Experimental site description
The experiment was performed at the El Ouracia area in Setif, Algeria. (Latitude of 36°17'17.4"N and longitude of 5°25'52.7"E). (Fig 1), at a private farm on March, 16
th 2023 during ploughing operation.
The physical soil characteristics are mentioned in the (Table 1) below:
Agro equipment materials
Tractor specifications
The tractor used to carry out the tillage operation in this study is a Cirta Deutz Agrotrac 150 (Table 2). The tractor even the plow belong to CCLS “Coopérative des céréales et des légumes secs” Sétif.
Implement specifications
The plow used (Table 3) is reversible type and it belongs to CCLS and made by CMA Belaabas. The choice of reversible type is explained by the power request and plowing quality.
Experimental procedures
The plow was attached to the tractor and levelled using the top links of the tractor in order to reduce parasitic forces. The tillage depths were determined by setting the level control of the lifting mechanism (three-point linkage height) to lower the tiller to the desired tillage depth. However, in our experiment we only worked on one single depth, which was 30 cm.
Tractor forward speed was determined by selecting a particular gear that gave the desired speed. In our experiment, it was 3.9 Km/h (Fig 2).
The tillage depth measurement was done by placing the meter rule from furrow bottom to the surface of the tilled land (Fig 3). While the width of cut was measurement by placing a steel tape from one side of the furrow wall to the other end. Time was determined with a stopwatch set at zero before the operation. The cone index was also determined using a cone penetrometer.
The fuel quantity used in the experiment was measured by the topping-up the tank method it is a straightforward way to calculate how much fuel the tractor has consumed over a particular time and it is a process of filling the tank of the tractor fuel tank to its brim before and after each operation test performed. (Fig 4) it works as following:
Fill up the tank: fill up the fuel tank of the tractor completely and note the reading on the odometer.
Drive the tractor: Drive the tractor for a certain period of time, preferably a considerable period and note the reading on the odometer.
Refill the tank: After driving the tractor for the desired period, refill the fuel tank completely again and note the amount of fuel it takes to fill it up.
Calculate the fuel consumption: To calculate the fuel consumption of the tractor, divide the amount of fuel used (in liters or gallons) by the period of work (in hours or seconds). The result will give us the fuel consumption of the tractor per unit time.
Model derivation
Independent parameters influencing the fuel consumption
The independent parameters used in the model are the parameters influencing the Fuel Consumption and which are mentioned in (Table 4).
While the dependent variable of the model is Fc
h (Table 5).
The Unit Fch used to derive the model is m3/s however, the Unit we worked with in the field while measuring the fuel consumption is L/h so we need to do a simple conversion using the following conversion formula:
1 m3/s = 3600.000 L/h
Transformation to dimensionless groups (pi terms)
From Table 1 and 2 we get is a function of (d,b,a,CI,v)
The dependent variable = Fch.
Total number of variables, n=6.
Total number of fundamental dimensions, m=3.
Therefore, number of dimensionless groups (p-terms).
To be formed = n-m= 6-3= 3.
Equation 1 can be written as:
The matrix is presented in (Table 6).
The Null space of the mathematical matrix is 3-dimensional and the karnel is spanned by the following vectors:
v1 = (-2,0,-1,1,0,0)
v2= (-1,0,0,0,1,0)
v3= (0-1,-2,0,0,1)
Each vector represents a dimensionless group:

Substituting the values of terms in the following equation:
f is a functional notation for fuel consumption.
Formulation of the fuel consumption model
The method of product and quotient component functions were adopted for development of the fuel consumption model. This prognostic model was developed by simple multiplication and division of the component equations. The validity of combining the equation components by multiplication and division were tested by assuming that the general prediction model is obtained by simple multiplication and division of the terms.
The value K is calculated by measuring the fuel consumption in field with the experiment environment conditions known.
Model validation
We rely on the field experiment to validate the model equation. The field experiment was done in EL Ouracia-Setif province on March 16
th 2023. The tractor we worked with is CIRTA Agrotrac 150 hp equipped with a four-mounted reversible plow CMA.
We measured the tillage depth, width, the soil bulk density, the travel speed and the cone index. The values we got are explained in (Table 7).
The bulk density was measured by using the clod method were a clod of soil is excavated from the field and weighed. The clod is then dried in an oven at 105°C for 24 h and weighed again. The difference in weight between the wet and dry clod is used to determine the moisture content of the soil. The bulk density is then calculated by dividing the weight of the dry clod by its volume.

With cylinder volume = π. r
2. h avec (r: Radius of the cylinder, h= height of the cylinder).
The cone index was measured by the penetrometer and the values we got are explained in (Table 8).
Tillage operation, soil’s clod was used for obtaining the soil sample from the depth of 0 to 10 cm, 10 to 20 cm and 20 to 30 cm respectively at random in the field to determined textural classification of the soil and the bulk density. The collected soil samples were taken to the laboratory for analysis. The bulk density was determined using clod method.