Geomorphology (Gy)
The study area has five classes of geomorphologic features namely active flood plain, river, older flood plain, pond and younger alluvial plain as shown in Fig 2(a). The active flood plain and younger alluvial plain are spread over 99% of the study area with other three features, which are less than 1% combined. The presence of these features is suitable for availability of groundwater. The plains are generally alluvial deposits from the Ganga-Kosi plains.
Lithology (Ly)
Lithology influences permeability and porosity of aquifers which affect the occurrence as well as distribution of groundwater. The study area has newer alluvium of the Holocene and the late Holocene age as shown in Fig 2(b). The Kosi-Ganga formation is spread across 59% of the study area, followed by the formation from the present-day deposits in 38% and the Purnea formation in the remaining 3% area.
Lineament density (LD)
Lineaments represent the natural linear features, fractures, faults and joints through which water can percolate. Higher lineament density represents higher potential of groundwater in any area and vice-versa. The lineament density is presented in five different classes as shown in Fig 2(c). The distribution of lineament density is found to be good in the eastern as well as well central parts of the study area.
Drainage density (DD)
Drainage pattern of an area reflects its surface and sub-surface characteristics. The better is the drainage, the more is the runoff and the lesser is the infiltration in an area. Thus, drainage has a vital role in groundwater potential of an area. Similarly, a lesser drained area will have more infiltration and thus are more suitable for development of groundwater. The drainage density in the study area was classified in five groups as shown in Fig 2(d). The drainage density in the western part is comparatively more in comparison to the remaining parts of the study area.
Soil texture (ST)
The infiltration of water into the ground depends upon the soil texture. It has a vital role in groundwater recharge. The study area has following types of loam textured soil- type 1 (40% sand, 36% silt, 24% clay), type 2 (40% sand, 40% silt, 20% clay), type 3 (38% sand, 44% silt, 18% clay) and type 4 (44% sand, 35% silt, 21% clay). Soils with higher sand content have lower water holding capacity, which is favourable for occurrence of groundwater. The soil texture map is shown in Fig 2(e).
Rainfall (Rf)
The groundwater gets recharged primarily from the rainfall. Overall, the study area receives a good amount of annual rainfall. The spatial distribution of the average annual rainfall for the period 1996-2020 is presented in Fig 2(f) with five classes of rainfall. It can be noted that the western part receives relatively lesser rainfall as compared to other parts in the study area.
Slope (Sl)
Slope controls the infiltration rate. The surface runoff is slower in a gentle slope where as it is faster in steeper slope. The slow rate of flow allows more time to water to percolate into the ground. The gentle slope is favourable for groundwater recharge and it’s potential. The slopes have been categorized in five different classes with 97% area having gentle slope in the range 0-3.6% as shown in Fig 2(g). Therefore, slopes in the study area are quite favourable for infiltration and thus for GWP.
Land uses of different types have different effects on runoff and infiltration which in turn have crucial roles in groundwater potential. Water bodies, vegetation, forests
etc. increase infiltration whereas built up areas, bare grounds
etc. facilitate runoff. 75% of the study area is used for agricultural purposes, 10% is built-up area and the remaining 15% includes water bodies, trees, flooded vegetation, bare ground and range land as shown in Fig 2(h).
Groundwater level fluctuation (GWLF)
The GWLF map is shown in Fig 2(i). The average fluctuations ranged between 1.907 to 3.705 m. The increase in fluctuation values indicates increase in outflow of groundwater, whereas the decrease in fluctuation values indicates decrease in outflow of groundwater. From the Fig 2(i), it can be said that the outflow of groundwater is more in the eastern side as compared to the rest of the study area. The more outflow of groundwater can be seen as an indication of its more availability.
Groundwater Potential Zoning
The thematic maps-geomorphology, lithology, lineament density, drainage density, soil texture, rainfall, slope, LULC and GWLF were compared pair-wise in a matrix using the MCDA-AHP technique as shown in Table 1. The normalized weights for each theme were estimated and consistency ratio was computed and checked.
Appropriate ranks were assigned to the individual features of each theme based on their relative influence on groundwater occurrence. The features are shown as legends in Fig 2(a) to 2(i). All the themes were overlaid in ArcMap 10.4 with the ranks of their individual features to produce the GWP zone map.
The map produced from weighted overlay presented the GWP zones on a scale of 1 to 4 with lower to higher values representing low, moderate, high and very high potential zones as shown in Fig 3. 0.5 km2 (0.004%), 497.2 km
2 (44.04%), 622.5 km
2 (55.14%) and 9.3 km
2 (0.82%) of the study area have low, moderate, high and very high GWP zones, respectively. Fig 3 shows that the study area has predominantly moderate to high GWP zones. The moderate GWP zones are mainly spread across the western parts whereas the eastern parts have majority of the high GWP zones. The extremely small patches of low potential zones (magnified view 1 and 2 in Fig 3) lie entirely in the western part of the study area, whereas pockets of very high potential zones fall entirely in the eastern part of the study area.
The GWP zones obtained from integrating thematic layers were validated using the pre- and post-monsoon GWL data of the CGWB Hydrograph Network Stations (HNS) (Fig 3). The spatial variations in GWLs of pre- and post-monsoon seasons for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020 are shown in Fig 4(a) and 4(b), respectively through depth to GWL maps prepared in GIS environment.
The depth to GWLs are related to the topography under natural conditions
(Avtar et al., 2010). The HNS in the east and west sides are at lower and higher elevations, respectively. It can be observed from Fig 4(a) that the depth to GWLs in the eastern parts were in the range of 4-6 m and 5-7 m bgl in 2000 and 2005, respectively and 6-7 m from 2010 to 2020. Further, it can be noticed from Fig 4(b) that the depths to GWL were in the ranges 2-4, 1-3, 3-5, 2-4 and 3-5 m in the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020, respectively. Comparing these two figures, it can be noticed that the GWLs in the post-monsoon showed good recovery due to recharge except in the year 2010. Similarly, on comparing the central part, it can be observed that the GWLs have attained very good recharge in the post-monsoon season except in the year 2010. Further, by comparing GWLs in the west part, it was found that the recharge is lesser as compared to the other parts. The rainfall in the eastern parts is more than the western parts, which is reflected in the GWLs of the post-monsoon season. In the year 2010, the rainfall was lowest during the period 1996-2020, which is reflected in the depth to GWLs of the post-monsoon season in 2010 as shown in Fig 4(b).
Saranya and Saravanan (2020) obtained similar results in Tamilnadu, India. From this discussion, it can be concluded that the eastern part has high GWP whereas the western part has comparatively moderate GWP. Thus, Fig 3 is closely representing the GWP zones in the study area.