Effect of P-activators on Olsen P
Soil phosphorus at different critical stages of the crop showed a significant difference among the treatments, as shown in Fig 1. The available phosphorus status of soil showed a decreasing trend along the crop growth stages due to the uptake of P by the crop. Among the different P-activator combinations, the farmyard manure and humic acid application showed the higher available phosphorus in all the stages. The treatment T3 (FYM+HA with 100% soil test dose of P) showed higher mean soil available P (18.54 kg ha
-1), but it was statistically comparable with T
6 (FYM+HA with 75% soil test dose of P). The treatment T
3 and T6 recorded a 50.48% and 49.58% increase in soil available P over the control.
Kaleeswari et al., (2007) reported that the decomposition of organic manure releases organic acid, which decreases adsorption and fixation. The organic acid is also involved in the complexing of Calcium, resulting in increased P release from the calcium phosphate fraction. The increased solubilisation of organic acids is due to the drop in soil pH, soil cations chelating and competition with phosphate for adsorption sites in the soil solution
(Singh et al., 2022). The addition of humic acid to alkaline soil significantly increased the water-soluble phosphate and strongly retarded the formation of occluded phosphate by creating the competition between the humic acid and phosphorus for soil sorption sites
(Yang et al., 2019).
Effect of P-activators on P-activation response
P-activation response (PAR) is an important indicator of soil P availability and the transformation of P-fractions. P- Activation Response of different P activators was calculated from the available P content of treated and control soil. The mean PAR of different treatments is given in Fig 2. The application of farmyard manure and humic acid with a 100% soil test dose of P (T
3) showed a higher PAR (1.04), which was statistically comparable with T
6 ( FYM+HA with 75% soil test dose of P) (1.01).
Yang et al. (2018) reported a higher PAR on the addition of organic acids in soil. The activating capability of Pi increased by the addition of organic acids in soil due to the acidification effect of the protons on the fixed P pools. The activation response varies for each P- activator based on its activation mechanism, soil properties, type and amount used. The higher P- activation response indicates that more P is available for plant growth. PAR represents the degree of difficulty with which the transformation between the different P fractions and available P occurs
(Yang et al., 2019). Sun et al., (2018) reported a higher PAR in the fertilizer applied treatments. The Olsen P and P-activation responses are positively related to the P- balance. The PAC depends on the P geochemical fraction and the PAC was correlated with most Pi fractions. Among the different inorganic pools, the labile pool can easily be activated and transformed into a biologically available P pool
(Wu et al., 2017).
Effect of P-activators on maize yield and P uptake
The grain and stover yield of maize were recorded at the harvest stage and are given in Table 2. Their P uptake was calculated and depicted in Fig 3. The application of farmyard manure and humic acid with a 100% soil test dose of P (T
3) showed a higher grain yield (6613 kg ha
-1) with P uptake of 9.98 kg ha
-1 and stover yield (9814 kg ha
-1) with P uptake of 14.67 kg ha
-1, which was statistically comparable with T6 (FYM+HA with 75% soil test dose of P). Similar results were observed by
Sikka et al., (2018). The FYM application with a full and reduced dose of P fertilizer showed a similar yield, biomass production and P uptake. Under the conditions of reduced soil fertility, the combined application of P fertilizer and FYM are most effective because the supply of nutrients from both sources is additive.
Shafi et al., (2020) reported a higher grain, straw yield of wheat and maximum harvest index of 43% in FYM, humic acid and fertilizer amended plots. The results revealed that the application of P with HA decreases the P-fixation and increases the water-soluble P availability to plants by making its soluble complexes and its uptake improves the storage of photosynthates in the plants. The addition of humic acid and FYM have direct as well as indirect effects on crop growth and yield, as they play an essential role in supplying and cycling nutrients in the soil and releasing the insoluble pool by its solubilising effect under the P-deficit conditions
(Hussain et al., 2021; Kumawat et al., 2021). The FYM and humic acid, besides releasing their own nutrient, increases the nutrient use efficiency of applied inorganic fertilizers as well as solubilises the fixed pool of nutrients in the soil, thereby promoting the crop growth and yield
(Venketesh et al., 2019).