Yield and yield components
All the yield and yield components, except 1000-grain weight in the major rainy season and grain yields during the minor rainy season, were not significantly affected (
P>0.05) by fertilizer application for both seasons (Table 2). The greater grain yield (5551 kg ha
-1) and biomass yield (14296 kg ha
-1) were produced by the NPKM treatment during the major season. This confirms the observation that the integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers improves soil fertility and also enhance maize yield as likened to the sole application of organic or inorganic fertilizer (Mahmood
et al. 2017).
The yield of all treatments were significantly higher than the yield of the control during the minor season (Table 2). However, there was a reduction of yields in the minor rainy season as compared to the major season. This reduction might be due to variations in climatic conditions such as rainfall. In line with this, reduction of 40% to 60% yields of maize in the dry season compared to yields in the rainy season due to low rainfall was reported by
Sogbedji et al., (2006). However, the greatest grain yield (3507 kg ha
-1) was recorded by the NPK 15-15-15 treatment whilst the lowest grain (2838 kg ha
-1) yield was recorded by the control. This could be attributed to the presence of the inorganic nutrients which is readily available and accessible to plants for growth and development. In a similar study by
Arije et al., (2018), the highest yield of maize was recorded by the NPK 15-15-15 treatment and the lowest maize yield was recorded by the control.
Nitrogen use efficiency
Better yield of crops and a reduction in plant nutrient loss can be greatly achieved in crop production when there is an improvement in plant nitrogen use efficiency
(Cassman et al., 2002). From the results, Partial Factor Productivity was higher in the NPKM treatment (61.68 kg ha
-1) and NPK 15-15-15 treatment (38.96 kg ha
-1) for major and minor rainy seasons respectively (Table 3). This resulted from the high performance of the two treatments with regards to grain yields. Except for NPKM which recorded a positive agronomic efficiency nitrogen (AEN) (2.8 kg ha
-1), all the other treatments recorded negative mean values for AE
N during the major rainy season. This was as a result of the higher performance of the control plot than the fertilized plots with respect to grain yield. The plot treated with urea recorded the highest recovery efficiency nitrogen (1.62 and 1.08 kg ha
-1) for the major and minor seasons respectively.
The performance of urea is a reflection of the results for plant nitrogen uptake where it had the highest nitrogen uptake for both seasons. However, it can be said that urea recovered more nitrogen than the other treatments.
Barbieri et al., (2008) stated that one beneficial way of improving NUE of maize is the increase its recovery efficiency. Nitrogen harvest index shows the efficiency of plants to utilize the accumulated nitrogen in the grains (
Fageria, 2014). For the major season, the control treatment recorded the highest nitrogen harvest index (0.179) but it did not differ significantly from the fertilized treatments. The fertilized treatments did not significantly (
P>0.05) affect nitrogen harvest index. This could be due to the partitioning of the total nitrogen to the vegetative parts of the crop. However, significant differences were recorded during the minor season. Similar results were recorded by
Belete et al., (2018) on nitrogen fertilizers on different varieties of bread wheat.
Nutrients uptake
The most limiting nutrient to maize yield is nitrogen
(Stevens et al., 2005), however, inorganic sources of nitrogen are readily available for plant use but organic sources of nitrogen such as manure has to undergo a mineralization procedure which is controlled by soil microbes, moisture level and quantity of nitrogen and carbon in the manure
(Nyiranneza et al., 2009). From the results, it was observed that urea treatment absorbed more plant nitrogen as compared to the other treatment during both seasons. This is a characteristic of urea being an inorganic fertilizer which is readily available for plant use.
Gutser et al., (2005) reported that higher plant nitrogen uptake by inorganic fertilizers than organic fertilizers could be as a result of the slow release of plant nutrients by organic fertilizers due to their higher C/N ratio because C/N ratio plays an important role in mineralization and nutrientrelease during decomposition.
Our results differ with the findings of Songo (2017) who observed higher nitrogen uptake by the combination of manure and mineral fertilizer. Similar results were recorded by
Chikowo et al., (2004). Statistically, observing the results for both seasons, nitrogen uptakes were higher in the inorganic treatments than the organic treatment (Table 4). This could be attributed to the fast release of nitrogen to plants by inorganic amendments than organic amendments. The N and P uptake in the major season was higher for all the treatments as compared to the minor season. Moreover, poultry manure recorded the highest phosphorus (327.3 kg ha
-1) and potassium (918 kg ha
-1) uptake while urea and NPK 15-15-15 recorded the lowest phosphorus (246.5 kg ha
-1) and potassium (585.8 kg ha
-1) uptake respectively for the major season. This could be attributed to the influence of poultry manure through its decomposition, microbial activities and chemical properties of the soil
(Ylivainio et al., 2008). The performance of the poultry manure is in line with the findings of
Pinto et al., (2012) who stated that there is a high concentration of phosphorus and potassium in manure obtain from poultry production. Also, poultry manure enhances the chemical and physical properties of the soil, hence increasing the concentration and uptake of plant nutrients. However, this is dependent on the quantity of manure applied
(Hou et al., 2012).