Characterization of CaO, MgO, FeO and ZnO nanoparticles
UV-Vis Spectroscopy
UV-Vis spectroscopy recorded the absorbance peak of CaONPs at 340 nm, while MgONPs at 310 nm, FeONPs at 370 nm and ZnONPs at 300 nm suggesting successful formation of nanoparticles (Fig 1 to 4).
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
The spectrum showed the bands for the functional groups located at 3419, 2191, 1420, 680, 825 cm
-1. The peaks at 3419 and 2191represent the presence of -OH group and medial alkyne di substitution respectively. Skeletal C-C vibrations were recorded consecutively from 985 cm-1 to 877 cm
-1. The bands near 680 cm
-1 and 693 cm
-1 indicates the presence of aryl thioesters. (Fig 5).
The spectrum showed the bands for the functional groups located at 2064, 713 and 1388 cm
-1. The peaks at 2064 and 1388 cm
-1. represent the presence of isothiocyanate group and trimethyl/3º butyl groups respectively. Skeletal C-C vibrations were recorded at 713 cm
-1. (Fig 6).
The spectrum displays the peaks for the functional groups located at 2119, 1908, 1459, 1654 and 1131 cm
-1 while the peak at 2119 represents the cyanide / thiocyanate or related ions and 1908 denotes aromatic combination bands. Aromatic ring stretch was recorded at 1459 cm
-1, open chain imino groups and C-C vibrations were evident from the bands near 1654 cm
-1 and 1131 cm
-1 respectively (Fig 7).
The peaks in the spectrum refer to the functional groups located at 1460, 1886, 1457 and 1371 cm
-1. The peaks at 1460 and 1371 represent the presence of methyl C-H asymmetric / symmetric band whereas the peak at 1886 cm
-1. refers to the presence of transition metal carbonyls. Carbonate ion was recorded at 1457 cm
-1. band and to conclude, the change in wave number of the functional groups might due to the synthetic protocol (Fig 8).
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis
The CaO’s XRD pattern demonstrates that the cubic CaO can be used to identify the NPs. Their lattice parameters match the standard numbers provided in JCPDS PDF 82-1690 quite well (CaO). The diffraction intensities were recorded from 10°-80° at 2θ. Seven different and important characteristic peaks recorded at 32.2°, 35.7°, 37.3°, 48.5°, 54.5°, 64.5° and 67.3° correspond to the (111), (110), (200), (024), (202), (311) and (222) crystal planes, respectively (Fig 4.3.1). Using Scherrer’s equation, the average crystallite size (3.15 nm) was calculated from the broadenings of matching peaks:
D= Average crystallite domain size perpendicular to the reflecting planes.
l (1.5429x10-10 )= X-ray wave length of the incident beam in nm.
θ= Diffraction angle.
b= Full width at half the maximum intensity in radians (Fig 9).
The hexagonal phase of MgO in the synthesised substance was demonstrated by the XRD pattern. The absence of impurities in this pattern suggests that hexagonal phase MgO could be produced using the current synthetic method and all of the crystal structures complied with the JCPDS data that had been published. The Scherrer formula was used to determine the size of the crystallites and was applied to the main peaks (Fig 10).
The examples are polycrystalline and primarily contain (100), (101) and (110) MgO, according to the XRD pattern. Within the XRD measurement range, no additional peaks could be located. It is discovered that the respective peak intensities for (100), (101) and (110) are greater than 2. (4.3.3). It has been demonstrated that polycrystalline MgO barriers with a higher percentage of the (100) textured phase produce very high values (Fig 11).
The crystalline of the samples was analyzed by powder XRD. The diffraction profiles of FeO NPs samples shown some disturbance peak there is only one major peak seen ( theta angle at 35.5°) showing (220) indicating the presence of FeO, 28.7° showing (111), 38.9° showing (311), 41.2° showing (400), 48.9° showing (422), 55.4° showing (511) and 66.4° showing (220).
All peaks were found to correspond to an FeO spinel structure and this observation is significant as it mainly consist of magnetite partially oxidized at their surface (Fig 11).
The prepared material contains particles in the nanoscale region, as indicated by a clear line broadening of the XRD peaks. Our study of the XRD patterns allowed us to identify the peak’s intensity, position and width as well as its full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) data. The hexagonal wurtzite phase of ZnO has been sharply enumerated as the diffraction peaks at 31.84°, 34.52°, 36.33°, 47.63°, 56.71°, 62.96°, 68.13° and 69.18° (Fig 12).
The fact that the XRD lines have widened indicates that the material contains NPs. Some notable peaks in the XRD were taken into consideration and the associated d-values were compared to the norm [JCPDS file No. 80-0075]. The hexagonal structure of pure ZnO in the metal oxide was verified by X-ray diffraction.
Particle size and zeta potential analysis
The measured hydrodynamic diameter (HDD) of ZnO NPs was 42.7 nm and that of CaO, MgO NPs and FeO NPs were 98.5 nm, 36.8 nm and 112.2 nm respectively Greater stability of the prepared NPs is indicated by a larger zeta potential value. The measured HDD of the prepared nanoscale oxide particles (Zn, Ca, Mg and Fe) were well comparable with the measured sizes (25 nm, 50 nm, 30 nm and 80 nm) from the TEM micrographs.
Zeta potential of the substance is an important indicator of the stability of the respective substance. The measured zeta potentials of nanoscale ZnO, CaO, MgO and FeO were -20.1 mV, -28.9 mV, -44.7 and -20.1mV, respectively clearly indicated that the prepared nanoscale oxide materials were highly stable (Fig 13 to 16).
TEM analysis
The micrographs of transmission electron microscope showed well defined, monodispersed nanoscale oxide particles of Ca, Fe, Mg and Zn. From the micrographs relatively spherical shaped CaO NPs were observed with the mean particle size of 60nm. Slight agglomeration of the particles was observed and is due to the absence of protective ligands on the surface of the NPs (Plate 2 to 5).
Rod shaped and occasional spherical shaped FeO NPs monodispersity with the slight agglomeration of FeO NPs also been observed with uniform surface morphological features and with mean size of 80 nm.
Relatively spherical shaped MgO NPs with mean size of 50 nm. The agglomeration of the particles is due to the absence of the protective ligands on the surface.
Polydispersed spherical shaped ZnO NPs with mean size of 25 nm. The absence of the protective ligands on the surface caused the agglomeration of the NPs (Table 1).
The results pertaining to characterisation of nanoCaO using UV-absorbance spectrum, FTIR and XRD, DLS and TEM were closely related with
Ashwini et al., (2016) and
Mirghiasi et al., (2014). The synthesis and characterisation of nanoMgO was closely related to
Wahab et al., (2007), Suresh et al., (2014) and
Agarwal et al., (2015). The nanoFeO synthesis and characterisation results were in close conformity with Surender and Sunithadevi (2010). Similarly the nanoZnO characterisation results were in agreement with
Vafaeea and Sasani (2007),
Robina et al., (2013) and
Jurablu et al., (2015).
Effect oof nanoparticles on Bt
The maximum cfu count (17.3x10
9 Cfu/g) was recorded with MgO at 50 ppm concentration followed by 9.8x10
9 with 100 ppm, 8.4x10
9 with 500 ppm and 20 ppm and 7.8x10
9 with 10 ppm. Similarly, 16.9x10
9 with CaO 20 ppm, 14.3x10
9 with 50 ppm, 8.4x10
9 with 100 ppm, 8.1x10
9 with 10 ppm and 7.4x10
9 with 500 ppm. Simultaneously with ZnO the maximum number of 16.5x10
9 Cfu/g recorded at 10 ppm, followed by 10.7x10
9, 8.4x10
9, 7.8x10
9 and 7.4x10
9 with 20 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm and 500 ppm respectively. With FeO the highest number of 15.0x10
9 Cfu/g recorded with 50 ppm, followed by 9.1x10
9 with 100 ppm, 8.9x10
9 with 10 ppm, with 500 ppm, 8.3 x 10
9 with 20 ppm, as against 6.7x10
9 Cfu/g in control (Table 2). During 2017, the maximum number of 17.3x10
9 Cfu/g were recorded with MgO at 50 ppm concentration followed by 16.9x10
9 with CaO at 20 ppm, 16.5x10
9 with ZnO at 10 ppm, 15.0x10
9 Cfu/g with FeO at 50 ppm as against 6.7x10
9 Cfu/g in control.
UV absorption spectrums of the CaO nano-particles band positions at 300 and 365 nm correspond to CaO NPs. The UV spectrum of Ca NPs shows the absorbent peak rose at 340 nm. The formation of MgO NPs metal oxide in the material is indicated by the absorbance at 310 nm from UV-visible spectroscopy.
Prepared and annealed Fe
3 NPs were achieved at wavelength near 370 nm whereas for ZnO NPs the peak o
Btained at 300 nm clearly demonstrates the presence of the reaction mixture.
The nanoCa spectrum showed the bands for the functional groups located at 3419, 2191, 1420, 680, 825 cm
-1. The peaks at 3419 and 2191 represent the presence of –OH group and medial alkyne disubstitution respectively. Skeletal C-C vibrations were recorded consecutively from 985 cm-1 to 877 cm
-1. The bands near 680 cm-1 and 693 cm
-1 indicates the presence of aryl thioesters.
The nanoMgO spectrum showed the bands for the functional groups located at 2064, 713, 1388 cm
-1. The peaks at 2064 and 1388 cm-1.represent the presence of isothiocyanate group and trimethyl/3º butyl groups respectively. Skeletal C-C vibrations were recorded at 713 cm
The nanoFeO spectrum displays the peaks for the functional groups located at 2119, 1908, 1459, 1654, 1131 cm-1. 2119 represents the cyanide/thiocyanate or related ions at 1908 cm
-1 denotes aromatic combination bands. Aromatic ring stretch was recorded at 1459 cm
-1, open chain imino groups and C-C vibrations were evident from the bands near 1654 cm
-1 and 1131 cm
-1 respectively.
The nanoZnO peaks in the spectrum refer to the functional groups located at 1460, 1886, 1457, 1371 cm
-1. The peaks at 1460 and 1371 represent the presence of methyl C-H asymmetric/symmetric bend whereas the peak at 1886 cm-1. refers to the presence of transition metal carbonyls.
The CaO’s XRD pattern demonstrates that the cubic CaO can be used to identify the NPs. Their lattice parameters match the standard numbers listed in JCPDS PDF# 82-1690 quite well (CaO).The diffraction intensities were recorded from 10°-80° at 2è. Seven different and important characteristic peaks recorded at 32.2°, 35.7°, 37.3°, 48.5°, 54.5°, 64.5° and 67.3° correspond to the (111), (110), (200), (024), (202), (311) and (222) crystal planes, respectively.
XRD pattern proved that the synthesized material is MgO of hexagonal phase. The crystalline of the samples was analyzed by powder XRD. The diffraction profiles of FeO NPs samples showed some disturbance peak with only one major peak observed (220) ( theta angle at 35.5°) indicating the presence of FeO 111 at 28.7°, 311 at 38.9°, 400 at 41.2°, 422 at 48.9°, 511 at 55.4° and 220 at 66.4°.
All peaks were found to correspond to an FeO spinel structure and this observation is significant as it mainly consisted of magnetite partially oxidized at their surface.
ZnO NPs’ XRD results revealed a distinct line broadening of the XRD peaks, indicating that the prepared substance contained nanoscale-sized particles. The peak intensity, position and width from this study of the XRD patterns using full width at half-maximum (FWHM) data. It has been determined with great precision that the diffraction maxima at 31.84°, 34.52°, 36.33°, 47.63°, 56.71°, 62.96°, 68.13° and 69.18° belong to the hexagonal wurtzite phase of ZnO.
The measured hydrodynamic diameter (HDD) of ZnO NPs was 42.7 nm and that of CaO, MgO NPs and FeO NPs were 98.5 nm, 36.8 nm and 112.2 nm, respectively. The measured hydrodynamic diameters of the prepared nanoscale oxide particles (Zn, Ca, Mg and Fe) were well comparable with the measured sizes (25 nm, 50 nm, 30 nm and 80 nm) from the TEM micrographs.
Zeta potential of the substance is an important indicator of the stability of the respective substance. The measured zeta potentials of nanoscale ZnO, CaO, MgO and FeO were -20.1 mV, -28.9 mV, -44.7 and -20.1 mV respectively which clearly indicated that the prepared nanoscale oxide materials were highly stable.
The micrographs of transmission electron microscope showed well defined, monodispersed nanoscale oxide particles of Ca, Fe, Mg and Zn.
The NPs enriched media recorded maximum cfu/g was with
thuringiensis with MgO at 50ppm, CaO at 20 ppm, ZnO at 10 ppm and FeO 50 ppm. The results are on par with
Dominguez, 2004,
Groisman et al., 2013, Duan et al., 2023, Hood and Skaar, 2012 who identified the Calcium (Ca), Mg2+, Zn and iron ions importance in sporulation, enzymatic processes including the regulation of membranes and ribosomes, cell development and proliferation and for the synthesis of proteins and enzymes respectively.