The results of the present studies revealed (Table 1) that the growth parameters of knol-khol like plant height and leaf area index were significantly influenced by graded doses and frequency of boron application. The maximum plant height (31.87 cm) and leaf area index (0.314) were noticed by D
3 (residual application of 1.5 kg ha
-1 boron every year), which was significantly superior than all other treatments and at par with D
2 (residual application of 2 kg ha
-1 boron in alternate year). All these parameters were found minimum in the control plots, where no boron was applied which was in accordance with the results of
Ningawale et al., (2016). Application of 1.5 kg ha
-1 boron every year significantly increased the plant height and leaf area index over control in knol-khol but application of 2 kg ha
-1 boron (residual) every year significantly decreased the values of plant height and leaf area index (Table 1). This might be due to toxic effects of excessive application of boron. Under boron toxicity, photosynthetic rate is reduced due to reduction in the level of photosynthetic pigments as reported by
Abhisree et al., (2022). These findings were also in close conformity with findings of
Nieuwhoff (1969) in cole crops,
Randhwa and Bhail (1976) in cauliflower and
Hussain et al., (2012) in broccoli.
The increase in plant height and leaf area index could be attributed due to inter nodal elongation by cell division and synthesis of higher photosynthates due to application of recommended doses of N, P, K and boron, which was involved in enzyme system as cofactors and helped in acting as an electron carrier in the enzyme systems that are responsible for the oxidation and reduction in plant.
Residual application of boron significantly increases the growth attributing characters in knolkhol. This might be due to the auxin metabolism and increased photosynthesis rate by interaction of residual amount of boron with applied RDF. This was further supported by
Rao and Vidyasagar (1981). Boron is also concerned with the precipitation of excess cations, buffer action and maintenance of conduction tissue that helps in absorption of nitrogen, which resulted in increased growth of knolkhol
(Singh, 1991). Boron concentrations greatly improved plant height in broccoli
(Nadian et al., 2010).
Yield and yield attributing characters
The results of the present studies (Table 2) revealed that the maximum diameter of knob (8.70 cm), length of knob (6.53 cm), volume of knob (230 cc), weight of knob (324.55 g), root length (28.07 cm), total knob yield (224.48 q ha
-1) and minimum days taken for harvestable maturity of knob (54.27 days), percentage of knob cracking (0%) were noticed by D
3 (residual application of 1.5 kg ha
-1 boron every year), which was significantly superior than all other treatments and at par with D
2 (residual application of 2 kg ha
-1 boron in alternate year) in characters diameter of knob (8.30 cm), root length (25.93 cm) and knob cracking (0%). Days taken to harvestable maturity of knob (85.37 days) and knob cracking (10.27%) was found maximum in the control plots where no boron was applied.
The increase in yield
(Singh, 2004) and yield attributing characters is due to increased starch, soluble protein, specific activity of carbonic anhydrase, specific activity of acid phosphatase and ribonuclease in leaves and pods by interaction of residual amount of boron with applied recommended dose. This was also similar with the results of
Naik et al., (2023), who reported that soil application with Borax at various levels significantly influenced growth attributes, yield and economics of oats seed production.
Hamsa et al., (2012) recorded that higher amount of pods plant
-1 (25.66), highest pod length (12.8 cm) and higher pod yield (9871.55 kg ha
-1) in French bean due to residual boron application in a French bean-rice cropping system. The results of the investigation under study were in conformity with
Jena et al., (2009) in cabbage-okra cropping system,
Ganeshmurthy et al., (2014) in French bean-cabbage cropping system and
Jena et al., (2017) in rice-vegetable cropping system grown in inceptisols of Odisha.
Knob diameter, length of knob, volume of knob, weight of knob and total knob yield were significantly influenced by graded doses and frequency of boron application. It might be due to proper utilization of carbohydrates, proteins and accumulation of photosynthates and many functions like carbohydrate metabolism and enzyme activation
etc. by the supply of optimum level of boron. These findings are also confirmed with the earlier workers like
Pizetta et al., (2005) in cauliflower,
Supe and Marbhal (2008) in cabbage and
Shah et al., (2010) in knol-khol.
Increase in net weight of knob and knob yield due to boron application might be due to increase in gross weight of plant, knob diameter, knob length, knob volume and weight of knob as observed by
Shah et al., (2010) in knol-khol and also due to better availability of soil nutrients that produced healthy plant with large vegetative growth, which reflected in yield and yield attributing parameters and improvement of soil chemical and physical properties by using boron. These findings are also confirmed with
Singh et al., (2017) in broccoli.
Boron significantly improves the yield and yield attributing parameters of cole crops
(Singh, 2003). In Cole crops like knol-khol, cauliflower and broccoli, boron requirement is high so increased availability of boron has positive influence on knob yield. These results are in conformity with investigations of
Talukder et al., (2000) and
Noor et al., (2000) in cauliflower and
Ain et al., (2016) in broccoli. Therefore, it is very much essential to optimize the dose of boron for successful cultivation of cole crops.
Root length increases significantly by application of boron as it involves in indoleacetic acid oxidase activity, auxin synthesis, nucleic acid synthesis, nitrogen-based synthesis or utilization and involved in RNA metabolism. These findings are confirmation with the reports of
Abd El-All (2014) and
Ain et al., (2016) in broccoli.
Days taken for harvestable maturity of knob was significantly influenced by graded doses and frequency of boron application. It might be due to availability of boron that mainly ascribed to the process of plant growth regulations which has an influence on less days taken for harvestable maturity of knob. These findings are in confirmation with the reports of
Shah et al., (2010) in knolkhol,
Singh et al., (2015) and
Islam et al., (2015) in broccoli.
Knob cracking (%) was significantly influenced by insufficient supply of boron since boron is a constituent of cell membrane that is essential for cell division. In case of boron deficiency cell division ceases at the growing point leading to disorder like knob cracking in knol khol
(Shah et al., 2010).
Application of 1.5 kg ha
-1 boron every year significantly increase the values of diameter of knob, length of knob, volume of knob, weight of knob, root length, total knob yield and decrease the values of days taken for harvestable maturity of knob and knob cracking (%) over control in knolkhol (Table 1). These findings are in close conformity with earlier findings of
Hussain et al., (2012) and
Ain et al., (2016) in broccoli,
Kumar et al., (2012) in cauliflower but application of 2 kg ha
-1 boron every year significantly decreased the values of all yield attributing parameters except the values of days taken for harvestable maturity of knob and knob cracking (%), this might be due to toxic effects of excessive application of boron.
Residual application of graded doses and frequency of boron application exhibited noticeable influence in the economics of knol-khol cultivation comprising cost of cultivation, gross return, net return and B:C during the investigation (Table 3). Maximum involvement of cost was marked when 2 kg boron was applied under residual condition per ha every year (₹79862). The lowest cost of cultivation was incurred in rest treatments where boron was not applied in the period of investigation. Boron was not applied in 2017-18 in the treatments (T
1, T
2, T
3 and T
4) where boron was applied once in 2012-13 and also in treatments (T
5, T
6, T
7 and T
8) where, boron was applied in 2016-17
e. alternate year.
Application of boron @ 1.5 kg ha
-1 every year under residual condition recorded the highest gross return of (₹ 179776/-) whereas, the lowest gross return (₹ 94560/-) was obtained in control where no boron was applied. The highest net return of (₹ 100575/-) was also observed in the treatment where 1.5 kg boron (residual) was applied as compared to other treatments tried in the experiments. The highest gross return and net return was mainly due to higher total knob yield However the lowest net return was calculated to be (₹ 17344/-).
Highest B:C of 2.27 was observed in treatment where 1.5 kg boron (residual) was applied per ha every year where as the lowest B:C of 1.22 was observed in case of control where no boron was applied.
Mathew et al., (2013) reported that application of B @ 2.5 kg ha
-1 along with the recommended dose of N, P and K resulted in the highest net returns estimated in terms of B:C.
Kumar et al., (2012) observed that highest B:C (2.70) was obtained when boron was applied 1.5 kg ha
-1 along with 20 t ha
-1 FYM in cauliflower. Similar findings were also reported by
Shah et al., (2010) in knolkhol,
Naryanemma et al., (2009), Patil et al., (2013) in bitter gourd and
Kumar et al., (2010) in cauliflower.