The study site
This study was conducted during the 2020/2021 cropping season at Setif Agricultural Experimental Station (ITGC-AES, 36°12'N and 05°24'E and 1.081 m asl, Algeria).
Plant material
The genetic material used in this study consists of 11 advanced lines and 4 genotypes of which 3 are local landraces and used as control to evaluate the performance of the experimental material (Table 1).
Experimental device
The genotypes tested were sown at November 19 with sowing density adjusted to 300 grains m
-2 in a randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. Each plot consisted of 6 lines of 10 m long spaced of 0.2 m width which makes 12 m
2 as plot area.
Parameters measured
The following parameters were measured:
Physiologic traits
1. Senescence parameters: (Sa%;Vsa; Vmax;ΣT50s)
We have followed the evolution of leaf senescence during 13 dates of assessment from flowering until 100% of leaf senescence (S1-S13) by Numerical Image Analysis (NIA) according to Guendouz and Maamri (2011), Leaves were photographed on black surface, between 11:00 and 12:00 solar time with a color digital camera (Canon, Power Shot A460, AiAF, CHINA). Images were stored in a JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) prior to downloading onto a PC computer and analyzed using IPP (Image Pro Plus, Version 4, Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MA, USA) software. The percentage of senescence (S) was calculated foreach date of observation and for each genotype studied using Digimizer software (Fig 1) by calculating the percentage of senescent zone from the total of leaf surface S(%) = (senescent area of flag leaf/flag leaf area)*100 (S1-S13). The 13 dates of assessment will be expressed subsequently in cumulative temperatures ΣT°C (Σ1-Σ13). In the base of these values the following parameters were calculated:
a. Average of senescence (Sa %) is the average of the following percentage of senescence in the following dates:
Sa % = (S1+S2…….Sn)/n
n= Number of dates.
b. Average of velocity Vsa (%/°C):
· The velocity of senescence (Vs) was calculated every date of senescence values:
Vs = (Sn+1-Sn) / (ΣTC n+1 - ΣTCn)
=Sum of temperatures in the date of senescence value.
· Average of velocity Vsa is the average of the following velocity of the following dates:
Vsa = (Vs1+Vs2…….Vsn)/n
c. Maximum of the senescence velocity (Vmax) is the highest velocity unregistered.
d. Sum of temperatures at mid-senescence (ΣT
50s): estimated from the curve:
S= f (ΣT°C
s) (Fig 2) as the sum of temperatures corresponding to S=50%.
2. Total reflectance: R(t) (at full heading)
With the same images (using to calculate senescence), we calculate reflectance using Mesurim_pro_02 software (
Guendouz and Maamri, 2011), this software can measure the reflectance at Red, Blue, Green band and total reflectance. We used the total reflectance for our work (Fig 3).
3. Chlorophyll contents CC (at full heading)
Chlorophyll contents (CC) of the flag leaf was measured using digital chlorophyll meter (CCM) with (cci) units, this device allows measuring the absorbance of light in the leaf.
Agronomic traits (at maturity)
Grain yield (GY)
The cereal yield performances of the different cultivars were measured at maturity in quintals per hectare (Qs. ha
-1) by measuring the grain yield in one linear meter and converting it into quintals per hectare. Thousand kernels weight (TKW) (g). Number of spikes per meter square (NSm
-2). Number of days to heading (DH) (days) calculated from sown date 19/11/2020. Plant height (PH) cm.
5. Data analysis
All statistical analyses will be performed by Costat 6.400 (1998) software.