Agricultural Science Digest
Chief EditorArvind kumar
Print ISSN 0253-150X
Online ISSN 0976-0547
NAAS Rating 5.52
SJR 0.156
Chief EditorArvind kumar
Print ISSN 0253-150X
Online ISSN 0976-0547
NAAS Rating 5.52
SJR 0.156
Study of the Zootechnical Performance of Tilapia cabrae and Oreochromis schwebischi in a Controlled Environment: The Case of the Mbolet Fish Farm in Lambaréné, Gabon
First Online 28-12-2021|
Background: The study of the zootechnical performance of Tilapia cabrae and Oreochromis schwebischi was carried out at the Mbolet fish farm in Lambaréné in Gabon in order to evaluate the growth and reproductive performance of these two species.
Methods: For this purpose, 226 fish (113 of T. cabrae with an average weight of 30.55±9.5 g and 113 O. schwebischi with an average weight of 20.64±10.5 g), were distributed in four 6 m2 tanks with two replicates per species for the growing phase which lasted 60 days. For the reproductive phase, 42 selected mature fish, including 6 males and 36 females of each species, were placed in six 2 m2 ponds with three replicates per species for 78 days.
Result: The survival rate, the number of reproductions per species and the absolute, relative and system productivities were determined. It was found that the average weight gain, daily individual growth and specific growth rate were significantly (p<0.05) higher in T. cabrae, 48.1±5.51 g, 0.8±0.092 g/day and 1.57±0.066% g/day respectively, than in O. schwebischi, 27.11±9.23 g, 0.45±0.15 g/day and 1.38±0.051% g/day respectively. At the end of reproduction, the absolute productivity of T. cabrae (234.75±24.71 larvae/female/egg-laying) was significantly higher (p<0.05) than that of O. schwebichi (104.68±46.64 larvae/female/laying). System productivity was significantly higher (p<0.05) in O. schwebichi (11.34±2.29 larvae/m2/day) compared to that of T. cabrae (4.12±1.73 larvae/m2/day). Thus, on a fish farm, the use of these species may be possible.
This study was carried out at the Mbolet fish farm in Lambaréné in the Moyen-Ogooué Province in Central-West Gabon with an average annual temperature of 26.1°C and an average rainfall of 1999 mm (Sonwa et al., 2020) for an altitude of 0° 46' 48" South and a longitude of 10° 14' 2". The climate in this area is of humid tropical savannah type (Aw).
It is located in the ‘’Petit Paris 3'’ quarter, behind the regional hospital, on the shore of Lake Mbolet at the coordinates -0.698681 and 10.253984. Two species of fish were used in this experimental trial. These were Tilapia cabrae and Oreochromis schwebischi. These fish were caught in the fisheries of Moyen-Ogooué and brought to the station. The experimental samples were taken at the fingerling stage with an average weight of 30.55±9.5 g for T. cabrae and 20.64±10.5 g for O. schwebischi. In order to monitor the growth of these two species in a controlled environment, they were conditioned for one month. Then, 113 fish were used for each species. Four groups were made up, two for each group of each species. The loading of the fish took into account the number of fish, their weight and density in 6 m2 tanks (Table 1). Water was pumped into the ponds from the surrounding lake. This phase lasted 2 months and allowed not only the development of the fish but also the maturation of their gonads. The fish were fed three times a day (9 am, noon and 3 pm) with the feed which characteristics are given in Table 2. The feed was presented to the animals in the form of 4 mm diameter pellets.All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article or claim that may be made by its manufacturer is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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