Observation in the study districts of mango orchards indicated that different factors were influencing the white mango scale infestation status. White mango scale insect infestation status was significantly correlated with meterological data such as rain fall, temperature and relative humidit. In Assosa orchards mean cluster abundance was significantly and more degree of negative correlation to mean monthly relative humidity (
r178 = -0.532,
p<.01) than to mean monthly rain fall (
r178 = -0.277,
p<.01). These finding indicated that mean cluster abundance some how more varied by mean monthly relative humidity than mean monthly rain fall. In orchards of Bambasi also mean cluster abundance was significantly and negatively related to mean monthly rainfall (
r133 = -0.380,
p<.01). In both Assosa and Bambasi orchards mean cluster was significantly and more strongly positively related to mean monthly temperature (
r178 = 0.898,
p<0.01) and (
r133 = 0.838,
p<.01) respectively (Table 2).
White mango scale insect pest infestation status was showed a progressive change through out the study periods with the change of mean monthly rain fall, mean monthly temprature and mean monthly relative humidity. Fig 3 illustrates the impact of mean monthly rain fall and mean monthly temperature on mean cluster abundance per leaf at Bambasi district. Maximum cluster abundance 14.1 per leaf was recorded at the maximum temperature records of the study period during April, 2019 at maximum temperature 35.64
oC and minimum temperature 20.84
oC and mean monthly rain fall 39.2 mm. Mean cluster abundance per leaf was observed decreasing while there was a continued and high rain fall from August a mean monthly rain fall record of 263 mm to December a lower mean monthly rain fall record of 5.2 mm during which a minimum 0.19 mean cluster abundance per leaf was recorded.
Similarly in Assosa district as shown in Fig 4 the abundance of mean cluster per leaf was varied with the change of mean monthly rain fall, mean monthly temperature and mean monthly relative humidity through out the study periods. Mean cluster abundance per leaf was decreased from August to December coincides with lowering of mean monthly relative humidity and mean monthly rain fall. Building up of cluster abundance coincides with a startup of mean monthly relative humidity and mean monthly rain fall increment starting from March. Maximum cluster abundance 15.8 per leaf was recorded during April, 2019 at maximum temperature 32.9
oC, minimum temperature 17.8
oC, optimum mean monthly rain fall 42 mm and mean monthly relative humidity 32%. Cluster abundance per leaf was observed decreasing while there was a continued and high rain fall starting from August a mean monthly rain fall record of 218.9 mm to December a minimum mean monthly rain fall record 1.5 mm during which minimum mean cluster abundance 0.86 was recorded.
In general these studies indicated that white mango scale insect pest abundance and infestation status was significantly correlated with moterological data such as rain fall, temperature and relative humidity. White mango scale abundance and infestation status were significantly and inversely correlated with rain fall and relative humidity and directly correlated with temperature. The infestation status was decreased with the increased rain fall and relative humidity and increased with the increased temperature. Maximum cluster abundance and infestation status were recorded during maximum temperature records’ while the study month of ‘April’. The build up of white mango scale abundance and infestation status required optimum rain fall and relative humidity. These study result also supported by different literature such as: temperature variation affect the white mango scale populations, peak populations were recorded in the months with maximum monthly temperatures of 35 and 31
oC at Arjo and Bako of western Ethiopia, respectively. Extremely low population level below 10 mm average monthly rain fall (highly affected by drought) and in contrary heavy and continued rain fall decreases the population
Djirata et al. (2018). Maturation and ripening of mango fruit begin during the first months of rainy season that is, in March to April and continues for few months, vis-a-vis significant infestation of mango fruits by white mango scale, in Western Ethiopia
(Djirata and Getu, 2015). However; this result contradicted with the earlier finding that white mango scale had a low tolerance to high temperature and as a result its population declined in temperatures above 30
(Labuschagne et al. 1995).
The severity of mango white scale infestation was also related to the characteristics of the mango orchards as indicated in Table 3. Mango white scale severity of infestation was related to the age, height, canopy size, planting pattern, intercropping and weed infestation status of the mango orchards.
White mango scale insect pest infestation status significantly varied for different age category of mango trees (X
2.95 (2) = 7.48,
p<.05). Mango orchards in age less than 10 years old age group were at 51% lower risk of minimal to moderate severity status compared to greater than 20 years old age mango trees group (OR: 0.49; 95% CI: 0.29-0.817). Since the old age mango trees leave without any agronomic management which become suitable for the reproduction of the pest and used for source of infestation. Other study result indicated that according to the oldness of the trees age most farmers did not give attention to mango trees plantation
(Hussen and Yimer, 2013).
White mango scale insect pest infestation status significantly varied for different height category of mango trees [X
2.95 (3) = 11.8,
p<.05]. Mango orchards in short height group were at 60% lower risk of minimal to moderate severity status compared to very long height mango trees group (OR: 0.40; 95% CI: 0.22-0.739). Very long height mango trees were observed more likely at risk of minimal to medium severity status. Unmanageable sized mango trees were observed difficult for management appilication and since significant contribution for white mango scale infestation. Studies indicated that tall trees present a harvesting problem and create difficulties during spraying and pruning
(Griesbach, 2003).
White mango scale insect pest infestation status significantly varied for different canopy volume category of mango trees (X
2.95 (3) =8.18,
p<.05). Mango orchards in crowded canopy group were at 2.08 times more at risk of minimal to moderate severity status compared to uncrowded canopy mango trees group (OR: 2.08; 95% CI: 1.248-3.465). The uncrowded canopy volume in which sun light easily penetrate to inner canopy and also free air movement made lower infestation of white mango scale. Studies indicated that well managed orchard trees require regular annual pruning to maintain an open canopy of manageable size which allows air and sunlight to penetrate, which reduces pests and diseases
(Bally, 2006). Also other studies suggested that regular canopy management necessary for mango yield improvement
(Sharma and Singh, 2006).
White mango scale insect pest infestation status significantly varied for different planting pattern or spacing of mango orchards (X
2.95 (1) = 5.62,
p<.01). Mango orchards in not-recommended planting pattern group were at 75% more likely at risk of minimal to moderate severity status compared to recommended planting pattern mango trees group (OR: 1.75; 95% CI: 1.102-2.774). It was observed that mango trees planted with recommended planting space which is used regularly 10 m X 10 m as general guide of the study districts were less likely at risk of minimal to moderate severity status. Studies reported that since mango trees grow in to large specimen need appropriate spacing; high-density planting show a progressive decline in crop yield after 14-15 years, due to overcrowding of canopies, which results in the production of fewer fruits which are apt to be poorly colored and infected with pests (
Sharma and Singh, 2006;
Hussen and Yimer, 2013;
Khan et al. 2015). Some fact sheets suggested that adequate plant spacing which allows greater air movement and increases pesticide coverage and also reduces ideal environments for scale insects to develop and increases the ease of detection
(Andrew, 2019).
White mango scale insect pest infestation status significantly varied by intercropping condition of mango orchards (
X2.95 (1) = 7.37,
p<.01). Mango orchards in not-intercropped group were at 44% lower risk of minimal to moderate severity status compared to intercropped mango trees group (OR: 0.56; 95% CI: 0.37-0.851). Also white mango scale insect pest infestation status significantly varied for different weed infestation status category of mango orchards (
X2.95 (2) = 8.18,
p<.01). Mango orchards in low weed infested group were at 52% lower risk of minimal to moderate severity status compared to medium weed mango trees group (OR: 0.48; 95% CI: 0.289-0.802). Mango trees intercropped with other plants and infested by weed were more likely attacked by white mango scale comparatively high infestation status. The intercropped plants and weed might be used as harbor and contributing for overlapping generation of the white mango scale insect pest. Studies suggested that for scale management removing crop debris and disinfest the growing area and free of weeds since scale may survive for weeks on crop debris and in egg masses that have fallen off plants
(Andrew, 2019).