Based on morphological, physical and chemical properties, Ganjigatti sub-watershed soils were classified as Entisols, Inceptisols, Alfisols and Vertisols (Fine, mixed, isohyperthermic, Lithic Ustorthents (MRK); Fine, mixed, isohyperthermic Lithic Haplustalfs (UGK); Fine-loamy, mixed, isohyperthermic, Typic Ustorthents (KMD); Fine-loamy, kaolinitic, isohyperthermic, Lithic Ustorthents (SSK); Very fine, mixed, isohyperthermic, Typic Haplustepts (KRK); Fine, mixed, isohyperthermic Typic Haplustalfs (BGH); Fine, mixed, isohyperthermic, Typic Ustorthents (GJG); Fine, mixed, isohyperthermic, Vertic Haplustepts (MVD); Fine, smectitic, isohyperthermic, Typic Haplusterts (ASR)) are the major soils encountered in the Ganjigatti sub-watershed. The weighted mean values of considered soil properties for all nine pedons was given in Table 1. Based on the surface (0-20 cm) and subsurface (20-50 cm) soil properties, fertility capability units were identified by applying the type, sub-strata type and condition modifiers to soil taxonomic units (soil series). The type of the soil was loamy and clay whereas substrata type was loamy, clayey and rock or other hard root restricting layer within 50 cm, ‘R’. The condition modifiers appropriate for the soils under study were ‘b’ basic reaction within 50 cm depth (pH above 7.3); (ii) soil moisture stress, ‘d’ indicating dry season longer than three months and ustic soil moisture regime; (iii) low cation exchange capacity, ‘e’ with CEC<7 cmol (p+) kg-1 of soil at pH 7); (iv) low nutrient reserves, ‘k’ with exchangeable K < 0.2 cmol (p+) kg
-1 soil or exchangeable K < 2% of sum of bases, if sum of bases is < 10 cmol (p+) kg
-1 soil; (v) low organic carbon status, ‘m’ (SOC is <5 g C kg
-1 soil within 20 cm depth); (vi) gravel content [r; r+ = 10-35% by volume of gravel size (2-25 cm in dm), r++ = >35% gavel by volume in 50 cm of the soil]; (vii) cracking clays ‘v’ indicating vertic properties.
From the perspective of soil fertility management, the fertility capability classification groups soils that share similar conditions. Therefore, we only group the soils based on characteristics that contribute to their similarity in fertility management. Table 1 displays the soil coding for nine series, which organizes the soils into eight FCC units (Table 2). This clearly shows that soil individuals within a single FCC class can belong to different taxonomic classes. The upland soil series KMD, SSK and MRK exhibited loamy (L) and clay (C) types, with weathered rock (R) serving as the substrate type. The condition modifiers identified in MRK soils were soil moisture stress (d), low OC status (m) and gravelliness (r+) and the FCC class was CRdmr+. The UGK soils had condition modifiers such as soil moisture stress (d), low nutrient reserve (k) and gravelliness (r++) and the FCC class was LCdkr++. In KMD soils, condition modifiers were soil moisture stress (d) and gravelliness (r++), so the FCC class was LRdr++. The SSK soil series includes condition modifiers for low cation exchange capacity (e), low OC status (m) and gravelliness (r+). Consequently, we assigned the FCC class as LRdemr+. KRK and MVD soils possess condition modifiers such as moisture stress (d) and gravelliness (r+); hence, the FCC class was Cdr+. The BGH soils contained condition modifiers such as soil moisture stress (d), low nutrient reserve (k) and gravelliness (r+), while the FCC class was LCdkr+. In GJG soils, condition modifiers were soil moisture stress (d) and gravelliness (r+), so the FCC class was Ldr+. The ASR series of soils contained condition modifiers such as soil moisture stress (d), cracking clay (v), low OC status (m) and calcareousness (b) and its FCC class was Cbdmv.
Soil moisture stress (d) and gravelliness (r) are the most predominant condition modifiers observed in all FCC classes of the Ganjigatti sub-watershed. This suggests that the soils have a limited amount of available water, this can be overcome by application of soil and water conservation methods and suitable irrigation methods. The FCC classes found in upland soils exhibit very shallow to shallow soil depths, this phenomenon caused by the erosion of fertile top soil due to inadequate soil conservation measures (
Jagdish Prasad, 2000;
Bhattacharyya et al., 2016). The less surface horizon depth and high gravel content were the indicators of top soil loss due to severe sheet erosion, which limits the availability of WHC and nutrients
(Rajeshwar and Mani, 2014). Hence, poor nutrient supply and low available water content due to limited depth are major limiting factors for crop production in these soils. Pasture development may be a viable option for limiting soil erosion and protecting it from degradation. The soil series of BGH and GJG (midland soils) feature a loamy type and substrata, as well as a loamy type and clay substrate, respectively. These soil types are conducive to crop production, as they allow for adequate infiltration through both rain and irrigation. Low cation exchange capacity (e) and biological condition modifier (m) have to be managed by the addition of organic manures, FYM and compost in the FCC units with those modifiers. High pH and CaCO3 content are major limitations in the soils of ASR (lowland). The accumulation of base cations due to leaching in the sub-surface layer enhances the development of CaCO
3. It induces a deficiency of micronutrients and phosphorus by forming Ca-P compounds
(Jagdish Prasad, 2000). The high clay content of these soils reduces their workability when they are wet and dry. Despite the high clay content, which makes leaching a challenging process, we need to use suitable amendments, such as gypsum or organic manures, to mitigate the alkalinity threat. Although calcareousness may not support gypsum application in the soil, foliar sprays of micronutrients can address their deficiency. The differences in the presence of modifiers in different FCC units are due to the variability in landform, land use and management practices that influence soil properties. Condition modifiers can serve as drivers for the selection of appropriate management for increasing soil productivity, apart from indicating soil characteristics
(Vasu et al., 2016). Chandrakala et al., (2020), Dhale et al., (2019) and
Lalitha et al., (2018) also reported similar studies.