The variations observed among both parental lines and hybrids across the 13 attributes assessed. Notably, the results unveiled significant mean squares attributed to genotypes across all traits, underscoring the ample genetic variability inherent in the studied materials. The values of relative heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis of all crosses for various characters are presented in Table 1 to 5. Sixteen out of twenty hybrids exhibited significant positive relative heterosis for seed yield per plant. In which, Banas x BDN 2004-01, Banas x Vaishali and Banas x SKNP 1406 showed the most significant and positive heterosis over mid-parent. Heterobeltiosis revealed that nine hybrids had significant positive heterosis. Upon scrutinizing the results, it became evident that all hybrids displayed noteworthy and positive standard heterosis when compared to both reference checks GTH 1 and GT 101. Crosses, GT 1 x Vaishali, GT 1 x BDN 2004-01 and GT 102 x SKNP 1408 displayed maximum standard heterosis over both checks (Table 1). The results are in accordance with similar findings of
Kumar et al., (2009), Gedam et al., (2013), Chethana et al., (2015), Soni et al., (2017) and
Patel et al., (2020).
Among the twenty hybrids evaluated, six displayed significant relative heterosis in the desired (negative) direction, in which Banas x Vaishali displayed maximum value among them. None of the hybrids exhibited negative significant heterobeltiosis in the desired direction. While, four hybrids exhibited negative and significant standard heterosis in desired direction. Out of which, GT 102 x SKNP 1406, GT 102 x BDN 2004-01 and GT 102 x SKNP 1408 are the best one (Table 1). For days to maturity, none of the hybrids exhibited negative significant heterobeltiosis in the desired direction. Whereas, one out of twenty hybrids (GT 102 x BDN 2004-01) showed early maturity in terms of relative heterosis. GT 102 x BDN 2004-01, GT 102 x SKNP 1406 and GT 102 x SKNP 1408 were the top three superior hybrids over standard check for days to maturity (Table 1).
Only one cross, GT 100 x Vaishali exerted negative significant relative heterosis and heterobeltiosis for plant height. While, crosses, GT 100 x Vaishali, GT 100 x BDN 2004-01 and GT 103 x BDN 2004-01 were the best performing hybrids with significant negative standard heterosis over standard check. (Table 2) Above results are in accordance with the findings of
Mhasal et al., (2015), Soni et al., (2017) and
Patel et al., (2020) for traits like, days to flowering, days to maturity and plant height. Plants with a greater number of primary branches per plant are closely associated with higher seed yields. Out of 20 hybrids assessed, nine hybrids recorded significant and positive heterosis over mid-parent in the desirable direction. Crosses, Banas x SKNP 1406, GT 1 x Vaishali and GT 100 x SKNP 1406 illustrated positive significant heterosis in desirable direction over mid-parent and also for heterobeltiosis (Table 2). For number of pods per plant, thirteen out of twenty hybrids were found significant positive heterosis over mid-parents and eight hybrids demonstrated significant and positive heterosis over the better parents. In both the parameters, GT 1 x BDN 2004-01, GT 1 x Vaishali and GT 102 x BDN 2004-01 were the superior crosses among them. For standard heterosis, GT 102 x Vaishali, GT 102 x BDN 2004-01 and GT 1 x Vaishali most promising hybrids showed significant positive heterosis for this trait (Table 2). Similar findings were recorded by
Soni et al., (2017) and
Patel et al., (2020) for number of branches per plant and number of pods per plant. Twelve hybrids exhibited significant and positive relative heterosis, while eight hybrids showed significant and positive heterobeltiosis for pod length. While, GT 1 x Vaishali, GT 1 x SKNP 1408 and GT 1 x BDN 2004-01 were the top three hybrids exerted significant and positive standard heterosis over the checks (Table 3). The results are in accordance with findings of
Ajay et al., (2015) and
Soni et al., (2017) for pod length.
For number of seeds per pod, Banas x Vaishali, Banas x BDN 2004-01 and Banas x SKNP 1408 were top three best crosses exhibited superior performance for relative heterosis. While, eighteen out of twenty hybrids exhibited significant and positive standard heterosis over both the standard checks for this trait (Table 3).
Mhasal et al., (2015) and
Soni et al., (2017) observed similar results for number of seeds per pod. For biological yield per plant, GT 103 x Vaishali was the best cross exhibits positive and significant relative heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis (Table 4). Similar results obtained by
Soni et al., (2017) and
Patel et al., (2020) for this trait. Banas × SKNP 1406 and GT 102 x SKNP 1408 were the superior crosses exerted significant and positive relative heterosis and hetero beltiosis for harvest index. While, GT 1 x Vaishali and GT 1 x BDN 2004-01 displayed standard heterosis in desired direction (Table 4). For the trait like total protein content, Banas x Vaishali was the common and superior performing cross with significant and positive heterosis for all three types i.e., relative heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis (Table 4). For leaf area per plant, crosses, GT 1 x Vaishali, GT 1 x BDN 2004-01 and GT 102 x Vaishali exhibited significant and positive heterosis in desired direction for relative heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis parameters (Table 5). The results were found similar with
Saritha et al., (2012), Soni et al., (2017) and
Patel et al., (2020) for leaf area per plant.
Table 6 illustrates that the hybrid GT 1 x Vaishali displayed the highest standard heterosis (193.41%) over GTH 1 for seed yield per plant. This finding aligns with previous studies conducted by
Shoba and Balan (2010),
Gupta et al., (2011), Chethana et al., (2015), Soni et al., (2017) and others, which also reported higher standard heterosis for this trait. Notably, eight out of ten hybrids exhibited positive heterobeltiosis for seed yield per plant, indicating promising hybrid viguor. The results are in accordance with
Chandra et al., (2024). Furthermore, these hybrids demon-strated significant heterosis for various component traits such as the number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, test weight,biological yield per plant, harvest index, total protein content and leaf area per plant.