Agriculture plays a significant role in the socioeconomic development of India. It serves as the backbone of the Indian economy. Approximately 50% of the Indian workforce depends on agriculture for their livelihood (
Shalini, 2014). In the global context, India holds a significant position as both a major producer and consumer of arecanut. Notably, states such as Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam, Meghalaya and West Bengal contribute significantly to arecanut production in the country. During the 2013-14 period, arecanut production in India exceeds 7 lakh tons, with Karnataka leading the production with 457,560 tons from an area of 218,010 hectares (
Deshmukh et al., 2019).
India occupies a major part in arecanut production compared to other countries. It is very important to harvest the arecnut at right time to get the good quality produce and to reduce the losses.Experienced persons are required to identify the correct stage of the arecanut. Majorly Arecanut can be classified into unripe, intermediate and ripe. Usually farmers will harvest the arecanut at an intermediate and ripe stages depending on the usage (
Prakash, 2012).
Arecanut is a commercial crop and various soft computing and artificial intelligence methods and tools play a crucial role in identifying and classifying defects, grades and maturity levels of arecanuts. But these researches were carried on the arecanut available on ground that is after harvesting. There is no research work available on aerial arecanut. There is no automated system or technique to detect whether areca is ripened or not so that a decision can be taken to harvest arecanut. Traditionally, harvesting of arecanut has relied on manual methods. Conventional method of harvesting arecanut requires two people with the necessary skills to harvest arecanut. One professional tree climber has to climb the tree and pluck an arecanut and pass the plucked areca to the one who is on the ground to examine the ripeness. The person on the ground peels the nut with his teeth to ensure the ripeness and decides whether areca can be harvested or not. The person on the ground uses roti/dhoti (an equipment used to harvest arecanut) to harvest arecanut if it is ripened. This conventional method is a tedious as well as time consuming. It requires manpower and there is a life threat for the person who climbs the tree. Many deaths are reported during this process. Now a days it is very difficult to get the labours. If there is an automated system which can detect whether arecanut is ripened or not, it will be easier to take a decision on arecanut harvesting. This work is an attempt in finding the arecanut ripeness level.
In order to train any deep learning model, dataset is required. Dataset is available for the arecanut after harvesting but there is no dataset available for aerial arecanut. So to start this work, an attempt is made to create the dataset of aerial arecanut. In order to create the dataset, three stages of arecanut are considered: Ripened, unripen and intermediate.
Once the dataset is created, the images from the dataset is given as input to the Deep Neural Networks (DNNs): AlexNet and VGG-16. These networks extract the features such as colour, texture, shape, size,
etc. The extracted features are given as inputs to the classifiers present in DNNs to predict the ripeness level. If this model is implemented in dhoti/roti (used to harvest areca) it eliminates the manpower required to climb the tree and the human life risk can be avoided. Or by integrating this model with a climbing and cutter units, the arecanut harvesting system becomes completely automated and the time required to harvest arecanut can be reduced along with reduced man power requirement. Further this ripeness detection model can be extended to detect the different stages of coconut and can be extended to harvest coconut. The objectives of the work are as follows: 1. To create the dataset consisting of different images of aerial arecanut for the three different stages (unripen, intermediate and Ripened). 2. To give accurate classification of arecanut by analyzing the extracted features using deep Neural Netwroks (DNN). Evaluate and compare the performance.
Related work
In recent literature it is diffciult to find the conventional methods to detect the (i) maturity levels of arecanut (ii) quality of arecanut (iii) diseases in arecanuts. Now a days Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in all most all the fields like automobiles, business, education, fincance, healthcare etc. Machine learning and deep learning are the part of Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning are used in drone technology to tack the movement of animals
(AlZubi et al., 2023; AlZubi, 2024). Deep neural networks or complex neural networks are also used to estimate the angle of arrival, angle of departure, target detection and recognition in wireless communication
(Naoumi et al., 2023; Naoumi et al., 2024; Delamou et al., 2023). Machine learning models are used to detect the plant, crop and leaf diseases (
Lee and Kim, 2024;
Metagar and Walikar, 2024;
Cho, 2024;
Bong-Hyun, 2024). With the above discussions, we can say that the Artificial intelligence plays an important role in the recoginition and classification of images and videos. In this section an attempt is made to refer the work related to the above said problems using machine learning and deep learning algorithms.
CNN is used to automatically classify and grade arecanuts as good quality and bad quality based on their size, color and texture. The CNN model consists of Conv2D, maxpooling2D, dropout, flattenand dense layers. The system aims to improve the accuracy and efficiency of arecanut classification and grading, eliminating human errors and biases. The implementation of data pre-processing, augmentation and model architecture has achieved a better accuracy of 97% using the customized CNN model (
Amrutha Bhat et al., 2023). The raw arecanuts are classified into four classes: ape, bette, milleand gorabalu, utilizing colour features and a K-NN (K Nearest Neighbour) classifier model across three stages: segmentation, feature extractionand classification
(Anilkumar et al., 2021).
The utilization of pre-trained CNN for image classification tasks, focusing on the comparison between using AlexNet with support vector machines (SVM) classifier and transfer learning. Transfer Learning involves fine-tuning the last few layers of a pretrained network to enhance classification accuracy. CNN such as AlexNet, have shown superior performance in image classification compared to traditional methods. The methodology involves inputting image data to a pretrained CNN for feature extraction, followed by classification using SVM or Transfer Learning. The benefits of using pretrained CNN models include eliminating manual feature extraction and simplifying the learning process for new tasks
(Huang et al., 2023).
The classification of raw arecanut into four classes as ape, bette, mille and gorabalu using color features and K-NN (K Nearest Neighbor) classifier model with three stages: segmentation, feature extraction and classification. The segmentation is performed using K-means clustering to remove unwanted background and shadows, followed by the extraction of color histogram and color moments features.The four color moments computed are mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. The K-NN classifier is then used for classification with varying K values and distance measures like Euclidean distance measure, manhattan distance measure, cosine distance measure and chebychev distancemeasure to achieve better accuracy (Bharadwaj
et al., 2017).
Convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to identify and categorize the disease in arecanut. The dataset consists of 1,100 images of arecanut combinedly for healthy and diseased. The approach achived 93.05% of accuracy (
Ajit Hegde et al., 2023).
From the previous discussions, it can be concluded that there is no existing technology to determine the maturity level of aerial arecanut before harvesting. Various soft computing, artificial intelligence methods, Deep Neural Networks, Machine learning techniques and tools play a crucial role in identifying and classifying defects in arecanuts, maturity levels of arecanut, detect the quality of arecanut, detect the diseases in arecanuts. But these works are carried out on the arecanut which is already harvested. In this work, an attempt is made to classify the aerial arecanut into 3 classes namely unripe, intermediate, ripe using deep neural networks: AlexNet and VGG-16 for feature extraction as well as classification. DNN is preferred to solve complex problems as the network grows deeper, the more sophisticated is the pattern searching. AlexNet and VGG-16 are selected as they resulted in good accuracy during the classification of the images.