Growth attributes, nodule number and dry weight, yield attributes and yields
It was observed in both years that integrated application of organic manures and NPK and Zn fertilizers significantly improved the growth attributes, nodulation and yields of soybean over NPK fertilization alone (control-T
1). Plant height and dry matter accumulation was recorded highest in T
6 (65.57 and 69.73 cm and 481.55 and 516.62 g m
-2 in 2020 and 2021, respectively), which was statistically at par with T
2, T
7 and T
8 in 2020 and with T
8 in 2021 for plant height and with T
2 and T
8 in 2020 and with T
8 in 2021 for dry matter accumulation (Table 1). Though, significantly the highest number of nodules plant
-1 was noted in T
2 (35.09) in 2020, which was at par with T
4, T
6 and T
7; and T
6 (41.79) in 2021, which was at par with T
2, T
4 and T
7 (Fig 1). However, the dry weight of nodules plant
-1 was maximum in T
6 (127.73 mg) in 2020, which was at par with T
2, T
4 and T
7 and in T
2 (139.63 mg) in 2021, which was at par with T
4, T
6, T
7 and T
8 (Fig1). T
6 treatment showed the highest number of pods plant
-1 (24.17 and 26.41), which was at par with T
2, T
7 and T
8; and also 100-seed weight (14.81 g and 14.94 g) which was at par with T
7 and T
8 in 2020 and 2021, respectively (Fig 2). The number of seeds pod
-1 did not vary significantly among the treatments. The greater production of photosynthates enhanced the yield attributes, resulting in the highest seed and stover yields recorded in T
6 (1810 and 1906 kg ha
-1 and 3820 and 4000 kg ha
-1 in 1
st and 2
nd year, respectively), which was on a par with T
2 and T
8 in 2020 and T
7 and T
8 in 2021 in case of seed yield and with T
2 and T
8 for stover yield in both years (Table 1). The lowest values of growth attributes, nodulation, yield components and yields were registered with sole application of 100% RDF. The enhanced results in INM over NPK fertilization alone might be due to the greater and prolong availability of essential nutrients throughout the growth period by the combined sources of nutrients. Moreover, among the organic manures, the more impacts of vermicompost on growth, yield attributes and yields might be attributed to the abundance of readily accessible plant nutrients, growth-promoting substances and a variety of beneficial microorganisms present within it
(Rehman et al., 2023), however, the effects of vermicompost were also comparable and at par with yeast vinasse and in most of observations, yeast vinasse showed better than FYM. Besides organic manuring and NPK fertilization, the additional effects by foliar feeding of Zn on growth and yield parameters might be the cause of accelerated cell metabolism and hormonal activities
(Aytac, 2007). Our results were similar to
Verma et al., (2017) and
Mahato et al., (2020).
Nutrient uptake and quality
Higher biomass production in T
6 encouraged uptake of N (186.22 and 206.45 kg ha
-1), P
5 (22.12 and 26.56 kg ha
-1), K
2O (93.21 and 102.39 kg ha
-1) and Zn (182 and 228.85 g ha
-1), which was at par with T
8 and with T
7 and T
8 for N uptake in 2020 and 2021, respectively (Table 1). This treatment was also on a par with T
7 and T
8 for P
5 and K
2O uptake; and with T
8 for Zn uptake in both the years. The higher growth and proliferation of roots, better physical condition of the soil and greater availability of nutrients in INM might hasten the uptake of nutrients
(Paramesh et al., 2023). The oil content of seeds remained non-significant among the treatments in 2020 (Table 2), but varied significantly in 2021 with maximum oil content in T
5 (20.47 and 20.04%, respectively). Protein content of seeds was highest in T
8 (38.19 and 40.38%, respectively), which was at par with T
6 (Table 2). The results exhibited the favourable effects of yeast vinasse on N uptake and protein content of seeds. The lower values of qualities were recorded in control. Similar findings were reported by
Verma et al., (2017).
Microbial population, microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and dehydrogenase activity
Application of organics with fertilizers significantly affected the biological properties of the soil (Table 2). T
7 recorded the maximum bacterial population in 2020 (14.19 CFU x 106) whereas, T
6 during 2021 (15.19 CFU x 106). T8 showed the maximum population of fungi (9.88 and 11.31 CFU×104) and actinomycetes (6.28 and 8.09 CFU x 105) for both the years. The highest microbial biomass carbon was obtained in T
7 (171.82 and 188.88 µg C g
-1 soil in 2020 and 2021, respectively), which was at par with T
3, T
4, T
6 and T
8 in 2020 and T
2, T
3 and T
6 in 2021. T
7 also showed the highest dehydrogenase activity in 2020 (55.66 µg TPF g
-1 of soil 24 hr
-1), at par with T
2, T
4, T
6 and T
8. But in 2021, it was highest under T
3 (66.35µg TPF g
-1 of soil 24 hr
-1), at par with T
2, T
4 and T
7. Integration of nutrient sources, where organics served as feeding materials for the microorganisms, resulted to greater counts of microbes and higher microbial biomass carbon and more activities of dehydrogenase due to higher activity of microorganisms. Similar finding was reported by
Paramesh et al., (2023).
Residual fertility
Organic carbon of the soil was increased at harvest from initial level in the plots where organic manures were added to the soil and it was maximumin T
7 (0.59 and 0.63% in 2020 and 2021, respectively), followed by T
6 and T
8 (Table 3). Similarly, the residual soil N improved from initial status in all treatments in two years might be the contribution of biological nitrogen fixation by legumes. It was maximum under T
7 (218.95 kg ha
-1 and 235.43 kg ha
-1, respectively), at par with T
3, T
6 and T
8 during both the years. T
3 recorded the maximum soil available P
5 (33.67 and 30.71 kg ha
-1 in 2020 and 2021, respectively), at par with T
2, T
4, T
6, T
7 and T
8 in both years (Table 3). Residual soil K
2O was highest under T
4 (240.74 and 260.48 kg ha
-1 in 2020 and 2021, respectively), at par with T
8. However, Zn content of soil at harvest was non-significant among the treatments. Integrated application of nutrients kept higher levels of residual NPK than sole inorganic fertilizers even after meeting the nutrient demand for the exhaustive legume soyabean and it was attributed to the slow nutrient release property of organic manures. The greater carbon sequestration of organic manures might improve organic carbon of the soil. More residual nutrients after harvest in second year than first year might be the cumulative effects of organic manures added in two years. Higher residual organic carbon, N and P
5 in FYM treated plots followed by vermicompost and yeast vinasse treatments indicated the potentiality of yeast vinasse in enhancing soil fertility. Moreover, the significant enrichment of soil K
2O by yeast vinasse might be the addition of substantial amount K
2O through it. However, the non-significant effects of treatments on soil residual zinc might be due to foliar application of Zn fertilizer.This result was in congruities with the findings of
Vyas and Kushwah (2015).