The analysis of variance presented in Table 1 outlines the variations observed among both parental lines and hybrids across 13 attributes assessed. Notably, the results unveiled significant mean squares attributed to genotypes across all traits, underscoring the ample genetic variability inherent in the studied materials. Furthermore, the mean sum of squares pertaining to parents versus hybrids exhibited significance across most attributes, with the exceptions being days to flowering, days to maturity and plant height. Following this, a pivotal aspect in any breeding programme entails the strategic selection of an appropriate breeding strategy to effectively harness the observed variability. This decision-making process heavily relies on discerning the type of gene action prevailing within the population concerning the traits targeted for genetic improvement, subsequent to the identification of suitable parent plants and prospective crosses (
Cockerham 1961;
Sprague 1966).
The results of an analysis of variance for combining ability for thirteen characters are presented in Table 2. The significance of mean squares attributed to various factors in the experimental study was notable across multiple traits, with exceptions noted for specific characteristics such as the number of branches per plant. Notably, testers exhibited significant influence on most traits, except for a few like the number of branches per plant, number of seeds per podand harvest index. Moreover, the interaction between lines and testers significantly impacted traits like the number of pods per plant, test weight, seed yield per plant, harvest indexand total protein content, underscoring the importance of hybrid combinations in determining specific combining abilities.
In terms of contribution, female lines displayed a higher mean square compared to testers for several traits including days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, pod length, biological yield per plant, harvest index and total protein content. This indicates a predominant influence of female parents on these characteristics. Conversely, testers played a more prominent role in traits such as the number of seeds per pod, test weight, seed yield per plantand leaf area per plant, as reflected by their higher mean squares.
Furthermore, the interaction variances due to lines x testers were exceptionally significant for traits such as the number of pods per plant, test weight, seed yield per plant, harvest indexand total protein content. This underscores the importance of specific combining ability variances in the inheritance of significant traits, highlighting the complex interplay between parental lines and testers in hybrid performance. By elucidating the differential contributions of parental lines and testers to various traits and emphasizing the significance of their interaction in hybrid performance.
The ratio of σ
2gca / σ
2sca being more than unity was found for number of pods per plant, length of the pods, number of seeds per pod, seed index, seed yield per plant, biological yield per plant, harvest index and leaf area per plant, which indicates preponderance of additive gene action (Table 2). This is supported by
Khorgade et al., (2000). While, the ratio of σ
2gca / σ
2sca being less than unity was observed for days to maturity, plant height, number of branches per plant and total protein content, which indicate preponderance of non-additive gene action. These results are in concordance with
Baskaran and Muthiah (2007);
Chandra et al. (2024). Therefore, for enhancing these traits, employing bi-parental mating followed by recurrent selection would prove fruitful in obtaining desirable recombinants. Given the simultaneous role played by additive and non-additive genetic effects in determining the inheritance of different characters, utilising both additive and non-additive genetic variances through biparental crosses and modified recurrent selection in population breeding may lead to greater genetic improvement.
The estimates of general combining ability effects of the parents for various characters are presented in Table 3. The parents
viz. GT 102, Vaishali, GT 1 and BDN 2004-01 were found good general combiners for seed yield and its contributing traits like number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, test weight, harvest index and leaf area per plant. Banas, GT 102, SKNP 1408 and SKNP 1406 emerged as superior performers in terms of early flowering, evidenced by their markedly significant and negative general combining ability (GCA) effects. This observation underscores their potential for imparting early flowering characteristics to their progeny. Moreover, concerning days to maturity, a similar trend in GCA effects was observed specifically with parent GT 102. The minimum number of days to flowering and maturity is preferred to reduce the crop growth period. While, for days to flowering and days to maturity line GT 102 exhibited significant negative gca effect for both these traits. Therefore, these lines could be used in the synthesis of early maturing hybrids. Parents
viz, GT 100, SKNP 1408, Vaishali and BDN 2004-01 are good combiners for plant height in desired direction. Banas and SKNP 1406 are good combiners for the number of branches per plant. GT 102 for number of pods per plant along with GT 1, Vaishali and BDN 2004-01 for number of pods per plant, number of seed per pod, test weight, harvest index and leaf area per plant, recorded as good combiners as they ultimately lead to increase of seed yield by producing superior hybrids. These results are in concordance with
Chaudhary et al. (2016) and
Soni and Patel (2016). While, for protein content, Banas, SKNP 1408 and Vaishali considered as good combiners to producing hybrids which contains good amount of protein, which is beneficial for reducing the Kwashiorkor disease. These results were supported by
Soni and Patel (2016) and
Patel et al. (2020) for total protein content.
Specific combining ability effect is a very important estimate for determining the potentiality of cross combination. The results of SCA effects of the hybrids for various characters are presented in Table 4. Out of the 20 cross combinations, GT 102 x SKNP 1408 and GT 103 x BDN 2004-01 were found to be positive and significant specific combiners for seed yield per plant. The results were found similar with work done by
Patil et al. (2015),
Soni and Patel (2016),
Patel et al., (2020) and
Kumar et al., (2001). While, none of the crosses exhibited negative and significant SCA effects for days to flowering, days to maturity and plant height. But some crosses exerted negative value of sca effect which indicates that they are average specific combiner. The results are in accordance with similar findings of
Thiruvengadam and Muthiaha (2012) and
Chaudhary et al. (2016). Crosses
viz., Banas × SKNP 1406, GT 1 x Vaishali and GT 100 x SKNP 1406 for branches per plant, GT 1 x BDN 2004-01, GT 100 x BDN 2004-01 and GT 103 x SKNP 1406 for number of pods per plant, GT 100 x Vaishali (0.68) and Banas x SKNP 1408 for test weight, GT 100 × SKNP 1406, GT 102 x SKNP 1408 and GT 1 x Vaishali for harvest index and GT 103 x SKNP 1408 for total protein content, exhibited positive and significant sca effect which reveals they are good specific combiner and further they used as potential variety. While, some crosses exhibited positive but non-significant value of sca effect for traits likes, pod length, number of seeds per pod, biological yield per plant and leaf area per plant, which indicates that they are average specific combiner and there is need to further utilized them with proper breeding methods for betterment of their combining ability.
Soni and Patel (2016) and
Patel et al. (2020) obtained similar result for above traits.
The phenotypic correlation represents the observable relationship between two traits, while the genotypic correlation reflects the inherent association that can enhance the genetic makeup of genotypes through selection for seed yield and its contributing traits. The estimate of genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficients was presented in Table 5. The higher magnitude of genotypic correlation coefficients compared to phenotypic correlation coefficients for almost all studied traits suggested a strong inherent association between these characters, indicating minimal environmental influence on their expression. Seed yield per plant showed positive and significant correlation with number of pods per plant, pod length and number of seeds per pod at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. Therefore, more preference is given to entries which exhibits high value for above traits in future breeding programme. Similar results recorded by
Vanniarajan et al., (2023).