Redgram [
Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] One of the major pulse crop stands after gram or chickpea. In India redgram known as pigeonpea, tur (Tur daal in India). Redgram is 6
th (sixth) rank in area and production after Chick pea. It has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. It offers multiple benefits-protein rich seed (21- 25% protein), fuel, fodder and erosion control. It is cultivated mainly as kharif crop and both as a sole crop and mixed crop. Considering the average crop duration of pigeon pea, it is very difficult to grow this crop in mixed cropping system
(Borah et al., 2020). In India, redgram mainly growing in Maharashtra state followed by Madhya Pradesh (MP), Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh (AP), Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh and it have area 3.89 million hectares. The production of regram is more than 3.31 million tonnes and productivity on an average of 849 kg per hectare. (
Anonymous, 2016). In Karnataka with respect to area redgram is morethan 0.83 million hectares and production 0.62 million tonnes. The average yield of redgram crop is 734 kg per hectare. The major districts of Karnataka are Kalaburagi, Vijayapura, Bidar and Yadgiri districts of north-eastern parts of Karnataka.
Extension is an informal educational process directed towards rural populations. This process offers advice and information to help them solve their problems
(Lalitha et al., 2022). Agricultural extension provides need based information and impart specific skills to farmer who are in farming in non-formal condition. It is a mechanism for bringing behavioural changes and technological adoptionand it plays the important role of TOT (transferring technology) to the farmers and conveys feedback, issues related farming and farmers problems to the research system and research station. Farmers easily understand by seeing the result of new innovative methods and technology in the field and also by conducting method and result demonstration. The innovative technology and farming related research findings utilized by farmers effectively, through various agricultural extension activities. Thus, agricultural extension help farmers in TOT, transfer of technical knowledge to farming community, advising and serving and providing education to redgram growing farmers in solving problem, good decision making, enabling farmers to identify their needs and objectives, to identify their role in agriculture and stimulating desirable agricultural developments. In past era, agricultural services delivery in developing countries started with production-led extension services for commodity export. But now-a-day it can see, everywhere agricultural extension services required to get more yield and profit as like money to money concept.
(Anandajayasekeram et al., 2008). Agricultural extension services providing more emphases on innovative practices and different methods. Government also focusing on extension services and activities so that easily farmer reaches the goal and thereby gets maximum income and benefit with less investment. When the farmer satisfied with the services provided by government, line departments, NGOs’, private agency then only it is worthy and effective for farmers to get more returns. Majority of the farmers uses more than one source to meet their agricultural information needs (
Sandip and Mahendra, 2022).
Public, private and non-profit organizations (NGO’s), PPP are involved in providing need based and demand driven services to farming community in India. Each organization are vested with the particular responsibility of providing agricultural extension services, activities, demonstration and approaches depending on their need, goals, principle, finance and manpower. In addition Information Communication Technology having its own role to disseminate the technology through different form, mobile apps are installed and popularly used, in India related to farming sector
(Balkrishna et al., 2021).
Department of Agriculture, Karnataka (KSDA) is the responsible agency for conducting activities of extension and dissemination of technology in Karnataka. Government of Karnataka started Raith Samparka Kendra (RSK) in the year 2000 at Hobli level (block level) to provide extension services to farmers. RSK’s working at Hobli level as the grass root level organizations for transfer of modern and innovative agricultural technologies. Currently there are 745 RSKs working across the state and are functioning under the administrative control of Zilla Panchayat. Besides Department of Agriculture, State Agricultural Universities (SAUs’), NGOs’, private input supply companies, agribusiness and agricultural consultancies, commodity boards
etc., also plays crucial role in providing effective services of extension to the farming community in the state. Based on the above mentioned facts and figures, the current study is to know communication characteristics as well as information seeking behaviour of redgram growers, as there are limited studies conducted to assess the communication characteristics and information seeking behaviour.