wider and rounder leaves. Significant differences between fasciculata and spinosa can be seen in the number and size of tubers per plant and the fiber in the tubers. Spinosa generally has less tubers and larger in size.
The difference between var. fasciculata and var. spinosa has been reported by
(Antonio and Buot, 2021).
esculenta var. spinosa has many spines on the anchor roots, large and numerous tubers with various shapes and long stolons in which the tubers hang are cultivated, have flowers, larger leaf sizes, feathers on upper and lower leaves while the cultivated
esculenta var. fasciculata has sparsely absent spines at anchor roots, smaller leaves and very short stolons, allowing the small tubers to be close together or directly clustered at the base of the stem.
Based on the characteristics of leaves, stems and tubers, there are several characters that have a major contribution to diversity and grouping. The sequence of characters that contributed the most to the diversity of stems was the color of spot at spine base, stem height, stem color and young stem color and young stem length (Fig 1). The main differentiator on the leaves is the color of the petiole from green to purplish (all green with purple base, all green with purple leaf junction and all green with purple at both ends) (Fig 2). Several variables that have a major contribution as a differentiator in lesser yam tubers include the color of the tuber, the color of the skin of the main tuber, the texture of the flesh tuber and wrinkles on the tuber surface (Fig 3).
Several studies show the diversity of morphological characteristics of lesser yam in Indonesia
(Purnomo et al., 2017) (Pesireron et al., 2021). The preferred tubers are tubers with large size, easy to harvest, regular tuber shape, delicious when steamed, white or yellowish tuber flesh color, smooth texture and not brittle when eaten
(Hapsari and Trimanto, 2015) (Honfozo et al., 2021). Flour obtained from white tubers is highly preferred, can be a promising raw material for the manufacture of bakery, cookies, noodles and confectioneries
(Retnowati et al., 2019).
Grouping of accession
Principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis are two multivariate analysis approaches that are critical for quantifying and categorizing the diversity in germplasm. From several important characters that contribute, grouping is done using Gower dissimilarity and average linkage clustering method. The two main components (PC1 and PC2) accounted for 56.1% of the total variance and accession positions in the distributed scatter diagram in the four groups presented in Fig 2. Some accessions were located around the center point, others were widely distributed along both PC axes. Some accessions were overlap within the group, suggesting a possible similarity (Fig 4). The use of multivariate analysis to group accessions based on many characters is also carried out for many commodities, such as melon
(Ghorbani et al., 2020), chickpea
(Kumar et al., 2022) and other commodities.
The grouping results showed a high diversity of lesser yam, with a dissimilarity value of 0.00-0.89. Lesser yam accessions were divided into four groups (Fig 5). Group 1 consisted of 15 accessions with characteristic stem color of brownish brown to dark brown, color spot at spine base purple, leaf heart shape, thorns on stem quite a lot, inner tuber is white flesh color. Accessions included in group I are: The accessions are MLG-0009, MLG-0006, MLG-0035, MLG-0249, MLG-0258, MLG-0259, MLG-0263, MLG-0264, MLG-0268, MLG-0271 , MLG-0272, MLG-0274, MLG-0290, MLG-0296, MLG-0297.
The second group consisted of 6 accessions with the characteristics of having slightly rounded leaves, smaller than group I and yellowish white or off-white tuber color. The six accessions are: MLG-0184, MLG-0235, MLG-0269, MLG-0284, MLG-0285 and MLG-0294. The third group has one accession, namely MLG-0257, shorter leaf stalks, small tubers and roots at the top of the tubers and has a yellow flesh color. Group IV consisted of two accessions, namely: MLG-0008 and MLG-0011 which had leaves smaller than groups 1 and 2, long petioles, few roots on the tuber (rarely root on the tuber surface) and yellow flesh color (yellow tuber flesh).