Economics of groundnut
The cost of cultivation of groundnut crop is presented in Table 1. The table shows that the cost of cultivation of groundnut was increasing with the farm size. Large farms occur on the highest cost (53066.54 Rs. per ha.) as compared to the medium farms (51759.54 Rs. per ha.), small farms (48921.48 Rs. per ha.) and marginal farms (46336.88 Rs. per ha.). The overall cost of cultivation was observed that 50374.09 Rs. per hectare.
The higher cost of production of groundnut was the reason for the use of higher numbers of human labours, improved plant protection materials and costly nutrients management in the cultivation.
The overall human labour cost incurred in groundnut was 13342.84 Rs. per ha. and is increasing with farm size such as labour cost for marginal, small, medium and large farm size is 12254.71 Rs. per ha., 12891.67 Rs. per ha., 13563.98 Rs. per ha. and 14249.02 Rs. per ha., respectively. The overall seed charge was 8136.42 Rs. per ha. followed by manures and fertilizer cost 4610.93 Rs per ha., bullock and machinery charge was 2724.56 Rs. per ha., plant protection cost 1434.48 Rs. per ha. and irrigation charge 379.36 Rs. per hectare. The overall fixed cost was observed that 18732.89 Rs. per ha. and it includes in rental value of owned land (16975 Rs. /ha.), depreciation (520.47 Rs. /ha.) and land revenue (11.90 Rs. /ha.).
Cost on the basis of cost concept
The cost on the basis of the cost concept is described in Table 2. The table is clearly shows that all costs were found in an increasing pattern. The table shows that the overall cost of Cost-A
1, Cost- A
2, Cost-A
2+FL, Cost-B
1, Cost-B
2, Cost-C
1, Cost-C
2 and Cost-C
3 was 26860.21 Rs. per ha., 26860.21 Rs. per ha., 32173.57 Rs. per ha., 28085.74 Rs. per ha.,45060.74 Rs. per ha., 33399.15 Rs. per ha., 50374.15 Rs. per ha. and 55411.56 Rs. per hectare, respectively. Cost-A
1 consists of all variable costs, land revenue and depreciation, if added the rent paid for lease in the land then is defined as Cost-A
2. The Cost-A
1 and Cost-A
2 were found the same because none of the sampled farmers used the land for lease.Cost-A
2+FL is the summation of Cost-A
2 and family labour cost. The table shows the increasing pattern Cost-A
2+FL with farm size. Cost-C
2 is observed on the imputed value of family labour and Cost-B
2. Cost-C
3 is estimated on a managerial cost of 10 percent of Cost-C
2 performed by farmers and Cost-C
Yield, cost and returns of groundnut crop
Table 3 is presented the yield and cost of production per quintal of groundnut crop. The overall main yield and by-product yield of groundnut were 15.94 quintals per hectare and 18.34 quintals per hectare. The main yield increases with farm size such as 14.87 quintals per ha., 15.80 quintals per ha., 16.20 quintal per ha. and 16.56 quintal per hectare for marginal, small, medium and large farms, respectively. The overall cost of production of groundnut crop was Rs. 3159.47 per quintal. The cost of production of marginal farmers and medium farmers was estimated higher than small farmers. The overall cost of cultivation was Rs. 50374.15 per hectare and it increases with farm size.
The overall gross returns were observed to be Rs. 75451.38 per hectare. The gross and net income increase with farm size. The net income of marginal farms, small farms, medium farms and large farms was Rs. 24496 per ha., Rs. 26732.23 per ha., Rs. 29455.36 per ha. and Rs. 30158.30 per hectare respectively. The overall net income was Rs. 28010.10 per hectare. The overall input-output ratio observed as 1:1.50, varied from marginal farms 1:1.46, small farms 1:1.50, medium farms 1:1.51 and large farms 1:1.51.
Return over costs of groundnut crop
Return over costs is presented in Table 4. The return over cost A1 and cost A1 of medium farmers were higher than other farm sizes while return over cost C2 (return over cost of cultivation) was observed increasing with the farm size. The return over cost C2 per hectare of marginal, small, medium and large were Rs. 21392.39, Rs. 24320.48, 26407.45 and 27009.35, respectively.