Biochemical studies
Mean values with their statistical significance of different genotypes for biochemical constituents are presented in Table 1. The mean values of reducing sugar and non-reducing sugar content in sugarcane juice samples of different genotypes was found in the range of 0.52 to 1.01% and 9.05 to 12.5% respectively. The maximum value of reducing sugar content was recorded in genotype CP-72-2086 (1.01%) while their minimum value was found in genotype S-06-US-469 (0.52%). Similarly the maximum value of non-reducing sugar content was estimated in genotype SPF-213 (12.5%) while their minimum value was depicted by genotype S-95-NSG-45 (9.05%).
Xiao et al., (2017) recorded reducing and non-reducing sugar content in the range of 0.46% to 0.8% and 13% to 14.5% respectively which is coincided with current study. Reducing and non-reducing sugar are very important indicators for juice quality. The lower juice quality enriches with reducing sugar (glucose, fructose) while high quality juice contains high level of non-reducing sugar (sucrose). The level of reducing sugar is usually quite high at immature or overripe crop stage. But reducing sugar assimilated for synthesis and growth of non-reducing sugar at mature stage. However water deficit condition also promotes higher sucrose content
(Xiao et al., 2017).
The mean values of protein content in sugarcane juice samples of different genotypes were found in the range of 0.68% to 2.72%. The maximum value was found in S-06-US-832 (2.72%) and its minimum value was observed in S-06-US-469 (0.68%).
Shi et al., (2021) found it in juice sample (0.03%) lower than it found in its retentate sample (0.53%) of Brazilian genotypes. The values reported by current study are far higher than those were depicted by previous study. These deviations might be due to varietal difference, agro-climatic conditions and method of crushing and preserving juice. Protein is the most essential nutrient required by humans to maintain growth, metabolism as well as body immune system. The genotypes
i.e., S-06-US-832, LHO83-153, CP-72-2086, S-06-US-312, SPF-213 contained abundant proteins (>2%); hence these are beneficial and healthy for human consumption.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content was recorded in the varying range of 1.2 to 2.0 mg/100 ml. The maximum value was found in genotype CP-72-2086 (2.0 mg/100 ml) and its minimum value was observed in genotype S-95-NSG-45 (1.2 mg/100 ml).
Zia et al., (2019) reported its range 0.3 to 0.6mg/100ml, which was lower than that reported by current study. Higher vitamin C content surges shelf life of sugarcane juice as it prevents its deterioration for longer time. It plays an important role in hindrance PPO activity, microbial count, viscosity, titratable acidity as well as delays boosting of reducing sugars
(Pradhan et al., 2019). S-60-US-300, S-06-US-312 and SPF-213 and CP-72-2086 contained higher amount of ascorbic acid indicating their suitability for juice preparation. The former two and later two were statistically different from each other. These genotypes can be utilized as parents in breeding program for increasing ascorbic acid.
The mean values of iron (Fe) and phosphorous (P) contents in sugarcane juice samples of different genotypes were found in the range of 36.50 to 60.45 and 14.34 to 39.24 mg/100 ml respectively. The highest Fe and P contents were recorded in genotype CP-72-2086 (60.45 mg/100 ml and 39.24mg/100ml respectively), while their lowest values were observed in genotypes S-06-US-832 (36.25 mg/100 ml) and S-06-US-469 (14.34 mg/100 ml) respectively. de
Souza et al., (2015) reported the Fe content (2.4 to 43 mg/ml) and P (1.53 to 4.21 mg/100ml) in juice extracts of Brazilian sugarcane varieties, which were far lower than those were observed in the current study. However, calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) contents were observed in the varying range of 85.23-115.19 mg/100 ml and 4.24-8.34 mg/100 ml respectively. Highest mean values of Ca and Mg were found in genotype SPF-213 (115.19 mg/100 ml and 8.34 mg/100 ml respectively) while their lowest mean values were observed in genotypes S-06-US-469 (85.23 mg/100 g) and S-95-NSG-45 (4.24 mg/100 g) respectively. de
Souza et al., 2015 recorded mean values of Ca and Mg in sugarcane juice varied in the range of 9.00 to 10.8 mg/100 ml and 11.7 to 13.97 mg/100 ml respectively. The values of Ca are higher while values of Mg are lower than those reported stated by de
Souza et al., (2015). These variations might be occurred due to varietal difference, agro-climatic condition difference of cultivation practices and deviated methods of grinding and preserving juice extracts. Minerals are health promoting nutrients which participate in human growth and metabolism. They also contribute to proper kidney functions and reduction of cancer cells, maintenance of blood sugar level as well as prevention of tooth decay
(Singh et al., 2014). Hence the genotypes with high mineral content can be exploited in breeding program for boosting mineral level and utilize them on commercial scale.
Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
Sugarcane SDS-PAGE has been used because of its consistency and ease for protein assessment and description of genetic structure of the germplasm. Although disassembling and unfolding of protein complexes due to blue native PAGE reported by
Klodmann et al., (2011). Protein profile of dissimilar genotypes is estimated and their distinct banding pattern on running gel has been noted after staining and destainig (Fig 1).
The banding pattern drawn from the photograph of gel (Fig 1) clearly indicated similarity and variation among genotypes on molecular level (Table 2). Same banding pattern was observed in first five genotypes while SPF-213, LHO 83-153 and S-60-US-300 had same banding pattern. Seven bands were found in all genotypes except CP-72-2086, S-06-US-312 which possessed eight bands.
Dendrogram (Fig 2) showed three main clusters, as cluster I contains only one genotype S-06-US-469. Custer II is divided into further clusters II (a) and II (b). Cluster II (a) include genotypes S-03-US-633, G8. Cluster II (b) included only SPF-213. Cluster III included only S-06-US-312. At linkage distance 2.2 three clusters are formed. In cluster I genotype S-06-US-469 was present showed unique pattern and variation from other genotypes. Whereas in Cluster II (a) S-03-US-633, CP-72-2086 were genetically same in nature and in unique cluster reflecting similarity index in phylogenetic relationship among them belonging to same ancestors. In sub cluster II (b) the ecotypes SPF-213 was outlier in this group and showed variation from other genotypes. In main Cluster III included only S-06-US-312 was present in unique pattern and became an outlier. They conveyed common genetic expression for SDS-PAGE while they had visibly different behavior in other biochemical parameters. In cluster II, S-03-US-633 and CP-72-2086 were grouped in same cluster and similar behavior. However remaining genotypes S-95-NSG-45, S-98-SP-108, LHO 83-153 and S-60-US-300 were not being grouped in any cluster due to dissimilarity. Similar findings for sugarcane accessions were reported by
Mehdi et al., (2020) who observed protein diversity in different genotypes showed bands with the range of 15-150 kDa, whereas the bands
i.e., 60 kDa, 70 kDa and 90 kDa were more common in genotypes.