Agricultural Science Digest

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Agricultural Science Digest, volume 42 issue 5 (october 2022) : 604-609

Nodule Parameters, Quality and Nutrient Uptake of Vegetable Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata (L.) Verdcourt] as Influenced by Foliar Application of Macro and Micro-nutrients

R.K. Krishnasree1, Raj K. Sheeja1, Pillai P. Shalini1, G.V. Kavitha2, D. Jacob3, K. Prathapan4, Seethal Rose Chacko1,*
1Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram-695 522, Kerala, India.
2Coconut Research Station, Balaramapuram, Thiruvananthapuram- 695 501, Kerala, India.
3OFR Centre, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram-695 522, Kerala, India.
4D.Y. Patil Agricultural Technical University, Talsande, Kolhapur-416 112, Maharashtra, India.
Cite article:- Krishnasree R.K., Sheeja K. Raj, Shalini P. Pillai, Kavitha G.V., Jacob D., Prathapan K., Chacko Rose Seethal (2022). Nodule Parameters, Quality and Nutrient Uptake of Vegetable Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata (L.) Verdcourt] as Influenced by Foliar Application of Macro and Micro-nutrients . Agricultural Science Digest. 42(5): 604-609. doi: 10.18805/ag.D-5532.
Background: Legumes are one of the major sources of dietary proteins for the people of India and is an inevitable component of vegetarians’ diet. Among them cowpea pods and seeds are rich source of protein and accrue delicacy in cuisines. Adequate amounts of fertilizers applied through most effective and economic means can raise productivity and profitability of cowpea cultivation. Hence the present study was formulated with an objective to study the effect of water-soluble macro and micro nutrient fertilizers on nodulation, quality and nutrient uptake of vegetable cowpea. 

Methods: Field experiment was conducted at Coconut Research Station, Balaramapuram during the period from 12 November 2020 to 31 January 2021. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with 13 treatments in 3 replications. The treatments comprised of recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) as control and RDF + foliar application of NPK 19:19:19 (0.5%) or potassium nitrate (0.5%) alone or in combination with ZnSO4 (0.05 %) and solubor (0.025%). 

Result: Foliar nutrition of micro and macro nutrients had significant effect on nodulation, quality and nutrient uptake. Foliar nutrition of 19:19:19 resulted in the production of higher number of nodules than KNO3. Among the treatments, RDF (20:30: 10 kg NPK ha-1) +  foliar application of 19:19:19 (0.5% ) + solubor (0.025% ) at 45 DAS resulted in higher number of nodules and nodule fresh weight per plant, however higher number of effective nodules was recorded in RDF + foliar nutrition of 19:19:19 (0.5%) alone at 45 DAS.  The highest uptake of N, P and K by the crop was also recorded in RDF + foliar application of 19:19:19 (0.5%) + solubor (0.025%) at 45 DAS. Zinc uptake was the highest in RDF + foliar application of KNO3 (0.5%) 45 and 60 DAS and B uptake was the highest in RDF + foliar application of KNO3 (0.5%) + solubor (0.025%) at 45 DAS. The highest crude protein content was recorded in RDF + foliar nutrition of 19:19:19 (0.5%) + ZnSO4 (0.05%) and solubor (0.025%) at 45 DAS fb 19:19:19 (0.5%) at 60 DAS. The treatment, RDF + foliar application of 19:19:19 (0.5%) + solubor (0.025%) at 45 DAS resulted in the highest number of pods and green pod yield per plant in bush type vegetable cowpea.
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata L.) is an important pulse crop of the country having varied utilities ranging from food, feed, green manuring and soil and water conservation. It is an inevitable component of any sustainable cropping system but receives low attention in terms of monetary as well as human inputs. Proper fertilizer management can give optimal benefits in terms of yield and economics. Foliar fertilization is a new arena of efficient nutrient management. It is now gaining importance in plant nutrition for enhancing the production and productivity of crops. Foliar application of nutrients is better than soil application during periods of acute shortage of nutrients and nutrient imbalances (Malhotra, 2016). Foliar application cannot substitute soil application but can efficiently supplement it.
Dey et al., (2017) observed a significant increase in the number of nodules per plant in cowpea owing to foliar application of KCl (2%) alone or in combination with urea (2%). Singhal et al., (2016) observed an improvement in the protein content of cowpea seeds in response to foliar application of 0.5 per cent 19:19:19, 1 per cent urea and 2 per cent DAP. In lima bean, foliar application of 0.5 per cent 19:19:19 at  three stages (branching, 50% flowering and pod development stage) along with RDF (25:50:25 kg NPK ha-1) recorded the highest protein content (21.7 per cent) (Shruthi and Vishwanath, 2018). Foliar application of 0.5 per cent ZnSO4 at 25 and 45 DAS significantly increased the seed protein content of cluster bean (Selvaraj and Prasanna, 2012). Rahman et al., (2020) reported an increase in protein content of okra seed due to foliar application of 0.2 per cent borax. Foliar application of 0.5 per cent 19:19:19 and 2 per cent DAP resulted in higher uptake of P in cowpea compared to control, whereas higher N uptake was observed in foliar application of 0.5 per cent 19:19:19 (Singhal et al., 2016). Plant tissue analysis showed a higher nutrient content of N, P, K, Zn and B in tomato as a result of foliar application of Zn 100 mg L-1 as zinc sulphate at 40, 50 and 60 DAT compared to control (Bhatt and Srivastava, 2006). Foliar application of B 2 mg L-1 enhanced the B, Zn, P and K content of cowpea (Salih, 2013). Yadav et al., (2018) reported that foliar application of 0.3 per cent B significantly enhanced the B content of tomato fruits.
A field experiment was conducted at Coconut Research Station, Balaramapuram, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala during Rabi 2020 to study the effect of foliar nutrition of water soluble 19:19:19, KNO3, ZnSO4 and solubor on nodulation, quality, nutrient uptake in bush vegetable cowpea. The soil of the experimental site was sandy loam in texture with medium soil fertility status, acidic in soil reaction (pH 4.71) and normal in electrical conductivity (0.04 d S m-1). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with 13 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment details are presented in Table 1. The bush vegetable cowpea cultivar Bhagyalekshmi was sown in plot size of 3.6 m × 3.6 m at spacing of 30 cm × 15 cm. Seeds primed in ZnSO4 (0.05%) for 4 h were used for sowing. Farm yard manure was applied @ 20 t ha-1. Lime @ 250 kg ha-1 was uniformly applied to all plots at the time of last ploughing. The crop was fertilized with recommended dose of fertilizers (20:30:10 kg NPK ha-1) (KAU, 2016). Foliar application was made according to the treatments. Nodule parameters were assessed at 60 DAS by randomly uprooting five plants from outside the net plot area by keeping the roots intact. The roots of the uprooted plants were washed in clean water and soil adhered to the roots were removed without causing any damage to the nodules. Nodules were then carefully detached from the roots of each plant and the numbers were recorded. The average was worked out and expressed as no. per plant. Nodules detached from each plant were weighed separately. Then the average was worked out and expressed as g per plant. Nodules were examined for colour by cutting with a sharp blade. The nodules with pink colour were identified as effective nodules and expressed as no. per plant. The pod and haulm of the observation plants at harvest stage were analysed for the total N, P, K, Zn and B content. The samples were shade dried initially for two days and then dried in hot air oven at 65±5°C to constant weight, ground and used for analysis. The required quantities of samples were weighed out accurately, subjected to single acid digestion for determining the N content and di-acid digestion for determining the P, K, Zn and B content by standard procedures recommended for each nutrient. Nutrient content was multiplied with the respective dry matter production to obtain the nutrient uptake and was expressed in kg ha-1. Uptake by pod and haulm were determined separately and both were added to get the total uptake of N, P, K, Zn and B by the crop. Protein content of tender pods was determined by multiplying the N content of the pod with the factor 6.25 (Simpson et al.,1965). Number of green tender pods harvested from the observation plants in each harvest were recorded and the average was worked out and expressed as number of pods per plant. Green pods harvested from the net plot area in each treatment were weighed and recorded at each harvest, pooled, average was calculated and expressed as kg ha-1. Analysis of variance technique for RBD (Cochran and Cox, 1965) was used for the statistical analysis of the experimental data and the significance was tested using F test.

Table 1: Treatment details.

Effect on nodule parameters
Foliar application of macro and micro nutrients significantly enhanced the nodule parameters compared to T1 (RDF) (Table 2). Significantly lower number of total nodules, effective nodules and fresh nodule weight observed in T1 might be due to the death and decay of bacteroid in nodules. The result is in consonance with the observations of Das and Jana (2015) who observed that active nodulation in pulses stopped at 45-50 DAS due to the decay and disintegration of nodules. It was also observed from the results that higher number of nodules, effective nodules and nodule fresh weight were recorded in the treatments involving the foliar application of 19:19:19 compared to treatments receiving the foliar spray of KNO3. It might be due to the role of P in nodule formation as an energy source and its favorable effect on root development, photosynthesis and transport of photosynthates from roots to leaves. Role of P in stimulating the formation of nodules and nodule growth was reported by Miao et al., (2007). Higher number of nodules, effective nodules and nodule fresh weight were observed in the treatments T2, T4, T5 and T6. This might be due to better root development and transport of photosynthates from leaves to roots owing to the favourable influence of foliar application of 19:19:19, Zn and B in nodulation in leguminous plants. Deficiency of B caused significant reduction in nodule number (Zehirov and Georgiev, 2003). Similar to that of B, Zn had a prominent role in cell division, expansion of cell and formation of cell wall (Balyan and Singh, 1994) and transport of sucrose from leaves to root nodules (Udvardi and Poole, 2013) and is actively involved in the biosynthesis of leghaemoglobin (Das et al., 2012). Singh and Bhatt (2013) reported an increase in nodule number and weight due to foliar nutrition of Zn in lentil. Yashona et al., (2018) observed a positive response in nodulation in chickpea, cluster bean, mung bean, soybean and pigeon pea due to foliar application of Zn. Increase in the number of effective nodules and nodule weight due to foliar application of Zn and B was reported by Meena et al., (2017). Bhavya et al., (2020) observed that higher number of nodules per plant in green gram was recorded in foliar application of 19:19:19 at 30 and 45 DAS. The variations in total number, effective nodules and nodule weight were observed among the treatments (T2 to T13) might be due to the variations in the physicochemical properties of the soil, nutrient availability and also the variation in the root spread and development. Zahran (1999) revealed that soil and environmental factors significantly influenced the nodulation and infectivity rate of rhizobia.

Table 2: Effect of foliar nutrition of macro and micro nutrients on nodule parameters.

Nutrient uptake
Compared to RDF alone, RDF + foliar nutrition  resulted in higher nutrient uptake by crop (Table 3). Results are in line with the findings of Krishna and Kaleeswari (2018) who observed that foliar application of macro and micro nutrients enhanced the NPK uptake by crop. Frizts (1978) opined that repeated application of small units of foliar macro and micro nutrients stimulated the plant metabolism leading to higher uptake of nutrients via roots. Nutrient uptake by a crop is the function of nutrient content and dry matter production. The increased availability of nutrients due to foliar application might have positively influenced the physiological processes leading to higher DMP (Tabassum et al., 2013). RDF + foliar application of 19:19:19 (0.5%) + solubor (0.025 %) resulted in higher uptake of N:P:K. Results are in consonance with the findings of Mahdule and Sale (2018) who found that foliar application of B resulted in higher N and K uptake. Adequate availability of B enhances K uptake (Thakur et al., 2019). A synergistic effect of B on K uptake was reported by Pathak (2012). Gangwar and Dubey (2012) observed an increase in K uptake due to foliar application of B in groundnut. Treatment plots receiving foliar application of Zn showed lower uptake of P. This might be due to the antagonistic effect of P and Zn (Singh and Bhatt, 2013).

Table 3: Effect of foliar nutrition on N, P, K, Zn and B uptake (kg ha-1) by bush type vegetable cowpea.

Uptake of Zn and B was also significantly affected by foliar nutrition (Table 3). It was observed from the results that B uptake was found to be higher in the treatments receiving KNO3 due to the synergistic effect of K and B. The highest uptake of B was recorded in T11. Better availability of B and positive interaction with K resulted in higher uptake of B in T11. Rehman et al., (2014) revealed that B application significantly improved the B content in leaves and stem of rice plant. Yadav et al., (2018) reported that foliar application of B 0.3 per cent significantly enhanced the B content of tomato fruits. Significantly higher uptake of Zn noticed in T9 might be due to higher Zn content registered in the treatment. Higher availability of Zn in the soil might also have contributed to higher Zn uptake.

Table 3: Effect of foliar nutrition on N, P, K, Zn and B uptake (kg ha-1) by bush type vegetable cowpea.

Effect on yield
Compared to RDF alone (T1), RDF + foliar application of macro and micro nutrients had significant effect on pods per plant and green pod yield (Table 4). Treatment T5 recorded the highest number of pods per plant and it was statistically on par with T2, T6 and T11. Green pod yield per hectare also followed the same trend. A yield enhancement of 55 percentage was observed in T5 over T1. Higher pod yield observed in these treatments was due to the production of greater number of pods per plant. The lowest number of pods per plant and green pod yield was recorded in treatment T1. The highest number of pods per plant in T5 resulted in higher green pod yield in T5. Premsekhar and Rajashree (2009) reported that foliar application of 19:19:19 significantly enhanced the number of fruits in tomato. Higher number of pods per plant and green pod yield observed in T5 and T11 might also be due to the favorable influence of B in enhancing the fruit setting percentage by promoting the germination of pollen and elongation of pollen tube (Narayanamma et al., 2009). It might also be due to the role of B in carbohydrate metabolism (Haque et al., 2011) and consequent enhancement in the supply of carbohydrate for flower formation and fruit set (Desouky et al., 2009) and decrease in flower drop (Smit and Combrink, 2005). The results obtained are in consonance with the observations of Bharati et al., (2018) who reported that foliar nutrition of B significantly improved the number of fruits per plant in bitter gourd and tomato respectively.

Table 4: Effect of foliar nutrition on number of pods per plant, yield and crude protein content of pods.

Effect on quality
Crude protein content of the pod was significantly influenced by foliar application of macro and micro nutrients (Table 4). The highest protein content was recorded in T7 (33.5%) and it was on par with treatments T2 and T5. Higher N content of the pod as evident from the data on N uptake by pod (Table 2) might have accelerated the synthesis of proteins. Yadav et al., (2014) also showed an increase in protein content of curd in cauliflower due to foliar application of N. The biosynthesis of enzymes nitrate reductase and glutamine synthase that are responsible for the integration of N into amino acid during protein synthesis was stimulated under higher availability of N (Cai et al., 2008). Higher protein content in T7 was also attributed to the role of B and Zn in the synthesis of protein and translocation of assimilates. Plants require boron for the synthesis of amino acids (Dyar and Webb, 1961). Gowthami et al., (2018) reported that foliar application of B enhanced the protein content in soybean. Suman (2018) revealed that foliar application of Zn and B enhanced the N metabolism leading to increase in the protein content of rice grain. Zinc plays a major role in the translocation of starch from source to sink and N metabolism. Hence, adequate availability of Zn improved the quality of seed (Taliee and Sayadian, 2000). Shruthi et al., (2013) revealed that foliar application of water-soluble fertilizers enhanced the protein content of pod. Treatments which received 19:19:19 registered higher protein content than those received KNO3. It might be attributed to the fact that P is highly essential for the synthesis of proteins. Phosphorus was required for two processes of protein synthesis i.e., activation of amino acid and termination of carbon in m-RNA of polypeptide releasing factors (Krishna and Kaleeswari, 2018). Better availability of metabolites for protein synthesis improved the translocation of nutrients from source to sink which ultimately increased the protein content. Hence, higher the availability of P and N greater is the protein content of pods. The lowest protein content was recorded in T13 and it was on par with treatments T1, T9, T11, T10 and T12.
Foliar nutrition of macro and micro nutrients enhanced the nodulation, number of pods per plant, NPK uptake, green pod yield and crude protein content in bush type vegetable cowpea. RDF + foliar nutrition of 19:19:19 (0.5%) + solubor (0.025%) at 45 DAS resulted in higher number of nodules and nodule fresh weight per plant, the highest uptake of N, P and K by crop, pods per plant and green pod yield with higher crude protein content. Hence, RDF (20:30: 10 kg NPK ha-1) + foliar nutrition of 19:19:19 (0.5%) + solubor (0.025%) at 45 DAS could be recommended for higher green pod yield in bush type vegetable cowpea.

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