Agricultural Science Digest

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Effect of Non-genetic Factors on Growth and Production Traits in Two Strains of Japanese Quails

Shubhankar Sharma1, Saroj Kumar Sahoo1,*, Shakti Kant Dash1, Prem Prakash Dubey1
1Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana-141 004, Punjabi, India.
Background: The growth of birds is a function of both genetics and environment involving change leading into improvement in weight, shape, size, volume, etc. Study of important non-genetic factors is important in view of formulating future selection and breeding strategies in different poultry species.

Methods: The present study was done on 1246 numbers of Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) of two strains i.e., black and white distributed in three generations during 2020-21. The fixed effects of gender, season of hatch, strain and generations on various fortnightly body weights (FNBW), average daily weight gain (ADWG), relative growth rate (RGR) and some production traits were studied.

Result: Significant (p≤0.01) differences in black and white strain as well as male and female quails for hatch weights were observed. The maximum ADG was during 4th to 6th wk whereas the RGR was highest during first fortnight (hatch-2nd wk). Significantly (p≤0.01) higher average egg weights (AEW) were observed in white quails. Part egg production (PEP) and AEWs were higher during summer and winter hatches, respectively. The present investigation elucidates the significance of different non-genetic factors on important growth and production performances for further selection in quails.
In poultry, Japanese quails are considered as the model organism for genetic studies which allow breeders for designing appropriate improvement programmes for other poultry species. Initial growth, age and weight at sexual maturity and egg production are major factors which draw particular attention in selection of the birds (Sezer et al., 2006). Several studies in past highlighted the importance of non-genetic factors on different performance traits in quails (Bagh et al., 2016, Chimezie et al., 2017, Taskin et al., 2017, Al-Kafajy et al., 2018, Haqani et al., 2021). However, these has to be reevaluated with time and place for making appropriate selection decisions pertaining to different environmental conditions. Accordingly, the present study was carried out for evaluating the effects on major growth and production traits in Japanese quails.
The present study were conducted on 681 black (508 female and 173 male) and 565 white (424 female and 141 male) plumage Japanese quails maintained at Poultry breeding farm under Directorate of Livestock Farms of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana during 2020-21.

Three generations of quails were raised (base, 1st and 2nd) and the information was collected/generate on Body weight (BW) at fortnightly intervals (hatch, 2nd, 4th, …… upto 20th week), average daily gain (ADG), relative growth rate (RGR), age at first egg (AFE), part egg production upto 20 weeks (PEP20WK) and average egg weight upto 12 and 12-20weeks of age (AEW12WK, AEW20WK).

Average daily gains (ADG) for the periods 0-2nd, 2nd-4th, 4th - 6th,.........., 18th-20th weeks were estimated using the formula:

W2= Body weight at the end of period.
W1= Body weight at the beginning of period.
N= No. of days from previous weight to present weight.

Relative growth rate (RGR) for the periods 0-2nd, 2nd- 4th, 4th-6th,.........., 18th-20th weeks were estimated using the formula:

W1= Body weight at the beginning of period.
W2= Body weight at the end of period.
Classification of data
The season of hatch were classified as winter (base Generation) from December to February, summer (1st Generation) from March to May and rainy/monsoon (2nd Generation) from June to August. The sex wise classification was male and female whereas the strains were classified as black and white.
Statistical analysis
Least squares analysis was done using SPSS software 22.0. Fixed effect model was used to study the effects of non-genetic factors on different fortnightly body weights (hatch, 2nd, 4th, ……20th week), ADG, RGR, AFE, PEP20WK, AEW12WK and AEW20WK records of Japanese Quails.
The following model was used:
Yijkl= m + Ai + Bj + Ck + eijkl
Yijk= BW/ADG/RGR/AFE/PEP20WK/AEW12WK/AEW20WK records of the lthindividual of kth strain, jth sex/gender and ith season of   hatch/generation.
m= Population mean.
Ai= Fixed effect of ith season of hatch/generation (i=1 to 3).
Bj = Fixed effect of jth sex/gender (j=1 to 2).
Ck= Fixed effect of kth strain (k=1 to 2).
eijk= Random error, assumed to be normally and independently distributed with mean zero and constant variance i.e. NID(0, σ2e).

The statistical significance of various fixed effects was determined by ‘F’ test. For significant effects, the differences between pairs of levels of effects were tested by Tukey’s HSD (Honest significant difference) test.
Fortnightly body weights
The least squares means for hatch weight of black and white plumage Japanese quails were 6.64±0.05 g and 7.39±0.06 g, whereas in male and female quails it was 7.01±0.07 g and 7.02±0.04 g, respectively (Table 1). The growth followed normal sigmoid pattern in both strains and sexes i.e., inflection phase (maximum growth) followed by almost steady (zero) growth rate after 18 wks of age. Our findings are supported by various researchers (Sezer et al., 2006; Devi et al., 2010; Bagh et al., 2016) who also observed gradual increase in body weight for both sexes and males were lighter as compared to female Japanese quails. Similarly, consistent increase in the mean body weights from hatch to 10th weeks was observed by Dash et al., (2018) in white and black Japanese quails. Previous studies have also reported significant effect of different color varieties (Rahman et al., 2010) and gender (Akbarnejad et al., 2015) on body weight in Japanese quails.

Table 1: Least squares means along with their standard errors for non-genetic factors affecting body weight at different ages in Japanese quails (0 d to 8 wk).

The maximum ADG was observed from 4th-6th wk of age i.e., 4.03±0.07g in black; 4.41±0.08 g in white; 4.34±0.06 g in female and 4.10±0.09 g in male quails. Similarly, the relative growth rate (RGR) was highest during the first fortnight (hatch-2nd wk) i.e., 141.14±0.65 g in black; 135.90±0.72 g in white; 139.57±0.53 g in female and 137.48±0.88 g in male Japanese quails. Similar finding for highest growth rate i.e., 3.02±0.11 g during 4th to 5th weeks was observed by Dauda et al., (2014). Devi et al., (2010) reported consistent increase in ADG of Japanese quails from 0 d to 4 wks of age. These results are supported by the findings of Narinc et al., (2014) at 5 weeks of age in 948 Japanese quails and RGR and ADG are reported as 1.90±0.63% SD and 3.56±0.84% SD, respectively. Elkomy et al., (2019) also reported RGR of 1060 quail chicks from 0 to 5 weeks of age ranged from 182.48 to 184.50% under different light colors.
Production traits
The values for the production traits i.e. age at first egg (AFE), part egg production upto 20 weeks (PEP20WK), average egg weight upto 12 weeks (AEW12WK) and average egg weight from 12-20 weeks of age (AEW20WK) were 57.68±0.78 and 57.40±0.87 days; 37.37±0.38 and 37.40±0.42 numbers; 10.13±0.07 and 10.85±0.08g; 10.55±0.05 and 11.10±0.05g; in black and white quails respectively (Table 2).

Table 2: Least squares means along with their standard errors for non-genetic factors affecting AFE, PEP20 wk, AEW12 wk, AEW12- 20 wk in Japanese quails.

Age at sexual maturity (ASM) of 45.82±0.22 days and 32.96±0.18 days in female and male Japanese quails, respectively were reported by Sezer et al., (2006). As per Devi et al., (2010) least squares means (LSM) of AFE, PEP upto 16th and 30th week were 56.26±0.51 days, 30.85±0.69 numbers and 73.02±1.44 numbers, respectively. Momoh et al., (2014) reported the LSM of AFE, avg. egg wt. and part egg production. (3 months) as 54.49±0.20 days, 8.43±0.06 g and 23.19±0.11 numbers, respectively in Japanese quails. Dauda et al., (2014) reported AFE as 54.49±0.20 days while WFE and BWFE were 7.83±0.08 g and 138.91±0.64 g, respectively.
Non-genetic factors affecting different growth and production performances
Effect of strains
The effect of strain on 2 wks body weight was non-significant whereas for all other fortnightly BWs it was highly significant (P≤0.01). Effect on ADGs was highly significant (P≤0.01) from 2nd to 6th, 8th to 12th and 14th to 20th wks of age. Similarly, highly significant (P≤0.01) effects of strains on RGRs were observed from hatch-2nd, 8th-10th and 14th to 20th wks of age. Non-significant effects on RGRs from 2nd to 8th and 10th to 14th wks of age were observed. For production traits, highly significant (P≤0.01) effect of strain on AEW12WK and AEW20WK was observed. Non-significant effect was observed on PEP20WK and AFE.

Devi et al., (2010) reported significant (p<0.01) influence of strain in Japanese quails. Varkoohi et al., (2010) also observed significant strain differences for BWs. Tarhyel et al., (2012) reported higher means (132.66±2.27 g) for albino than  normal colored quails (121.33±4.77g) and the difference was significant (p<0.05) for 5wk live weight. Significantly heavier body weights at 21, 28 and 35 days of age for brown strains and at hatch for white Japanese quails were reported by Mahmoud et al., (2014). Chimezie et al., (2017) reported significantly higher (P<0.05) egg weight in brown (10.53 g) as compared to black (9.95 g) and white (9.82 g) varieties of Japanese quails. Non-significant difference among varieties (grey, brown and white) for BWs during early ages was reported by Bagh et al., (2016). Monika et al., (2021) observed significant (p<0.01) effect of varieties and hatches on age at sexual maturity.
Effect of gender
The gender/sex effect for hatch, 2nd, 4th and 6th week of age were non-significant whereas from 8th to 20th wks was highly significant (P≤0.01). For ADGs from hatch up to 4th week and 10th-12th wks non-significant effect of gender was observed. For rest of the period during the study ADGs, significant (P≤0.05) and highly significant (P≤0.01) effect was noted. For RGRs, non-significant effect was observed from 10th-12th and 16th-18th wks, significant (P≤0.05) from hatch up to 6th and 12th-14th wks and highly significant (P≤0.01) from 6th up to 10th, 14th-16th and 18th-20th wks of age. The present findings for significant differential growth between two sexes of Japanese quail supports the earlier findings (Seizai et al., 2010; Devi et al., 2010). Tarhyel et al., (2012) reported significantly (p<0.05) higher 5wk body weight in females (134.73±2.93 g) than males (126.41±2.48 g). Similar findings of significant (p<0.01) sex effect on 5 week body weight was reported by Pourtorabi et al., (2017) where males (206.73±1.23 g) had comparatively lower body weights than females (215.03±1.39 g). Recently Haqani et al., (2021) reported non- significant effect of sex on hatch weight across generations. However, significant differences were observed at 1wk in different generations with the exception of F1 (NS♀× LS♂) generation.
Effect of season of hatch/generation
In the present study, hatches were taken in winter (base generation), summer (1st gen.) and monsoon (2nd gen.) seasons. Winter hatched chicks were heavier as compared to summer and monsoon hatches. Overall, in exception to hatch, 16th and 18th wk weights, season effect for rest of fortnightly body weights were highly significant (P≤0.01). The effect of season was highly significant (P≤0.01) for most of the ADGs. Similarly, with the exception of 12th-14th and 16th-18th wks, season effect was significant (P≤0.05) or highly significant (P≤0.01) on the RGRs. Season effect for AFE and AEW12WK were non-significant whereas significantly higher AEW12-20WK for winter hatches were observed. Higher body weight gain in winter months may be attributable due to less stress, higher body metabolism leading to higher feed intake.

Significant (p<0.05) hatch effect on mean body weights were observed by Devi et al., 2010. Gopinathan et al., (2013) reported highly significant (p<0.01) effect of season of hatch on average daily gain (ADG) which was lowest in the summer and highest during monsoon season and in agreement with our study. Significant effect of line on both egg number and ASM was reported by Farrag (2011) which preferred the selected line for egg production but for egg weight, no effect was found. Nath et al., (2011) reported significantly lower ASM (46.2 vs 52.4 day) and higher 16wk egg weight (13.78vs12.66 g) and higher egg production for selected over control population.

Ashok and Prabakran (2012) reported significant (P<0.01) effect of generation on body weights at different ages barring 2nd week in Japanese quail. Manaa et al., (2015) reported the highest ADG value of 5.22 g for 3rd to 4th week in 1st generation, whereas for 2nd generation the value was highest from 2nd to 3rd weeks (5.13 g). Significant generation effects for body weight as well as egg production traits were also observed by Mahmoud et al., (2014). Significant (P<0.05) differences in egg weight and birth weight through generations has been reported by El-Deen et al., 2015. As per Taskin et al., (2017) body weight through different generations varied significantly (P<0.01) barring the parental generations. In divergent selected lines significant generation difference were found by Yamani et al., (2020) for weekly body weights up to three generations of Japanese quail.
There was significant difference (p≤0.01) in the hatch weight of black and white plumage Japanese quails and white plumage quails have a better growth as compared to the black ones in different fortnightly weeks. The females have a higher body weight as compared to the males which was significant (p≤0.01) for most of the fortnightly weeks. For the early fortnightly weeks the growth was higher in the winter hatches as compared to summer and monsoon hatches. The maximum ADG was observed from 4th -6th wk of age (3.69 to 4.25 g) in both black and white as well as male and female quails and a gradual and steady decline was observed afterwards. The RGR in both females and male as well as black and white quails was highest during the first fortnight (hatch-2nd wk) (132 to 141 g) and a gradual and steady decline was observed afterwards. The white quails had significant higher (p≤0.01) AEW12WK and AEW12-20WK than the black quails. PEP20WK was higher for summer hatches, whereas AEW12-20WK was higher for winter and monsoon hatches than the summer hatches.

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