Flowering parameters
The results of flowering parameters, including days to first flowering, total span of flowering and bloom quantity per shoot, demonstrated that foliar application of various treatment combinations comprising GA
3, KNO
3, thiourea and salicylic acid significantly influenced these characteristics. The data presented in Table 1 clearly shows that leaf-applied GA3 and growth-promoting chemicals at different concentrations and distinct levels had a significant effect on acid lime cv. Kagzi trees. Specifically, these treatments reduced the number of days to first flowering, minimized the total span of flowering and increased the bloom quantity per shoot. The most rapid flowering response (40.05 days) and minimum total span of flowering (53.79 days) were recorded in acid lime cv. Kagzi trees in response to the T
4 treatment (GA
3 @ 100 mg/l + KNO
3 @ 2%). Conversely, the maximum number of days to first flowering (47.61 days) and the maximum total span of flowering (61.92 days) were observed in the T0 (control) treatment. The relatively improved minimum number of days to the initial flowering and the shortest overall flowering duration in the T
4 treatment can be linked to the prompt influence of GA
3 on the acceleration and swift movement of photosynthates and flowering enhancers, which altered the destiny of vegetative buds into reproductive ones, thereby hastening flower development and facilitating early flower anthesis in acid lime, a conclusion that is corroborated by the research conducted by
(Singh et al., 2018) in chrysanthemum. This suggests that the application of GA
3 could be a critical factor in optimizing flowering times, potentially leading to enhanced yield and quality in acid lime cultivation. The quick transformation of vegetative buds into floral buds in acid lime cv. Kagzi trees can be potentially enhanced when GA
3 at 100 mg/l is used together with KNO
3 at 2%. The current findings align with the studies conducted by
Sarker and Rahim (2013) on mango,
Deshlehra et al., (2019) focusing on acid lime and
Mandloi et al., (2021) regarding acid lime. The highest number of flowers per shoot (144.66) was observed in acid lime cv. Kagzi trees treated with T4, which included GA
3 at 100 mg/l and KNO
3 at 2%. Conversely, the lowest flower count per shoot (122.67) was noted in the T0 (control) treatment. The increase in flowers per shoot in the T4 treatment, relative to the other treatments, can likely be explained by the synergistic effect of GA
3 and KNO
3 as foliar treatments in acid lime trees.
Additionally, the positive impact of GA
3 in breaking dormancy and stimulating rapid cell division, in combination with KNO
3, may have contributed to the availability of essential mineral elements, particularly potassium and nitrogen
(Zhang et al., 2024 and
Elsayed et al., 2024). These are vital for chlorophyll synthesis, leading to increased vigor and ultimately resulting in a higher floral count per shoot in the acid lime cultivar Kagzi trees
(Thirugnanavel et al., 2007; Rai
Tagad et al., 2018, Deshlehra et al., 2019; Mandloi et al., 2021 and
Karakal et al., 2023 in acid lime,
Patel and Tripathi 2024).
Fruit setting parameters
The foliar application of various treatment combinations, including GA
3, KNO
3, thiourea and salicylic acid, significantly affected fruit setting parameters such as fruit set percentage and fruit retention at harvest. The results outlined in Table 1 show that applying GA
3 and growth-promoting chemicals at different concentrations, in different treatment combinations, has a significant impact on improving fruit set percentage and fruit retention at harvest in acid lime cv. Kagzi trees.
The Kagzi variety of acid lime trees that were treated with T4 (consisting of GA
3 at 100 mg/l and KNO
3 at 2%) showed the highest fruit set at 69.08% and fruit retention at harvest at 47.37%. In contrast, the control (T
0) recorded a lower fruit set at 60.02% and fruit retention at harvest at 29.05%. The maximum developmental fruit persistence rate attained consequent to T
4 treatment might be attributable to better pollen functionality and pollen tube elongation in acid lime cv. Kagzi trees. The application of GA
3 might have enhanced stigma receptivity and promoted the growth of pollen tubes, leading to successful fertilization and increased fruit set in acid lime cv. Kagzi. The role of GA3 in the reduction of fruit drop is of paramount importance as evident in the present results and GA
3 supports in strengthening of the abscission zone of fruit-bearing shoots which may be one of the reasons for enhanced fruit retention in acid lime cv. Kagzi trees
(Patel et al., 2024). The combination of GA
3 and KNO
3 enhances fruit set efficiency and crop persistence in acid lime cv. Kagzi trees. The increased success in fruit setting is linked to beneficial amino acids and vitamins that support potassium’s role in carbohydrate transport to developing fruitlets. Additionally, KNO
3 contributes to chlorophyll buildup, stimulating photosynthesis and improving fruit set when applied with GA
3 at 100 mg/l and KNO
3 at 2%. The potassium helps in osmoregulation by maintaining turgor balance and thereby supports fruit retention along with optimization of photosynthesis rate and maintaining hormonal balance within the Kagzi lime trees. The current findings corroborate those published by
Nahar et al., (2010), Sarker,
Rahim (2013),
Patel et al., (2016) in mango,
Joshi et al., (2016) in sapota,
Chaudhary et al., (2018) in aonla,
Rai et al., (2018), Deshlehra et al., (2019) in acid lime.
Yield parameters
The yield attributes of acid lime cv. Kagzi trees - including number of fruits per tree, fruit weight (g) and yield (kg/tree) -were significantly influenced by foliar application of different treatment combinations of GA
3, KNO
3, thiourea and salicylic acid, as shown in Table 2. These treatment combinations significantly increased the number of fruits per plant, fruit weight (g) and yield (kg/tree) across various treatments.
The highest number of fruits per tree (448.00) was recorded in acid lime cv. Kagzi trees treated with GA
3 at 100 mg/l + KNO
3 at 2% (T4 treatment), while the lowest (422.33) was observed in the control (T
0 treatment) receiving only water spray. The increased fruit yield can be attributed to gibberellic acid’s role in enhancing flower production, improving fruit formation and increasing fruit retention
(Prabhu et al., 2017). Furthermore, potassium nitrate significantly increased chlorophyll levels and leaf growth per shoot, directly contributing to fruit development
(Salman et al., 2010). These results align with previous research on Mandarin by
El-Otmani (2004) and on Mango by
Yeshitela et al., (2004).
The acid lime variety Kagzi demonstrated the highest fruit weight of 70.00 g following the T4 treatment (100 mg/l GA
3 combined with 2% KNO
3), while the control treatment (T
0) yielded the lowest fruit weight of 39.66 g. The increased fruit weight can be attributed to gibberellic acid’s role in promoting cell expansion, elongation and proliferation. Additionally, potassium plays a vital role in enhancing fruit weight through improved photosynthetic activities, leading to increased food storage. As an enzymatic catalyst, potassium is involved in ATP production, which regulates the photosynthesis rate and enables plants to accumulate substantial food within the fruit
(Kumar et al., 2023). ATP is also crucial for various plant functions, including cell division. Fruit size is determined by cell number and size, with the central vacuole occupying a significant portion of cell volume. While fruit expansion is key to growth and development, potassium enhances fruit weight by facilitating the transfer of photosynthates to the fruit. The outcomes of the current research align with those documented by
Yeshitela et al., (2004) in mango,
Debaje et al., (2011) in acid lime,
Jagtap et al., (2013) in acid lime,
Joshi et al., (2016) in sapota,
Chaudhary et al., (2018) in aonla,
Rai et al., (2018) in acid lime,
Karakal et al., (2023) in acid lime and Khan and Nabi (2023) in sweet lime.
The acid lime variety Kagzi trees receiving T4 treatment (GA3 at 100 mg/l combined with KNO3 at 2%) exhibited the highest yield of 31.35 kg/tree, while the control treatment (T
0) showed the lowest yield at 16.75 kg/tree. Increased concentrations of KNO
3 and GA
3 resulted in a higher number of acid lime fruits per tree. This yield enhancement may stem from reduced vegetative growth, which promotes better flowering, fruit setting and improved fruit retention. Moreover, a larger quantity of metabolites was directed towards reproductive growth, particularly towards the fruit ‘sink’. GA
3 contributed to raising yields and boosting fruit production by facilitating quicker mobilization of stored metabolites or photosynthates and supporting auxin biosynthesis. Notably, foliar application of KNO
3 resulted in the greatest number of flowers, fruit production and total yield. These findings align with previous research by El-Otmani (2004) on mandarin,
Thirugnanavel et al., (2007) on acid lime,
Nahar et al., (2010) on mango,
Jagtap et al., (2013) on acid lime,
Joshi et al., (2016) on sapota,
Chaudhary et al., (2018) on aonla and
Tagad et al., (2018) on acid lime.