Analysis of variance
The highly and significantly different genotypes were found by doing an analysis of variance for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, biological yield per plant, harvest index, seed yield per plant and 100 seed weight (Table 2). This suggests that the current material chosen for the study had enough variability, demonstrating the appropriateness of the selection process for crop improvement. Similar results were also observed for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, biological yield per plant, harvest index, seed yield per plant and 100 seed weight by
(Hussan et al., 2018; Sakthivel et al., 2019).
Variability parameters
Range of mean performance and coefficient of variation of genotypes, heritability and genetic advance studied are given in (Table 3).
Grand mean value was found 83.61 for days to 50% flowering while range for this trait was 69.67-89.67 for genotypes (L-4710 and LL-1122) respectively. The results indicated that there is a variation sufficient for this trait and earliness can be created by selecting best genotype that will ultimately lead to early maturity. Days to maturity range from 112.67 days to 119.67 days for genotypes (Pant L-02 and Sehore-74-3), respectively with mean of 115.83 so early varieties can be developed by selecting best genotypes. Plant height showed a range from 35.10 to 49.33 (cm) for genotypes (DPL-58 and IPL 406), respectively with general mean of 42.64. Number of branches per plant with mean of 13.31, ranged from 8.47 to 17.77 for genotypes (DPL-15 and DPL-58) respectively with a wide variation of (9.3). The number of pods per plant ranged from 37.40 to 104.90 for genotypes (K-75 and L-4710), respectively with a mean value of 104.90. The number of seeds per pod varied from 1.45 to 1.78 for genotypes (L-4717 and IPL -81), respectively with the general mean value of 1.63. The 100 seed weight varied from 1.65 to 3.47 for genotypes (B-77 and DPL-62), respectively with a mean of 2.55. The biological yield per plant varied from 2.96 to 7.89 for genotypes (K-75 and L-4710), respectively with mean value of 4.69. The values of harvest index varied from 23.42 to 53.74 for genotypes (DPL-58 and ILWL-118), respectively with a mean of 43.82. Seed yield per plant varied from 1.22 to 2.89 for genotypes (PantL-7 and P-2016), respectively with mean of 2.04. Hence, high yielding varieties can be developed by selecting these genotypes. Similar results were also observed for traits viz., Days to 50% flowering, Days to maturity, Plant height (cm) and biological yield per plant by
(Sharma et al., 2021; Pawar et al., 2021; Shanti et al., 2021 and
Bhartiya et al., 2015).
Analysis of genotypic coefficient variance (GCV) and phenotypic coefficient variance (PCV) of different traits indicated that phenotypic coefficient variances (PCV) were slightly greater than the genotypic coefficient variances (GCV) for all the traits, exhibited that these traits less influenced by environment factors. Similar findings were also reported by
(Chowdhury et al., 2019; Sharma et al., 2022 and
Shanti et al., 2021). The high GCV and PCV values were found for number of branches per plant (20.97% and 21.72%), number of pods per plant (21.63% and 21.81%), biological yield per plant (23.20% and 23.49%) and seed yield per plant (23.12% and 23.57%),
Chowdhury et al., 2019; Shanti et al., 2021 and
Pawar et al., 2021 also reported similar results. Moderate GCV and PCV were observed for 100 seed weight (15.67% and 16.64%) and harvest index (14.44% and 14.99%). Similar results were also recorded by
(Singh et al., 2013 and
Sakthivel et al., 2019). Low GCV and PCV were exhibited by days to 50% flowering (5.94% and 6.07%), days to maturity (1.84% and 2.09%), plant height (8.56% and 9.14%) and number of seeds per pod (4.02% and 6.04%). Similar results have also been reported for days to maturity, plant height, number of pods per plant, harvest index and seed yield per plant by
(Hussan et al., 2018 and
Sharma et al., 2021).
Heritability is a good indicator of transmission of characters from parents to their progeny. Its estimates help in selection of genotypes from diverse genetic populations. Therefore, high values of heritability considered in suitable selection for a particular character in genotypes. Heritability estimates ranged from 44.26% (number of seed per pod) to 98.37% (number of pods per plant). Maximum percentage of heritability was observed for number of pods per plant (98.37%), followed by biological plant per plant (97.50%), seed yield per plant (96.24%), days to 50% flowering (95.60%), number of branches per plant (93.20%), harvest index (92.82%), 100 seed weight (88.60%), plant height (87.59%), days to maturity (77.47%) and number of seeds per pod (44.26). Similar results for days to maturity, number of pods per plant, 100 seed weight and harvest index were also discussed by
(Vanave et al., 2019; Bhattacharjee et al., 2023).
Genetic advance
The genetic advance is a useful parameter of the efficient selection progress that can be expected as a result of exercising selection on the base population. High genetic advance as per cent of mean was recorded for number of branches per plant (41.70%), number of pods per plant (44.20%), 100 seed weight (30.38%), biological yield per plant (47.18%), harvest index (28.67%) and seed yield per plant (46.73%). While low genetic advance as a percent of mean was showed by days to 50% flowering (11.96%), days to maturity (3.33%), plant height (16.50%) and number of seeds per pod (5.55%). Similar results for number of pods per plant, plant height and seed yield per plant were also reported by
(Ghimire et al., 2019; Akter et al., 2020).