Growth attributors
Plant population (15 DAS and at harvest)
The results (Table 1) on green gram plant population due to seed hydropriming and nutrient levels from different sources varied from 22.19 to 22.33 plants/m
2) and 21.61 and 23.00 plants/ m
2, differences being negligible and statistically non-significant. Closer row to row spacing in the treatment of G
1 (30 x 10 cm) facilitated significantly higher mean plant population (29.35 plants /m
2) as compared to wider row spacing (15.17 plants/m
2) of the treatment of G2 (30 x 20 cm). The results lead to conclude that for the realization of higher productivity of green gram plant geometry of G1(30 x 10 cm) is optimum.
Gurjar et al., (2018) also reported similar finding.
Plant height (cm)
Mean plant height of 36.93 cm due to without seed hydropriming (P
1) was enhanced significantly to 40.15 cm by seed hydropriming (P
2: seed priming). Plant geometry treatment of G
1 (30x10 cm) resulted in optimum plants elongation up to 39.45 cm height as compared to G
2(30 x 20 cm) which showed significant decline of plant height (37.63 cm). Thus, the plant geometry of 30 x 10 cm (treatment G
1) is considered as optimum over plant geometry of 30 x 20 cm (treatment G
1). Results indicated that the treatment N
5(50% RDF through chemical fertilizer+50% RDF through Vermicompost) proved superior and recorded tallest plants of 39.35 cm height. Farmyard manure alone (treatment N
2) or combined with fertilizer (treatment N
4) resulted in better vegetative growth than sole use of FYM. Seed treatments, plant geometry and INM treatments were found individually effective but their interactions were nonsignificant. The results corroborate the earlier findings of
Chaudhari et al., (2023) and
Tyagi et al., (2014).
Green gram branches per plant
The seed hydropriming treatment P2 enhanced branching to a significant level from 3.27 to 3.75 per plant. The treatment G
1(30x10 cm) produced 3.61 branches/ plant (Table 1) which were decreased significantly to 3.41 branches due to G
2(30 x 20 cm). Results indicated that the treatment N
5 resulted in highest of 3.61 branches/ plant over rest of the treatments. Next in descending order were the treatments N
4, N
1, N
3 and N
2 as these recorded final mean number of 3.57, 3.51, 3.46 and 3.41 branches per plant. The difference in mean number of branches due to the treatments N5, N4 and N1 were statistically nonsignificant.
Patel et al., (2022) have also reported similar results. Application of FYM or Vermicompost alone through treatments N
2 and N
3 could not cope up the nutrients requirements of the crop and resulted in significantly poor growth with respect to number of branching as compared to the treatments N
4 and N
Number of root nodules at 35 DAS
Seed hydropriming proved beneficial and increased root nodules by 16.24% compared to unprimed seeds. Treatment P2(seed hydropriming) produced significantly a greater number of 23.47 root nodules/ plant compared to the treatment P
1(without seed priming) resulting in the lowest number of root nodules of 20.19. Closer spacing of the treatment G
1 (30x10 cm) recorded significantly a greater number of root nodules of 22.59 which were significantly decreased to 21.07 nodules per plant, respectively as a result of the treatment G
2 (30 x 20 cm). The INM treatment N5 (50% RDF through chemical fertilizer+50% RDF through Vermicompost) produced highest number of root nodules of 22.44 per plant. The treatments N
2 and N
3, being at par in between them, but recorded significantly less nodules in comparison to treatments N
5, N
4 and N
1. The results confirm earlier reports by
Mir et al., (2013). This emphasized that use of FYM and/ or vermicompost alone even equivalent to 100% of RDF is not sufficient or optimum to cope up the nutrient requirement of green gram crop (Table 1).
Weight of dry root nodules per plant (mg) at 35 DAS
The data (Table 1) indicated that the trend of variation of weight of dry root nodules because of different treatment under consideration commensurate the trend of root nodules numbers in these treatments. The treatment P
1 (without seed priming) recorded minimum weight of as 23.45 mg per plant and increased to significant level by seed priming treatment P
2 by 19.27%. The increase in nodules dry weight due to seed priming treatment is ascribed to significantly high number of root nodules due to this treatment. Nutrient management, treatment N
5(50% RDF through chemical fertilizer+50% RDF through Vermicompost) showed the highest dry weight, while the treatment N
2 resulted in significantly less weight of nodules per plant.
Dry matter (g/ plant) at harvest
The average dry matter of plants due to the treatment P
1 (Without seed hydropriming) was 13.40 g per plant which increased significantly to 17.82 g per plant, respectively due to seed hydropriming treatment. The mean increase in final dry matter accumulation in green gram plants due to the treatment P
2 (with seed priming) was 32.98% over unprimed seeds because of early start of enhanced growth rate and photosynthesis. The mean dry matter accumulation due to wider plant to plant spacing in the treatment G
2:30 x 20 cm was recorded as 14.56 g per plant and increased significantly to 16.65 g per plant at harvest due to treatment of G
1 (30 x 10 cm). The increase of dry matter because of treatment G
1 (30 x 10 cm) recorded at harvest was 14.35% over the treatment of G
2 (30 cm x 20 cm). Similar results have been reported earlier by
Kachare et al., (2009) and
Patel et al., (2022).
Significantly high amount of dry matter of 16.40 g per plant at harvest was observed in the treatment N
5(50% RDF through chemical fertilizer+50% RDF through Vermicompost) followed by the treatment N
4(50% RDF through chemical fertilizer+50% RDF through FYM) both being at par in between them (T5 Versus T4). The nutrient management practices involving 50% of RDF through chemical fertilizers in conjunction with 50% of RDF through organic sources (treatments N
5 and N
4) were found more effective to RDF alone or 100% of RDF through organics alone
e. FYM and/ or vermicompost. Relative superiority of the treatments with respect to dry matter accumulation was as N
5 > N
4 > N
1 > N
3 > N
2, respectively.
Crop growth rate (CGR) (gm-2 day-1) 15, 35 and 55 DAS
In general, the crop growth rate gradually increased up to 55 DAS and severely declined later on up to harvesting regardless of different treatment. Decrease of CGR after 55 DAS was due to senescence of plant leaves and gradual reduction in green leaf area and thereby decreased photosynthesis. The treatment P2 seed hydropriming) resulted in significantly higher CGR compared to P1 (Without seed priming) recorded at various growth stages (Table 1). The mean CGR during of 15-35, 35-55 DAS and 55 DAS- harvest due to treatment P
1 (without seed priming) was recorded as 0.169, 1.351 and 0.287 gm
-2 day1 which increased significantly to 0.242, 2.229, and 0.372 gm
-2 day
-1 by seed priming treatment P
2 (with seed priming). The mean CGR during 15-35, 35-55 DAS and 55 DAS- harvest period due to treatment G1(30´10 cm) was recorded as 0.222, 2.014 and 0.346 gm-2 day
-1 which decreased significantly to 0.189, 1.566, and 0.312 gm
-2 day
-1, respectively due to the treatment G
2 (30 x 20 cm). The treatment N5 recorded highest crop growth rate (CGR) of 0.221, 1.957 and 0.348 gm
-2 day
-1 during the period of 15-35, 35-55 DAS and 55 DAS- harvesting, respectively. This was followed by the treatment N4, being statistically at par. Results emphasized that conjunctive use of chemical fertilizers equivalent to 50% of RDF along with organics (FYM and / or vermicompost) equivalent to 50% of RDF resulted in highest CGR. It is well known fact that inclusion of organic sources of nutrients favour release of nutrients from soil and their availability to plants and thereby increased use efficiency by crop plants.
Seed and stover yield
Green gram seed yield
The results (Table 2) revealed that seed hydropriming of green gram showed significantly high mean seed yield of 858.61 kg/ha due to treatment of P
2 (with seed priming). The treatment P1 (without seed priming) recorded seed yield of 554.97 kg/ha. The mean increase in seed yield of green gram due to seed priming was 54.71% over without seed priming, which is attributed to better growth and yield contributory characters. Planting geometry of G
1(30 x10 cm) was found optimum as it resulted in significantly more mean seed yield of 995.70 kg/ha. Closer plant spacing in the treatment G
1 (30 x 10 cm) witnessed 138.27% increased yield of 995.70 kg/ha over wider plant spacing in the treatment of G
2 (30 x 20 cm) yielding 417.88 kg/ha.
Ali et al., (2001) reported that seed yield and yield parameters of mung bean were affected significantly by different row spacings and maximum seed yield was resulted in 30 cm apart rows.
Results showed that INM treatment of N5 (50% RDF from fertilizer+50% RDF through Vermicompost) produced significantly higher grain yield 800.96 kg/ha, followed by the treatment N
4(50% RDF from fertilizer+50% RDF through FYM) which recorded seed yield of 753.91 kg/ha, being at par with treatment N
5. The efficiency of INM treatments regarding seed yield of green gram crop was in order of N
5 > N
4, > N
3 > N
1 > N
2, respectively. The minimum yield of 617.49 kg/ha was resulted from the treatment N2which was increased by 7.89 %, 12.61%, 22.09% and 29.71% due to N
1, N
3, N
4 and N
5. Results indicated that seed priming, closer plant geometry of 30 x 10 cm (G
1) and nutrient management of conjunctive use of chemical fertilizers coupled with organic sources of FYM and/ or Vermicompost yielded best results in terms of seed yield. The results are consistent with findings of
Chaudhary et al., (2015); Kalsaria et al., (2017) and
Bhise et al., (2011).
Stover yield (kg/ ha)
Seed Priming treatment of P
2(with seed hydropriming) resulted in significantly high mean stover production of 1020.35 kg/ha in comparison to treatment P1(without seed priming) which recorded mean stover of 871.00 kg/ha. The increase in stover yield of green gram as result of seed hydropriming was 17.14% over without seed priming treatment (Table 2).
Significantly high mean stover yield 989.03 kg/ha was recorded due to planting geometry of G
1(30 x10 cm), which was significantly decreased to 902.32 kg/ha due to seed priming treatment G
2(30 x 20 cm). The decrease in stover yield due to wider plant spacing in the treatment G
2(30 x 20 cm) was 9.61% over planting geometry of G
1(30 x 10 cm). Highest mean stover yield of green gram was shown by the treatment N
5 (970.88 kg/ha) while the minimum of 912.25 kg/ha due to the treatment N
2 (100% RDF through FYM). The increase in stover yield due to the treatments N
3, N
1, N
4 and N
5 over N
2 was by 2.38%, 4.40%, 5.11% and 6.43%, respectively. The superiority of treatments as regards to stover yield affected by different nutrient treatments was in order of N
5 > N
4 > N
1 > N
3 > N
2, respectively. The results (Table 2) indicated that seed hydropriming (P
2). Plant geometry of 30 x 10 cm (G
1) and nutrient treatments (N
5 > N
4 > N
1) were observed more effective for realizing higher seed and stover yield of summer green gram. Organic sources of nutrients either FYM or vermicompost were relatively less effective as for as stover yield of green gram crop was concerned. Earlier reports of
Theeshnavi and Dawson (2022);
Chaudhari et al., (2023) and
Paul et al. (2023) also reported similar results.
Economics of treatments
The cost on each of the seed hydropriming and unprimed seed treatments was Rs 24558 /ha, respectively (Table 2). The monetary returns and BCR from treatment P
1:(Without seed priming) were Rs 46139 /ha, Rs 21582/ha, and 0.89 which were significantly increased to Rs 70729.6 /ha, Rs 46171.8 /ha and 1.89, respectively due to seed hydropriming treatment of P
2. The treatment P
2(seed hydropriming) proved superior over the treatment P
1(without seed priming) as the increase in net returns and B:C ratio was more than double due to seed hydropriming treatment (P
2). Additional net return of Rs 24590 /ha (114%) and B: C ratio of 1.89 f
etched due to the treatment of seed hydropriming
. Plant geometry treatment G
1(30 x 10 cm) fetched significantly more gross returns (Rs 81634.4/ha), net returns (Rs 57126.6 /ha), and B:C ratio (2.35) over the treatment G
2 (30 x 20 cm). The total returns, net returns and B:C ratio due to treatment G
2 (30 x 20 cm) was recorded as Rs 35234.6/ha, Rs 10626.8/ha, and 0.43, respectively. The increase in net return and B: C ratio due to plant geometry treatment G
1(30 cm x 10 cm) was 436.56% (Rs 46499.8 /ha) and 446.5 % (1.92) over the treatment G
2(30 x 20 cm) which was due to significantly high seed yield because of the treatment G
1 (30 x 10 cm).
Keerthi et al., (2015) also reported similar trend of economics. The treatment N5 registered highest net returns of Rs 41326.3 /ha and B:C ratio of 1.68 which were gradually decreased due to other treatments. The overall superiority of the INM treatments regarding net returns and B: C ratio was as N
5 > N
4 >N
1 >N
3 >N
2, respectively which recorded net returns of Rs 41326.3 /ha, > Rs 38538.3 /ha, > Rs 32842.8 ha, >Rs 30474.1 /ha, > Rs 26202.1 /ha, respectively and B: C ratio of 1.68, > 1.62, > 1.48, > 1.14 and > 1.04 respectively. Higher returns and BCR due to the treatment N5 were due to highest biological yield. The treatments N
3 and N
2 f
etched significantly low net returns of Rs 30474.1 /ha and Rs 26202.1 /ha and benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 1.14 and 1.04, respectively.