Mineral content of Okra genotypes and hybrids
Concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron were determined in genotypes and hybrids. The concentrations of these macro- and micronutrients, expressed as ìg of analyte per g of sample (μg /g) is shown in Table 1 and RSD values in Table 2. Fig 1 show regression curves for the concentrations obtained by obtained by ICP-MS for K, Ca, Fe, Na and Mg. The concentration of Na ranged from 80.29 to 184.91; Mg ranged from 5702.15 to 6530.76; K ranged from 2340.58 to 14613.52; Ca ranged from 103.74 to 273.58 and Fe ranged from 157.74 to 268.76. The genotype EC169474 was with the highest concentration of minerals Na (184.91 μg/g), K (14613.52 μg/g) and Fe (268.76 μg/g), while, EC169477 was found to have highest concentration of Mg (6530.76 μg/g) and Ca (273.58 μg/g). Comparatively, in hybrids, EC 169470 x EC169474 contains highest concentration of minerals Na (177.27 μg/g) and Ca (253.01 μg/g), EC169474 ´ EC169477 contains highest Mg (6301.74 μg/g) and hybrid EC169468 x EC169477 contains highest K (14412.99 μg/g) and Fe (246.51 μg/g). The genotype EC169470 was found to have the lowest concentration of the minerals Na, Mg, K and Fe, while, the hybrid EC 169474 x EC169477 has the lowest concentration of Ca.
In developing countries, deficiencies of minerals have become a major health concern, especially Fe, Zn and Iodine malnutrition impacts more
(Lockyer et al., 2018). Low intakes of minerals can have several negative health effects including stunting, anemia and cognitive impairments in children
(Gernand et al., 2016). Orphan crops like Okra are researched scarcely in relation to their nutritional biodiversity and hold a huge potential in terms of food and nutrition security. Also, they are reported to adapt in changing climatic conditions
(Baldermann et al., 2016; Van
Jaarsweld et al., 2014). Therefore, advances in science and technology that are related to the nutritional status of culturally significant orphan crops could significantly inform current and predicted future nutrition responses. In this study, the ICP-MS results differed significantly between the genotypes and hybrids for a range of minerals except K.
Gemede et al., (2016) revealed considerable differences for Ca, P, Mg, Fe and Zn among local accessions of Okra. In fact, genotypic differences along with environment and farming conditions have significant influence on elemental composition of okra in the Mediterranean region
(Petropoulos et al., 2018). In this study, the abundance of minerals follows the order: K>Mg> Fe>Ca>Na in both genotypes and hybrids. Similar order of abundance was observed by
Kehinde et al., (2015) except a drop in Mg and raise in Ca. Similar results have been reported by several studies
(Ferguson et al., 1989; Mitchikpe, 2007;
Kamga et al., 2013). However, in a nigerian study
(Kehinde et al., 2015), lower K content was reported.
Several authors have reported moderate amounts of Ca
(Kamga et al., 2013; Ponka et al., 2014; Del
valle et al., 2011) which is in accordance with our study. However, studies have also reported higher amount
(Petropoulos et al., 2018; El-Nahry et al., 1978) of Ca in okra pods and seeds and lower amount
(Kehinde et al., 2015, Ferguson et al., 1989) than what has been found in the present study. The elevation in Ca in the present study might be ascribed to the inclusion of seeds
(Alake, 2020;
Petropoulos et al., 2017; El-Nahry et al., 1978). As revealed in this study, okra is a good source of Magnesium (Mg). The same observation was made by
Mitchikpe (2007) in dried okra pod.
Green leaves are usually considered as the plant source of Fe
(Orech et al., 2007; Ayaz et al., 2006)). In our study, we found good amount of Fe in hybrids. Authors have reported levels of Fe in okra accessions
(Gemede et al., 2016; Avallone et al., 2007) similar to our study. Zinc is a co-factor for many enzymes and helps maintain structural integrity of proteins and reduce infections
(Salgueiro et al., 2000). Previous studies reported similar ranges for Zn in dried okra pods and okra based sauce
(Avallone et al., 2007; Avallone et al., 2008) as found in our study. Okra has really been found to be a reliable source of digestible zinc. Variable reported outcomes may be explained by different potentials for absorption and accumulation among varieties and genotypes
(Alake, 2020;
Ahiakpa et al., 2014). Soil, climatic conditions (geographic origin), seasonal fluctuations, physiological state and maturity and the use of agricultural pesticides are the main reasons of variation in nutritional composition. In addition to the role played by varietal and environmental variations, the inclusion of okra seeds, which make up about 13.5% of dried okra
(Gemede et al., 2016; Xu et al., 2020), which are a rich source of minerals
(El-Nahry et al., 1978; Alake, 2020), may be responsible for the difference in mineral profiles.
Cluster analysis
The mineral concentrations in okra samples were assessed using principal component and hierarchical cluster analysis. Scilab
(Campbell et al., 2010) was used to calculate scores and loadings. The loadings of the original variables in the first two principal components and the variance explained by each component, are given in Table 3. The first two principal components had substantial loadings for all five variables. They accounted for 99.99 % of total variance. The dominant variables for the first principal component (PC1) were K, Na, Ca and Fe, representing 98.95% of total variance. These four elements contributed most of the variability among the samples and were negatively correlated with PC1 (except K which is positively correlated). Examining loadings, K, Ca, Na and Fe were the dominant variables, with smaller contributions from Mg. The second principal component (PC2) accounted for 0.03% of total variance and included Mg as the dominant variable. Fig 2 shows a projection of the first two PCs on the genotypes and hybrids. The score plot depicts the major negative cluster with three most variable samples (EC169477, EC169470 and EC169470 x EC169474). As such, we can infer that the hybrids had the highest concentrations of all five elements when compared to the genotypes. This inference is corroborated by Table 1, which presents the concentration of each mineral in genotypes and hybrids.
As shown in Table 3, PC1 had large negative loadings to Na, Ca and Fe. Elements with high negative loadings showed the declines in hybrids generally with exceptions, while elements with positive loadings had the higher concentrations in hybrids. Thus, it was possible to differentiate the elements according to the variations observed in genotypes and hybrids. It is possible that distinct interactions within the okra macromolecules account for the various decreases seen in these minerals. These macromolecules might be found in the fibres, protein, or crude fat that make up 31.4%, 27% and 21.72%, respectively, of the structure of okra
(Jarret et al., 2011).
The samples EC169477, EC169470 and EC169470 x EC169474 separated from the main cluster in score plot (Fig 2). The high concentrations of Ca, Fe and Na meant the loadings for these elements were highly negative for this PC. This was confirmed, as these elements are shown in average concentrations in Table 3. The score plot reveals Ca, Fe and Mg concentrations higher in genotypes, while, Na and K concentrations higher in hybrids. Further, no tendency towards separation of genotypes and hybrids samples was observed in PC1 or PC2.
Fig 3 illustrates the dendrogram for the HCA results. The results were separated into two groups, at linkage distances between 1000 and 2000, which confirmed the result obtained in PCA: three clusters of points can be observed, separating EC169477 with rest of the samples. Other two clusters largely represent genotype and hybrid group, with exceptional grouping of EC169474 in hybrid cluster and EC169470 x EC169477 in genotype cluster. This shows that the samples in the two-dimensional projection (Fig 2) are even more separate in real space once the dendrograms are based on real distances between samples; principal component analyses are only projections.