Effect of phosphorus and sulphur levels on plant height and root length
A perusal of data in Table 1 depicted that irrespective of phosphorus and sulphur levels plant height was continuously increased up to maturity but maximum increase was recorded between 30-60 DAS stage followed by marginal increase between 60 DAS to maturity. Plant height was significantly affected by phosphorus levels at all the stages of observations. With the successive increase of phosphorus levels from 0 to 60 significant increase in plant height was recorded at all the stages of observations. Non-significant variation regarding plant height was observed between 50 and 60 kg P
5 ha
-1. Among phosphorus levels significantly higher plant height at 30 DAS (14.45 cm), 60 DAS (38.60 cm), 90 DAS (53.90 cm) and maturity (56.31 cm) was recorded with 60 kg ha
-1 phosphorus level, which were 41.1, 20.3, 9.6 and 11.3 per cent higher over control, respectively. A delve to data given in Table 1 presented that root length increased rhythmically from sowing to 90 DAS and decreased thereafter up to maturity with the levels of both phosphorus and sulphur. With increasing dose of phosphorus root length increased at all the stages of observations except maturity and the maximum root length was obtained with the application of 60 kg P
5 ha
-1, which was significantly higher over control and statistically at par with 50 kg P
5 ha
-1. At maturity phosphorus levels failed to produce significant variation regarding root length. Root length of the groundnut receiving 60 kg P
5 ha
-1 was 11.9, 10.3 and 7.0 per cent higher over control at 30, 60 and 90 DAS, respectively. In order to correlate root absorption of water and nutrients, root length is a superior measure. Despite a significant endodermal thickness, water and the main nutrients (N, P and K) are absorbed relatively effectively over the length of the root. In legume crops, root development may reach its maximum at about pod-setting growth stage. This could be owing to the increased nutrient availability at greater phosphorus doses, as well as phosphorus contributes to the growth of roots with a wider root system.
Kabir et al., (2013); Kamara et al., (2011) and
Kesh et al., (2017a, b) reported similar results.
Sulphur levels have also affected plant height significantly at all the stages of observations. Plant height was significantly increased with increasing levels of sulphur up to 75 kg ha
-1 at all the stages of observations but non-significant variation was observed between 50 and 75 kg ha
-1. Sulphur level of 75 kg ha
-1 recorded significantly higher plant height at 30 DAS (13.74 cm), 60 DAS (36.94 cm), 90 DAS (53.26 cm) and maturity (55.15 cm), which were 38.9, 6.2, 6.2 and 5.3 percent higher over control, respectively. With the increasing levels of sulphur root length increased at all stages and the maximum root length
i.e., 59.66 cm, 86.25 cm and 96.12 cm at 30, 60 and 90 DAS, respectively were observed in the treatment 75 kg S ha
-1 closely followed by 50 kg S ha
-1 and these were 6.2, 7.7 and 3.8 per cent higher over control, respectively. The increased growth may be related to sulphur ability to promote more easily formed roots, which in turn encouraged greater uptake of sulphur and other essential nutrients from the soil and work on metabolic movement within the plant, which may be the reason for the increase in plant height and root length. Similar results were recorded by
Devi et al., (2022) and
Yadav et al., (2018).
Effect of phosphorus and sulphur levels on Root: Shoot
A critical examination of data on root: shoot (length basis) of groundnut (Table 2) as influenced by different phosphorus and sulphur levels indicated that the root: shoot (length basis) was maximum at 30 DAS which decreased with the advancement of crop growth up to maturity of crop. No marked differences in root: shoot (length basis) was observed at 60 and 90 DAS between different phosphorus levels. The lower root: shoot (length basis) at all stages was recorded in the groundnut crop fertilized with 60 kg P
5 ha
-1. A perusal of data in Table 2 depicted that no marked differences in root: shoot (weight basis) were observed at 30, 60 and 90 DAS between different phosphorus levels. The perusal of data on root: shoot (weight basis) of groundnut was maximum at 30 DAS which decreased with the advancement of crop growth up to the maturity of crop. Plants have developed a range of developmental, physiological and biochemical responses to deal with phosphorus deprivation. Inhibition of photosynthesis and a rise in the root: shoot ratio (measured in biomass or dry weight) are common responses. The decrease in shoot growth and the increase in the allocation of carbon from shoots to roots under phosphorus deprivation are the main causes of the increase in the root: shoot ratio. The findings of
Hermans et al., (2006) and
Liu, (2021) are strongly supported by the observed association. Significant differences for root: shoot (length basis) among sulphur levels were recorded at 30 DAS, while non significant difference was recorded at 60 DAS, 90 DAS and at maturity. No marked differences in root: shoot (weight basis) was observed at 30 and 90 DAS between sulphur levels. The higher root: shoot (weight basis) at 60 DAS (0.161) was recorded in control, while at maturity (0.029) recorded at 75 kg S ha
-1, compared to other sulphur levels. A decrease in shoot growth and an increase in the allocation of carbon from shoots to roots under control are the main causes of the rise in the root/shoot ratio. The outcomes are consistent with the conclusions reached by
Kumar et al., (2021).
Effect of phosphorus and sulphur levels on number of root nodules and dry weight of root nodules
A disquisition to data given in Table 3 exhibited that irrespective of phosphorus and sulphur levels, number of root nodules per plant and dry weight of root nodules per plant continuously increased up to 90 DAS and then reduced at maturity but maximum increase was recorded between 30-60 DAS stage followed by marginal increase between 60 DAS to 90 DAS and then reduced at maturity. With the successive increase of phosphorus levels up to 60 kg ha
-1 significant increase in number of root nodules per plant was recorded at all the stages of observations. Non-significant variation regarding number of root nodules per plant were observed between 50 and 60 kg P
5 ha
-1 and at 30 DAS non-significant variation was recorded between 40-50 kg P
5 ha
-1 also. Among phosphorus levels, significantly higher numbers of root nodules per plant at 30 DAS (15.25), 60 DAS (63.83), 90 DAS (83.75) and maturity (61.25) were recorded with 60 kg P
5 ha
-1, which was 22.8, 29.8, 15.7 and 14.5 per cent higher over control, respectively. Dry weight of root nodules per plant was significantly affected by phosphorus levels at all the stages of crop growth. With the successive increase of phosphorus levels up to 60 kg ha
-1 significant increase in weight of root nodules per plant was recorded at all the stages of observations. Non-significant variation regarding weight of root nodules per plant were observed between 40-50 kg P
5 ha
-1 and 50-60 P
5 kg ha
-1 at 90 DAS and at maturity and at 30 DAS non-significant variation was recorded among all the phosphorus levels. Significantly higher weight of root nodules per plant at 30 DAS (42.78 mg), 60 DAS (207.25 mg), 90 DAS (211.00 mg) and maturity (185.75 mg) was recorded with 60 kg ha
-1 phosphorus level which was 10.7, 8.6, 7.3 and 5.9 per cent higher over control, respectively. The development of nodules is a key component of the Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) process. In order to transfer energy during nodule functioning, metabolic processes including N-fixation that occur in Bacteroides as well as the assimilation of ammonium into amino acids and ureides that occur in the plant cell component of nodules, require a significant amount of phosphorus. These findings suggest that the capacity to nodulate and the dry weight of root nodules are not just inherited traits but can also be altered by fertiliser applications including phosphorus. Similar results have been reported by
Gentili et al., (2006), Lira et al., (2015) and
Singh et al., (2014).
Sulphur levels also affected number of root nodules per plant significantly at all the stages of observations. Number of root nodules per plant were significantly increased with increasing levels of sulphur up to 75 kg ha
-1 at all the stages of observations but non-significant variation was observed between 50 and 75 kg S ha
-1 and at 30 DAS non-significant variation was recorded between 25-50 kg ha
-1 also. Sulphur level of 75 kg ha
-1 recorded significantly higher number of root nodules per plant at 30 DAS (14.58), 60 DAS (60.75), 90 DAS (81.25) and maturity (60.66), which were 7.3, 13.7, 8.3 and 11.1 percent higher over control, respectively. Sulphur levels also affected dry weight of root nodules per plant significantly at all the stages of observations. Dry weight of root nodules per plant were significantly increased with increasing levels of sulphur up to 75 kg ha
-1 at all the stages of observations but non-significant variation was observed between 25-50 kg S ha
-1 and 50-75 kg S ha
-1 at 90 DAS and at maturity. Non-significant variation was recorded among all the sulphur levels at 30 DAS. Sulphur level of 75 kg ha
-1 recorded significantly higher dry weight of root nodules per plant at 30 DAS (41.20 mg), 60 DAS (204.25 mg), 90 DAS (208 mg) and maturity (184.08 mg), which were 2.9, 5.8, 4.4 and 3.8 percent higher over control, respectively. The maximum number of nodules and dry weight of root nodules increase with successive increase in sulphur levels might be attributed to sulphur, which is a secondary essential plant nutrient required for growth and development. Sulphur plays a crucial role in many physiological and biochemical processes that are essential for plant development, its application to deficient soil can promote overall growth. Sulphur is linked to the enhancement of amino acids and vitamins that contain sulphur and has a direct impact on the growth and nodulation of roots. Stronger apical development and an extension of the photosynthetic surface appear to be the results of increased metabolic activity in plants, which could explain the significant impact of sulphur fertilizer on the number of nodules. The observed association closely matches the results of
Parakhia et al., (2016) and
Yadav et al., (2018).