Experimental site
The experiment was carried out during
Kuruvai (July-November) 2022 at Wetland farm, Department of Agronomy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. (11°N latitude and 77°E longitude, 426.7 m above mean sea level). The region located in Semi-Arid Tropics and belongs to the Western Agro-climatic zone of Tamil Nadu. The annual rainfall of Coimbatore is 731.5 mm distributed over 48 rainy days. The annual mean maximum and minimum temperatures are 31.5°C and 21.4°C, respectively. During the cropping season, 364 mm rainfall was received. The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were 30.72 °C and 23.4°C, respectively. The mean relative humidity in the morning and the afternoon was 83.32 per cent and 58 .44 per cent, respectively. The mean bright sunshine hour was 5.2 with mean solar radiation of 282.7 Cal. cm
-2 day
-1. The average evaporation was 5.42 mm day
-1. The relevant physical, physicochemical and chemical properties of the soil and weather conditions furnished in Table 1 and Table 1a.
Experimental design
The field study was carried out using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) in which the rice cultivation methods were evaluated. Five treatments
viz., T
1- 100% Saturation through drip irrigation, T
2 - 150% Saturation through drip irrigation, T
3 - 200% Saturation through drip irrigation, T
4 - SRI, T
5 - Conventional method were selected for this study. Each treatment was replicated four times. Treatments T
1, T
2, T
3 were cultivation of rice in aerobic method with drip irrigation. T
1 was irrigated automatically based on soil moisture sensor then irrigation duration was calculated. Based on T
1 duration T
2 and T
3 were irrigated 1.5×times and 2×times respectively. T
4 was irrigated based on alternate wetting and drying and continuous flooding was done in conventional method (T
Agronomic management
The experiment comprising three methods of cultivation
viz., aerobic method (T
1, T
2, T
3), SRI (T
4), conventional method (T
5). The rice variety CO 53 was used for the experiment. In the beginning of the season, aerobic plots were prepared by using five tyne cultivator as the primary cultivation followed by nine tyne cultivation + rotavator used to prepare fine seed bed. In SRI and conventional plots, five tyne cultivator was used as dry tillage followed by land soaking was done. After that puddling, land levelling and finally standing water was maintained for transplanting. For aerobic method dry seeds (75 kg ha
-1) were sown by hand dibbling at 3-cm depth with the spacing of 22.5 cm × 15 cm in unpuddled condition. Fourteen days old seedlings were transplanted (one seedling hill
-1) in puddled field at 25 × 25 cm spacing in SRI. In conventional method, transplanting (two to three seedling hill
-1) was done in a well puddled field on 22 DAS with the spacing of 20 × 10 cm. Pendimethalin at 1.0 kg a.i. ha
-1 was applied as pre-emergence on 3 DAS followed by early post emergence application of bispyribac sodium 25 g a.i. ha
-1 on 25 DAS. Later one hand weeding was done on 40 DAS in aerobic method. For SRI and conventional method, pretilachor @ 1.0 kg a.i. ha
-1 was applied as pre-emergence. Later, conoweeding was done from 10 days intervals,
i.e., 25, 35 and 45 DAT in both the directions in SRI. For conventional method one hand weed was done at 35 DAT. Recommended dose of fertilizer (150 :50: 50 kg N,P,K ha
1) was applied as per the TNAU crop production guide as blanket recommendation. Irrigation was applied through drip as per the treatments based on soil moisture sensor. In SRI irrigation was provided at 2.5 cm height and allowed for 2-3 days and the next irrigation was given immediately when hairline cracks developed. In conventional method irrigation was given at 2.5 cm height and stagnated in entire field up to 10 days before harvest. The recommended agronomic practices and standard plant protection techniques were followed in all the treatments. Harvesting was done after the crop attained physiological maturity.
Five plants were selected randomly from the net plot area of each treatment and tagged for recording growth and yield attributes throughout the crop growing period.
The mean values of each plot were recorded. The plant height was measured from the base of plant to the tip of the longest leaf up to panicle emergence after that plant height was measured from the base of the plant to the tip of the panicle during the flowering stage on 30, 60, 90 DAS and at harvesting stage. Leaf area index (LAI) is the ratio of leaf area to ground area. The length and breadth were measured from the third leaf from top on five tagged plants. The leaves were counted in the same tagged plants to get number of leaves per hill. Finally, the leaf area index was calculated using the following formula given by
Palaniswamy and Gomez (1974).
L- Length of the third leaf from top (cm).
B- Breadth of the third leaf from top (cm).
K- Constant (0.7).
For Drymatter production, three plants were uprooted from the destructive sampling rows at 30, 60, 90 DAS and at harvest. The uprooted plants were cleaned with care, shade dried and oven- dried in hot air oven at 70°C to a constant weight. From the starting of the flowering, the tillers with flowering were counted and the percentage of flowering was determined by dividing the flowered tillers with the total tillers. When it reaches 50 per cent, that day was noted as 50 per cent flowering.
Data analysis
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was evaluated using SPSS 16.0 software and Fisher’s least significant difference at a significance of P≤0.05 was used to compare the difference between means.